Automated Safe and Efficient Transport System
Research Project, 2015
– 2017
This project aim is to build a safe and efficient transport system that have the possibility to function both in confined areas and on public roads. The system shall work with support, or without support from different infrastructure system such as GPS and WLAN. In underground mine there will be WLAN but no GPS. With a refuse truck system there will be GPS but no WLAN. Since there is different companies that supplies the transport control room functionality and the transport vehicles there will be insured that the interface between the these parts is something that can be a first draft for a general interface between autonomous vehicles and system control functionality. This will increase the possibility for further researched projects whit different suppliers of both vehicles and system control functionality. The participants of Volvo, Saab Combitech, Boliden Minerals, Renova and Chalmers ensure a cross-industrial cooperation between industry and university. This project will use an agile development process with iterations.
Mattias Wahde (contact)
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Boliden Mineral AB
Boliden, Sweden
Linköping, Sweden
Renova Miljö AB
Göteborg, Sweden
Volvo Group
Gothenburg, Sweden
Project ID: 2015-00612
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2017
Project ID: 2015-00611
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2017
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Areas of Advance