New results for classical stochastic population models
Research Project, 2015 – 2017

Sagitov S. Regenerative multi-type Galton-Watson processes. Submitted (August 2017).

Lindo A. and Sagitov S. General linear-fractional branching processes with discrete time. Stochastics 90 (2018) in press.

Sagitov S. and Minuesa C. Defective Galton-Watson processes. Stochastic models 33 (2017) in press.

Sagitov S. and France T. Limit theorems for pure death processes coming down from infinity. J. Appl. Prob. 54 (2017) in press.

Sagitov S. Tail generating functions for extendable branching processes. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 217 (2017) 1649-1675.

Sagitov S. and Lindo A. A special family of Galton-Watson processes with explosions. In Branching Processes and Their Applications. Lect. Notes Stat. Proc. (I.M. del Puerto et al eds.) Vol. 219 (2016) pp 237-254, Springer, Berlin.


Serik Sagitov (contact)

Chalmers, Mathematical Sciences, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Alexey Lindo

Mathematical Statistics


Mathematical Sciences

Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2017

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