Teaching, Training and Transforming Assembly with Collaborative and Social Robots (T3CR)
Research Project, 2018 – 2019

Collaborative robots have been on the market for more than five years, but the impact on Sw edish production, especially end-fitting, is awaiting. In the final assembly it is often manual work today and much is done based on long experience. There is a great potential for increasing quality both on product and in the working environment for the operators. With about twenty percent of the product's final price, there is both time and money to save through increased automation. The T3CR project aims to increase the return of collaborative and social robots by training and training operators in a new way. T3CR wants to increase motivation to use robots and raise aw areness about the potential of robots through gamebased
learning and virtual training. Under Step 1, therefore, a strategy and consortium will be put together for a first initiation. Experience in research and applications within collaborative and social robots can be found in the consortium but combining them with a product has not been done before. Further, game platforms will be used in all three parts to increase the motivation to learn and share their know ledge with the rest of organization. Research and applications within this area are also within the group but not in combination with industrial robots. Step 2 will test and validate the products built under Steps 1 and 2, first in the lab environment and academy and then within industry and institutes. At the end of Step 2 and in Step 3, an internationalization will be done as contacts with foreign companies and academia are already linked.


Åsa Fasth Berglund (contact)

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems

Dan Li

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems


Insert Coin AB

Göteborg, Sweden


Kista, Sweden



Project ID: 2018-03425
Funding Chalmers participation during 2018–2019

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