Next Generation energy storage, part 2
Research Project, 2020 –

The overreaching goal of the project is to pave the way for next generation energy storage technology targeted for electric vehicle applications. The prime example is LiS-technology which can provide at least 3-5 times higher energy density combined with improved sustainability compared to the Li-ion batteries used today. This
project includes cell design for larger cells meeting the needs of end users, i.e. car and truck manufacturers, analysis of suitable usage patterns (charge/discharge patterns, rates, etc.), upscaling issues, and sustainability assessment. Participants in the project Carmen Cavallo and/or Shizhao Xiong.


Aleksandar Matic (contact)

Chalmers, Physics, Materials Physics

Carmen Cavallo

Condensed Matter Physics

Shizhao Xiong

Chalmers, Physics, Materials Physics



Funding Chalmers participation during 2020–

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