Shizhao Xiong
Showing 52 publications
Electrochemical Signatures of Potassium Plating and Stripping
Research progress on optimized membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries
Relaxation of Stress Propagation in Alloying-Type Sn Anodes for K-Ion Batteries
Study of the Corrosion Behavior of Cathode Current Collector in LiFSI Electrolyte
Role of Interfacial Defects on Electro–Chemo–Mechanical Failure of Solid-State Electrolyte
Mechanical Failure of Solid-State Electrolyte Rooted in Synergy of Interfacial and Internal Defects
Morphology evolution of electrodeposited lithium on metal substrates
A Dual-Functional Electrolyte Additive for High-Performance Potassium Metal Batteries
Quantifying Degradation Parameters of Single-Crystalline Ni-Rich Cathodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Failure Mechanisms of Solid-State Electrolytes
Stable Solid Electrolyte Interphase for Long-Life Potassium Metal Batteries
Ion Dynamics and Nanostructures of Diluted Ionic Liquid Electrolytes
Polysulfide Speciation and Migration in Catholyte Lithium−Sulfur Cells
Diffusion Limited Current Density: A Watershed in Electrodeposition of Lithium Metal Anode
Architectural Design of Anode Materials
High-Energy and Long-Lifespan Potassium–Sulfur Batteries Enabled by Concentrated Electrolyte
Lithium electrodeposition for energy storage: filling the gap between theory and experiment
Highly Energy-Dissipative, Fast Self-Healing Binder for Stable Si Anode in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Design of a Multifunctional Interlayer for NASCION-Based Solid-State Li Metal Batteries
Effect of Nitrogen Doping on the Performance of Mesoporous CMK-8 Carbon Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Stable Li metal anode by crystallographically oriented plating through in-situ surface doping
Designing a Safe Electrolyte Enabling Long‐Life Li/S Batteries
LiXGe containing ion-conductive hybrid skin for high rate lithium metal anode
In Situ Volume Change Studies of Lithium Metal Electrode under Different Pressure
Role of organic solvent addition to ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium–sulphur batteries
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Showing 2 research projects
Next Generation energy storage, part 2