Instrument SME, concepts for dissemination and packaging of results, spring 2019
Research Project, 2018 – 2020

Purpose and goal

The overall objective of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Instrument is to increase the competitiveness of SMEs by packaging and disseminating results from Production2030´s Research&Innovation (R&I) projects to them. This project focuses on three parts, with the following objectives: 1. Coaching ten companies that have participated in Technology Workshops 2. Four new packages from R&I-projects 3. Methodology for dissemination of results from the R&I-projects through integrating relevant parts into the methodology and materials used in Produktionslyftet (PL).

Expected results and effects

Increased innovation capacity of participating SMEs, through the use and availability of project results and researchers. Specific results: - Concept for coaching companies that participated in TWS with IUC coaches in combination with researchers as expert support - New packages published on the P2030 website as well as presentations for, for example, the IUC network, for future TWS or similar. - Updated material in PLs inspiration seminars, elements from P2030 projects introduced in PLs coaching program4.0 and expertise from Production2030-projects is utilized.

Planned approach and implementation

Coaching companies after TWS. Development and testing of concepts: - Coaching by IUC and researcher - Test iof distance coaching by researchers - Template for final report for companies is created New packages from RoI projects: - Dialogue with RoI projects on the choice of packaging - Packaging results - Follow-up and plan for dissemination Dissemination through Produktionslyftet’s material and methodology. Development and testing of concepts: - Review project results - Add material to inspiration seminars and coaching methodology - Develop dissemination concept - Perform tests.


Peter Almström (contact)

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Supply and Operations Management



Kista, Sweden



Project ID: 2018-04774
Funding Chalmers participation during 2018–2020

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