Peter Almström
Peter Almström is an associate professor in Production analysis. The research is based on the experiences from the application of the PPA method (Productivity Potential Assessment). The research is focused on Productivity Management in the manufacturing industry and other branches such as health care. This includes performance measures for sustainable production and issues concerning management control of operations. A special interest is analysis of manual work. Peter teaches foremost in Production management, Productivity management, and Work place analysis and design. He is a board member of the Nordic MTM Association.

Showing 90 publications
The Reinvention of Time Blocks
Mapping of the conditions for efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments
Framework for universal design of digital support and workplace design in industry
Synthesis of Universal Workplace Design in Assembly-A Case Study
Sustainability with a Cost Perspective – Driving the Industry to Embrace Sustainable Thinking
Digital organisational readiness: experiences from manufacturing companies
Guide for Automation of Low Volume Production
Towards automatic validation of operation times in manual processes: Two industrial cases
Maturity Framework Enabling Organizational Digital Readiness
A pull approach to performance measurement systems design
Guide för flexibel automation av lågvolymproduktion
How to increase capacity with existing resources at a surgery unit
Process theory applied at a surgery unit
Human-Centred Dissemination of Data, Information and Knowledge in Industry 4.0
Towards the activity based hospital
Evaluation of flexible automation for small batch production
A life cycle approach to business performance measurement systems
A state of the art system for managing time data in manual assembly
Review of a performance measurement system at shop-floor level
Sustainability performance indicators at shop floor level in large manufacturing companies
A measure of Overall Worker Efficiency applied at Volvo Cars
On Cost Measurement for Value-based Healthcare
Sustainable and resource efficient business performance measurement systems - The handbook
Analysis of Critical Factors for Automatic Measurement of OEE
Present state analysis of BPMS in large manufacturing companies
Performance indicators at different organisational levels in manufacturing companies
Sustainable production indicators at factory level
Improving productivity 192% by combining flow- and resource efficiency
Productivity potentials at hospital wards – The case of pharmaceuticals dispensing
Arbetsmätning del 3: Syftet med tidsstudier
Indicators of sustainable production - A survey among Swedish manufacturing industry
How to improve productivity by 160%
Unit Analysis – A method for analysing improvement potentials at floor level in hospital units
Arbetsmätning del 1: Elementartidsstudier
The effect of factory floor productivity improvements on operational performance metrics
Object-oriented Modeling of Manufacturing Resources Using Work Study Inputs
Arbetsmätning behövs men kompetens saknas (del 1)
Reference Model of Manufacturing Resources
Arbetsmätning behövs men kompetens saknas (del 2)
Performance and utilization factors for manual and semi-automated work
Arbetsmätning del 2: Frekvensstudie
A model for linking shop floor improvements to manufacturing cost and profitability
Improvement potentials in Swedish electronics manufacturing industry – Analysis of five case studies
How to realize the productivity potentials in the manufacturing industry
Sustainable indicators at factory level – a framework for practical assessment
Assessing and benchmarking the improvement potential in manufacturing systems at shop-floor level
Profitability analysis based on production improvements in the electronics manufacturing industry
Achieving Sustainable Production through Increased Utilization of Production Resources
Lönsamhetsanalys av produktionsförbättringar
Why is there a mismatch between operation times in the planning systems and the times in reality?
Hållbar produktion kan skapas genom ökad utnyttjandegrad
PPA - International automotive supplier productivity benchmark study
A profitability assessment method for the electronics manufacturing industry
Manufacturing system analysis methods review
The great information rift - The mismatch between data in MRP/ERP systems and reality
Analys av produktivitetspotentialen hos underleverantörer till den svenska fordonsindustrin
Productivity Potential Assessment of 30 Suppliers to the Automotive Industry
Prerequisites for real-time control of manufacturing systems
The implementation of an almost real-time control system for administrative services
Lean-företag och standardiserat arbete
Results and Conclusions from the Productivity Potential Assessment Studies
Productivity Potential Assessment of the Swedish Manufacturing Industry
Att mäta produktivitetspotentialen - Rapport om PPA-metoden
PPA - en metod för att bedöma produktivitetspotentialen i verkstadsindustrin
Development of Manufacturing Systems - A Methodology Based on Systems Engineering and Design Theory
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Showing 10 research projects
Strategies for increased circularity in the wood processing industry (CirkuTrä)
Efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments (RE:Furn)
Mapping of the conditions for efficient remanufacturing of furniture used in public environments
Time Data Management Automation for Manual Assembly - TIMEBLY
Instrument SME, concepts for dissemination and packaging of results, spring 2019
Kostnadseffektiv lågvolym och högmixproduktion i Sverige genom flexibel automation (LoHiSwedProd)
SMART PM - Sustainable Manufacturing by Automated Real-Time Performance Management
Time Data Management for Smart Factories
Sustainable Resource Efficient Business Performance Measurement Systems (SuRE BPMS)