Collaborative information infrastructure in design of hospitals
Research Project, 2019 – 2022

Many information chains in building processes are fragmented and does not achieve optimal results. This project strengthens the information infrastructure within standardizing of hospital building, a process with massive investments for society. The collaboration on “program for technical standard” (PTS) is further developed as a collective collaborative information infrastructure. A positive learning circle is obtained through using a virtual tool that supports collaborative design of hospitals and a guiding support system based on machine learning, aiding in interpreting PTS and other building code. Through collaborative hospital design enhanced dialogue is supported improving the integration of the hospital personnel experiences and needs and making them more visible and operational for hospital designers.The project includes a doctoral project aiming at obtaining a licentiate. The topic of the doctoral project is “a collaborative involving information infrastructure within hospital building”. The project involves the study and evaluation of two prototypes that are parts of the infrastructure. The effect of the project is expected to be immediate improvements of the engaged hospital project’s architectural and engineering design. And long-term improvements of hospital building and operation. The project results are diffused to practitioners in the building sector and building researchers.


Christian Koch (contact)

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Construction Management



Göteborg, Sweden

Tenfifty AB

Göteborg, Sweden



Project ID: 2019-01813
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2022

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