VENUS - A new type of chrome-free coating
Research Project, 2019 – 2020

The purpose of the project is to replace chrome plating with a new type of chrome-free coating possessing the same functionality but based on low dimensional carbon material. The goals were to decrease the environmental impact, costs and extend the service life. The project reached the goals with Venus, a coating giving 3-5 times better service life than regular chrome plating. During the project a new direction was discovered and developed: a coating that is both chromium- and nickel-free. This can be achieved, but it more research and development is needed.

Several tests were conducted both by RISE, which compared the obtained values to different vehicles standards, and by furniture manufacturers. The results confirmed the Venus coating is a good match, finish and colour, to decorative chrome. It also meets requirements for abrasion resistance, gloss, adhesion and achieves better ductility and corrosion resistance than regular chrome plating. Venus is somewhat softer than chrome but using the right application it still meets customer needs. Finally, it gives an extend service life and reduces the environmental impact.


Xiangdong Xu (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering



Göteborg, Sweden



Project ID: Diarienummer:2018-05148
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2020

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