Xiangdong Xu
Dr. Xiangdong Xu is a researcher specialist at the Division of Electric Power Engineering. Specialising in advanced electrical measurement techniques for dielectric materials characterization and power components diagnostics. His work spans power cable diagnostics and new polymeric dielectric materials development. Additionally, He is actively lecturer in high voltage engineering, renewable power generation, and electric transportation. He is also engaged in CIGRE and IEEE technical committees, focusing on material characterisation and diagnostics. He is also responsable for two courses: DAT460 Renewable power generation and electric transportation and MTT035 High voltage engineering.

Showing 55 publications
Polymer composition for wire and cable applications with advantageous electrical properties
A Thermal Excitation Based Partial Discharge Detection Method for Cable Accessory
Polyethylene Based Ionomers as High Voltage Insulation Materials
Electrostatic discharge impacts on the main shaft bearings of wind turbines
Enabling High-Performance Polypropylene Nanocomposites With Interfacial Deep Traps
Insight Into Space Charge Suppression by Interfacial Deep Traps in Polymer Nanocomposites
An ultra-wideband microwave diagnostic method for detecting cracks in polymeric insulators
Thermal Aging Effect on Properties of Pure and Doped Nano-TiO2 Cellulose Pressboard
Common mode voltage impact on wind turbine main shaft bearing
DC Electrical Trees in XLPE Induced by Short Circuits
Electrical Characterization of a New Crosslinked Copolymer Blend for DC Cable Insulation
Comparison of Different Methods for Characterization of DC Conductivity of Insulating Polymers
Highly structured graphene polyethylene nanocomposites
Space charge behavior in silicone rubber from in-service aged HVDC composite insulators
Magnetic Properties and Vibration Characteristics of Amorphous Alloy Strip and Its Combination
Online Diagnostic High Voltage Polymeric Outdoor Insulation Using Patch Antenna System
Online diagnostic ultra-wideband antenna system in high voltage polymeric insulator
Comparisons of Concentrated and Distributed Winding PMSM in MV Power Generation
Precision electric characterization of LDPE specimens made by different manufacturing processes
Partial discharge activity studied by its excess current
Influence of manufacturing process on electrical properties of LDPE-GnP nanocomposites
Novel electrical properties of extruded LDPE-GnP filled nanocomposites
Dielectric properties of graphene nanoplatelets filled LDPE
Loss Current Studies of Partial Discharge Activity
Study of Partial Discharge Activity by Excess Current
Spontaneous Partial Discharge Oscillations Studied by Excess Current
On Excess Current During and After Partial Discharge Activity
Correction of Geometric Influence in Permittivity Determination
Enhanced accuracy in dielectric response material characterization by air reference method
Enhancements in Dielectric Response Characterization of Insulation Materials
Arbitrary Waveform Impedance Spectroscopy used for Accurate Contact-free Dielectric Characterization
Harmonic Limited Test Waveform for Fast AWIS Dielectric Studies
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Showing 11 research projects
GAIA - Graphene Application in Industrial Scale
Power Cable review - A technical review on power cable diagnostics methods
Anisotropic properties of graphene nanocomposites for high voltage insulation
Detecting and eliminating bearing currents for longer lifespan of mainshaft bearings
Impact of processing on properties of polymeric materials for HVDC insulation systems