First principles transport phenomena studies for chemical process design and analysis
Research Project, 2021 – 2024

This project aims at developing the scientific base and theoretical models required to use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as a reliable tool to analyze and design novel chemical reactors, biochemical- and emulsification processes. First principles simulation has recently been developed by the applicant as a remedy to semi-empirical research methodology used in the field for decades. The focus is directed towards developing an understanding of the microscale transport phenomena of fluid particles (immiscible liquid droplets, gas bubbles) at turbulent flow conditions. Advances in in this area benefit all unit operations that involves flow, mixing, heat and mass transfer and reactions, which is at the very core of chemical engineering.The scientific goals are thus in line with 60 years research in the field, but the scientific methodology used is completely new, and it has not been used before to address any of these basic questions related to the apparent stochastic microscale phenomena. The scientific community is currently limited by lack of understanding and reliable models for microscale phenomena. The significance of this research project can be summarized by i.) development of the scientific base ii.) development of mathematical models required to enable advanced CFD modelling for analysis and design of novel chemical processes


Ronnie Andersson (contact)

Centre for Chemical Process Engineering (CPE)


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2020-05476
Funding Chalmers participation during 2021–2024

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