Ronnie Andersson
My research centers around fundamental aspects of chemical engineering such as mass, heat and momentum transfer, mixing, chemical reactions, turbulence, multiphase flows, and multiphysics problems that spans across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, which I study using both modelling and experimental techniques. Projects within my group aims at developing fundamental understanding and generic mathematical models, frameworks for virtual design, technological innovation for future chemical processes. I do basic and applied research with financial support from different sources, e.g. Swedish Research Council (VR), research institutes and companies. My publications include articles in the leading international journals, patent publications and textbooks.

Showing 65 publications
On the Sherwood number correction due to Stefan flow
Particulate Matter Reduction in Residual Biomass Combustion
Thermal Reactor Comprising a Gas Permeable Cage Arranged to Influence a Flow Path of Gas
Effects of shear-thinning rheology on near-wall turbulent structures
Multiphysics CFD Simulation for Design and Analysis of Thermoelectric Power Generation
Stochastic simulation of droplet breakup in turbulence
Dual mechanism model for fluid particle breakup in the entire turbulent spectrum
Particle modelling in biomass combustion using orthogonal collocation
Single droplet breakup in a rotor-stator mixer
Three-Dimensional Simulation on Liquid Flow in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor
A simulation framework for prediction of thermoelectric generator system performance
Identification and characterization of three-dimensional turbulent flow structures
An integrated system for energy-efficient exhaust aftertreatment for heavy-duty vehicles
Time Resolution in Transient Kinetics
Enhancement of time resolution in transient kinetics
Multidimensional turbulence spectra - Statistical analysis of turbulent vortices
Number Density of Turbulent Vortices in the Entire Energy Spectrum
An integrated system for energy efficient exhaust after-treatment for heavy-duty vehicles
CFD Characerization of Monolithic Reactors for Kinetic Studies
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of fluid particle fragmentation in turbulent flows
Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering
Analysis of Thermoelectric Generator Performance by Use of Simulations and Experiments
Modelling of Thermoelectric Generators in an Automotive EGR Cooler
Enhanced mass and heat transfer in catalytic reactors
Stochastic modeling of fluid particle fragmentation in turbulent flows
Simulation of thermoelectric generators
On the accuracy of SpaciMS measurements
Analysis of TEG-EGR Cooler Performance using Multiphysics Simulations and Experiments
Multidimensional Turbulence Spectra- Properties of Turbulent Vortices
Principles of turbulence and fluid particle interaction
APG-1 Autolivs new generation of green and clean airbag inflators
Effect of liquid surface residence time distribution on absorption data in a stirred cell
Multidimensional Turbulence Spectra-Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Vortices
CFD Modeling of Thermoelectric Generators in Automotive EGR-coolers
Computational fluid dynamics for engineers
Multidimensional turbulence spectra – identifying properties of turbulent structures
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers
CFD Modeling of Thermoelectric Generators in EGR-coolers
Modeling the breakup of fluid particles in turbulent flows
On the breakup of fluid particles in turbulent flows
Development of a multi-scale simulation method for design of novel multiphase reactors
Concentration field measurement and micro scale fluid dynamics in multiphase flow
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Showing 4 research projects
First principles transport phenomena studies for chemical process design and analysis
Sustainable small scale production of energy from biomass waste products
Phenomenological studies of multiphase flows in chemical processes
Energy efficient reduction of exhaust emissions from vehicles: E4 Mistra