Ronnie Andersson

Centrumföreståndare at Centre for Chemical Process Engineering

My research centers around fundamental aspects of chemical engineering such as mass, heat and momentum transfer, mixing, chemical reactions, turbulence, multiphase flows, and multiphysics problems that spans across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, which I study using both modelling and experimental techniques. Projects within my group aims at developing fundamental understanding and generic mathematical models, frameworks for virtual design, technological innovation for future chemical processes. I do basic and applied research with financial support from different sources, e.g. Swedish Research Council (VR), research institutes and companies. My publications include articles in the leading international journals, patent publications and textbooks.

Image of Ronnie Andersson

Showing 65 publications


Analysis of a plasma reactor performance for direct nitrogen fixation by use of three-dimensional simulations and experiments

Massoud Tatar, Vikash Vashisth, Muzammil Iqbal et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 497
Journal article

On the Sherwood number correction due to Stefan flow

Maulana Nugraha, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 249
Journal article

Effects of shear-thinning rheology on near-wall turbulent structures

Arturo A. Arosemena, Ronnie Andersson, Helge I. Andersson et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 925
Journal article

Particulate Matter Reduction in Residual Biomass Combustion

Maulana Nugraha, Harwin Saptoadi, Muslikhin Hidayat et al
Energies. Vol. 14 (11)
Journal article

Thermal Reactor Comprising a Gas Permeable Cage Arranged to Influence a Flow Path of Gas

Gustaf Forsberg, Peter Baeling, Ronnie Andersson
Patent application

An experimental investigation on bubbles departure characteristics during sub-cooled flow boiling in a vertical U-shaped channel utilizing high-speed photography

Shahriyar Ghazanfari Holagh, Mohammad Ali Abdous, Prosun Roy et al
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. Vol. 22
Journal article

Multiphysics CFD Simulation for Design and Analysis of Thermoelectric Power Generation

Olle Högblom, Ronnie Andersson
Energies. Vol. 13 (17)
Journal article

Stochastic simulation of droplet breakup in turbulence

Mohsen Karimi, Ronnie Andersson
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 380
Journal article

Dual mechanism model for fluid particle breakup in the entire turbulent spectrum

Mohsen Karimi, Ronnie Andersson
AICHE Journal. Vol. 65 (8)
Journal article

Particle modelling in biomass combustion using orthogonal collocation

Maulana Nugraha, Harwin Saptoadi, Muslikhin Hidayat et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 255
Journal article

An exploratory study on fluid particles breakup rate models for the entire spectrum of turbulent energy

Mohsen Karimi, Ronnie Andersson
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 192, p. 850-863
Journal article


Ronnie Andersson, Mikael Hansson, Mats Johanson et al

Single droplet breakup in a rotor-stator mixer

Mohamed Ashar, Dragana Arlov, F. Carlsson et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 181, p. 186-198
Journal article

The effect of exhaust gas composition on the kinetics of soot oxidation and diesel particulate filter regeneration

Soheil Soltani, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Fuel. Vol. 220, p. 453-463
Journal article

Experimental investigations of turbulent fragmenting stresses in a rotor stator mixer. Part 1. Estimation of turbulent stresses and comparison to breakup visualizations

A. Hakansson, H. H. Mortensen, Ronnie Andersson et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 171, p. 625-637
Journal article

Three-Dimensional Simulation on Liquid Flow in a Rotating Packed Bed Reactor

T. Y. Guo, K. P. Cheng, L. X. Wen et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 56 (28), p. 8169-8179
Journal article

Experimental investigations of turbulent fragmenting stresses in a rotor-stator mixer. Part 2. Probability distributions of instantaneous stresses

A. Hakansson, Ronnie Andersson, H. H. Mortensen et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 171, p. 638-649
Journal article

A simulation framework for prediction of thermoelectric generator system performance

Olle Högblom, Ronnie Andersson
Applied Energy. Vol. 180, p. 472-482
Journal article

EP2819891 B1

Ronnie Andersson, Niclas Hornqvist, Mats Johansson et al

US 9,493,137

Ronnie Andersson, Niclas Hornqvist, Mats Johanson et al

Identification and characterization of three-dimensional turbulent flow structures

Farideh Ghasempour, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
AICHE Journal. Vol. 62 (4), p. 1265-1277
Journal article


Ronnie Andersson, Niclas Hornqvist, Mats Johanson et al

An integrated system for energy-efficient exhaust aftertreatment for heavy-duty vehicles

JAZAER DAWODY, Lennart Andersson, Lars Pettersson et al
Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind. Vol. 1, p. 133-143
Book chapter

Time Resolution in Transient Kinetics

Soheil Soltani, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 120, p. 81-96
Paper in proceeding

Enhancement of time resolution in transient kinetics

Soheil Soltani, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 264, p. 188-196
Journal article

Multidimensional turbulence spectra - Statistical analysis of turbulent vortices

Farideh Ghasempour, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Applied Mathematical Modelling. Vol. 38 (17-18), p. 4226-4237
Journal article

Number Density of Turbulent Vortices in the Entire Energy Spectrum

Farideh Ghasempour, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson et al
AICHE Journal. Vol. 60 (11), p. 3989-3995
Journal article

Computational fluid dynamics simulation of fluid particle fragmentation in turbulent flows

Ronnie Andersson, A. Hehni
Applied Mathematical Modelling. Vol. 38 (17-18), p. 4186-4196
Journal article

GB 2475474 B

Carlstedt Lars, Ronnie Andersson, Nicolaas Jansen

Generateur de gaz pour airbag

Tobias Aderum, Mats Johanson, Niclas Hornqvist et al

An integrated system for energy efficient exhaust after-treatment for heavy-duty vehicles

JAZAER DAWODY, Lennart Andersson, Lars Pettersson et al
Presented (oral) at the World Renewable Energy Congress 2014, WREC 2014, University of Kingston, London, UK, August 3-8, 2014.
Paper in proceeding

CFD Characerization of Monolithic Reactors for Kinetic Studies

Soheil Soltani, Carolin Wang-Hansen, Ronnie Andersson et al
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 92 (9), p. 1570-1578
Journal article

Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering

Anders Rasmuson, Bengt Andersson, Louise Olsson et al

Analysis of Thermoelectric Generator Performance by Use of Simulations and Experiments

Olle Högblom, Ronnie Andersson
Journal of Electronic Materials. Vol. 43 (6), p. 2247-2254
Journal article

Modelling of Thermoelectric Generators in an Automotive EGR Cooler

Olle Högblom, Ronnie Andersson
Ansys Nordic Conference
Other conference contribution

On the accuracy of SpaciMS measurements

Ronnie Andersson
3rd International Symposium on Modeling of Exhaust Gas After Treatment
Other conference contribution

Simulation of thermoelectric generators

Ronnie Andersson, Olle Högblom
Energimyndighetens konferens:Energirelaterad fordonsforskning
Other conference contribution

Enhanced mass and heat transfer in catalytic reactors

Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Catalysis Today. Vol. 216, p. 117-120
Journal article


Ronnie Andersson

Analysis of TEG-EGR Cooler Performance using Multiphysics Simulations and Experiments

Olle Högblom, Ronnie Andersson
International Conference on Thermoelectrics, Kobe, Japan
Paper in proceeding

Stochastic modeling of fluid particle fragmentation in turbulent flows

Ronnie Andersson, Arash Helmi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2013 (ICMF2013), Jeju, South Korea
Paper in proceeding

Multidimensional Turbulence Spectra- Properties of Turbulent Vortices

Farideh Ghasempour, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Conference poster

E4-Mistra, a research program for the development of an energy efficient low emission exhaust aftertreatment system for heavy duty vehicles

J. Edvardsson, H. Westberg, JAZAER DAWODY et al
World Renewable Energy Forum, WREF 2012, Including World Renewable Energy Congress XII and Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) Annual Conference;Denver, CO;13 17 May 2012. Vol. 6, p. 4530-4536
Paper in proceeding

Principles of turbulence and fluid particle interaction

Ronnie Andersson, Arash Helmi
. International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 22), Maastricht, The Netherlands
Conference poster

DE 112009002424 T5

Ahs Jonny, Ronnie Andersson, Mikael Hansson et al

CFD Modeling of Thermoelectric Generators in Automotive EGR-coolers

Olle Högblom, Ronnie Andersson
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1449, p. 497-500
Paper in proceeding

Multidimensional Turbulence Spectra-Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Vortices

Farideh Ghasempour, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries
Paper in proceeding

APG-1 Autolivs new generation of green and clean airbag inflators

Niclas Hörnqvist, Tobias Aderum, Ronnie Andersson
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium & Exhibition on Sophisticated Car Occupant Safety Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany
Other conference contribution

Effect of liquid surface residence time distribution on absorption data in a stirred cell

Parisa Razmkhah Abharchaei, Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 22), Maastricht, The Netherlands
Conference poster

Computational and experimental investigation of the breakup mechanisms of bubbles and drops in turbulent flows

Ronnie Andersson, Arash Helmi
Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne, Australia
Paper in proceeding

Multidimensional turbulence spectra – identifying properties of turbulent structures

Farideh Ghasempour, Ronnie Andersson, Nicholas Kevlahan et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 318 (4), p. 042022-
Magazine article

A safety arrangement

Lars Carlstedt, Ronnie Andersson, Nicolas Jansen

Computational fluid dynamics for engineers

Bengt Andersson, Ronnie Andersson, L. Håkansson et al

Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers

Bengt Andersson, Ronnie Andersson, L. Håkansson et al

CFD Modeling of Thermoelectric Generators in EGR-coolers

Olle Högblom, Ronnie Andersson
European Conference on Thermoelectrics 9th
Other conference contribution

A pressurised container

M. Johanson, Ronnie Andersson

A pressurised container

M. Hansson, Ronnie Andersson, M. Johanson

Modeling the breakup of fluid particles in turbulent flows

Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
AICHE Journal. Vol. 52 (6), p. 2031-2038
Journal article

On the breakup of fluid particles in turbulent flows

Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson
AICHE Journal. Vol. 52 (6), p. 2020-2030
Journal article

Development of a multi-scale simulation method for design of novel multiphase reactors

Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson, Fabrice Chopard et al
Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 59 (22-23), p. 4911-4917
Journal article

Computational fluid dynamic simulation of the dispersed phase size distribution in a multifunctional reactor

Ronnie Andersson, Bengt Andersson, M. Bouaifi et al
In European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - 14. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering.. Vol. 18, p. 145-150
Journal article

Experimental and numerical investigations of jet mixing in a multifunctional channel reactor: Passive and reactive systems

M. Bouaifi, Mikael Mortensen, Ronnie Andersson et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 82 (A2), p. 274-283
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


First principles transport phenomena studies for chemical process design and analysis

Ronnie Andersson Centre for Chemical Process Engineering (CPE)
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Sustainable small scale production of energy from biomass waste products

Anders Rasmuson Chemical Engineering Design
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Ronnie Andersson Centre for Chemical Process Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

2 publications exist

Phenomenological studies of multiphase flows in chemical processes

Ronnie Andersson Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

1 publication exists

Energy efficient reduction of exhaust emissions from vehicles: E4 Mistra

Hanna Härelind Applied Surface Chemistry
Ronnie Andersson Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Bengt Andersson Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Anders Palmqvist Applied Surface Chemistry
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

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