Advanced fuelS for Generation IV reActors: Reprocessing and Dissolution (ASGARD)
Research Project, 2012 – 2015

Nuclear power issues have been attracting research interest for decades even since the actual use of power reactors using oxide fuels was considered a mature science. It has mainly been due to one of the great drawbacks of nuclear power, the waste handling. Presently, there is a renaissance in nuclear power research focused on a new generation of reactor concepts utilising more of the inherent energy of the fuels. Additionally, these new concepts will also produce less radioactive waste, which is radiotoxic for a shorter time frame. If such concept succeeds, nuclear power can be considered almost sustainable bearing in mind that the waste we already have generated may be used for next generations. In order to reach these goals, there are several issues to be considered and the future nuclear fuel is one of the most important ones.ASGARD project will conduct crosscutting studies in synergy with the current nuclear fuel and waste research projects in Europe (e.g. ACSEPT and FAIRFUELS projects), but will also extend further into the research on new innovative nuclear concepts (SFR-Prototype, MYRRHA). ASGARD will provide a structured R&D framework for developing compatible techniques for dissolution, reprocessing and manufacturing of new nuclear fuels. The fuels to be considered will mainly consist of the next generation of fuels, e.g. oxides, nitrides and carbides, since the current oxide fuels and their reprocessing is dealt within already existing projects.An educational programme will be implemented to share the knowledge between students, researchers in the fuel manufacturing and the fuel reprocessing communities. The challenging objectives of ASGARD will be addressed by a multi-disciplinary consortium composed of European universities, nuclear research bodies and major industrial stakeholders.ASGARD will be an essential contribution to the development of new sustainable nuclear fuel cycle concepts and thus pave the road to more sustainable nuclear future.


Christian Ekberg (contact)

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and Material

Emma Aneheim

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and Material

Marcus Hedberg

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and Material

Teodora Retegan Vollmer

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Energy and Material


Czech Technical University in Prague

Praha, Czech Republic

Evalion Sro

Praha, Czech Republic

Forschungszentrum Jülich

Juelich, Germany

Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (ICTHJ)

Warszawa, Poland

Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Tehnologii Izotopice Si Moleculare-Incdtim Cluj-Napoca

Cluj - Napoca, Romania

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Karlsruhe, Germany

National Nuclear Laboratory

Seascale, United Kingdom

Nuclear Research And Consultancy Group

Petten, Netherlands

Paul Scherrer Institut

Villigen, Switzerland

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Stockholm, Sweden

The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

Gif-sur-Yvette, France

University of Cambridge

Cambridge, United Kingdom

University of Leeds

Leeds, United Kingdom

University of Manchester

Manchester, United Kingdom

Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB

Västerås, Sweden


European Commission (EC)

Project ID: EC/FP7/295825
Funding Chalmers participation during 2012–2015

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