Multiscale Modelling of Corrosion in Concrete: Coupled Chloride-Moisture Diffusion and Corrosion-Induced Fracture
Research Project, 2012 – 2014

This proposal is for the continuation and completion of an ongoing Ph. D. project, in which Filip Nilenius was employed as a Ph. D. student on 2009-06-22. Filip´s licentiate seminar is scheduled for 2011-08-30, and this proposal is for funding until his Ph. D. degree. The project concerns durability of concrete structures with regard to corrosion of reinforcement bars. In the ongoing project, multiscale modelling of the coupled action of chloride and moisture transport was developed. In this proposed continuation, the corrosion process and the structural effects of that will be modelled, together with its feedback effect on the diffusion. The following specific tasks are planned: (1) Application of the computational multiscale modelling strategy to predict the corrosion process in typical structural reinforced concrete components, (2) Modelling of corrosion-induced mechanical stresses, (3) Modelling and simulation of corrosion-induced fracture and its feedback effect on the considered diffusion processes, and (4) Modelling of transport of corrosive products. The proposal represents collaboration between research groups at Chalmers in Concrete Structures and in Material and Computational Mechanics.


Karin Lundgren (contact)

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2011-5394
Funding Chalmers participation during 2012–2014

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