Karin Lundgren

Full Professor at Structural Engineering

Karin Lundgren is professor in Concrete Structures at the Division of Structural Engineering, research group Concrete Structures. Her research has been ranging from engineering scales (complete buildings) to material science scales within the field of concrete structures, combining modelling and experimental work. Special areas of interest are deteriorated structures, especially steel reinforcement corrosion, and use of novel reinforcement types, such as fibres and textiles.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Karin Lundgren

Showing 207 publications


Characterisation of steel corrosion and matrix damage in reinforced mortar combining analytical, electrical and image-based techniques

Andreas Alhede, Jelke Dijkstra, Alessandro Tengattini et al
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 190
Journal article

3D modelling of the interaction between bending and corrosion-induced cracks in reinforced concrete beams

Langzi Chang, Jonathan Thorsson, Karin Lundgren
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 411
Journal article

Effect of Varying External Conditions on Internal Frost Damage in Concrete

Langzi Chang, Katja Frid, Karin Lundgren
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Vol. 574, p. 19-26
Paper in proceeding

Impact of cracks on distribution of chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion

Samanta Robuschi, Oskar Larsson Ivanov, Mette R. Geiker et al
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 56 (1)
Journal article

Comparison of the service life, life-cycle costs and assessment of hybrid and traditional reinforced concrete through a case study of bridge edge beams in Sweden

Teresa E Chen, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Löfgren et al
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 19 (1), p. 39-57
Journal article

Concluding destructive investigation of a nine-year-old marine-exposed cracked concrete panel

Mette R. Geiker, Samanta Robuschi, Karin Lundgren et al
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 165
Journal article

Monitoring corrosion-induced concrete cracking adjacent to the steel-concrete interface

Andreas Alhede, Jelke Dijkstra, Karin Lundgren
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 56 (9)
Journal article

Textile reinforced concrete members subjected to tension, bending, and in-plane loads: Experimental study and numerical analyses

Adam Sciegaj, Sebastian Almfeldt, Fredrik Larsson et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 408
Journal article

Analysis of the flexural response of hybrid reinforced concrete beams with localized reinforcement corrosion

Carlos Gil Berrocal, E. Chen, Ingemar Löfgren et al
Structural Concrete. Vol. 24 (4), p. 4799-4822
Journal article

A two-stage study of steel corrosion and internal cracking revealed by multimodal tomography

Andreas Alhede, Jelke Dijkstra, Samanta Robuschi et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 394
Journal article

Ta hänsyn till korrosionsskador vid reparation och förstärkning av betongkonstruktioner!

Karin Lundgren, Thomas Blanksvärd, Jincheng Yang et al
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 22 (6), p. 40-42
Magazine article

Experiments and calibration of a bond-slip relation and efficiency factors for textile reinforcement in concrete

A. Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren
Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 134
Journal article

Finite element analyses of FRP-strengthened concrete beams with corroded reinforcement

Milan Gotame, Carl Lindqvist Franklin, Mattias Blomfors et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 257
Journal article

Optimisation of slab track design considering dynamic train–track interaction and environmental impact

Emil Aggestam, Jens Nielsen, Karin Lundgren et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 254
Journal article

Bond of naturally corroded, plain reinforcing bars in concrete

Samanta Robuschi, Jakob Sumearll, Ignasi Fernandez et al
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 17 (6), p. 792-808
Journal article

What do we know about concrete, steel, and bond-slip relation for corroded bars? (key-note lecture)

Karin Lundgren, Mattias Blomfors, Teresa E Chen
fib Symposium, p. 123-130
Paper in proceeding

Numerical assessment of bond-slip relationships for naturally corroded plain reinforcement bars in concrete beams

Xiaotong Yu, Samanta Robuschi, Ignasi Fernandez et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 239
Journal article

Bond behaviour of naturally corroded plain bars in reinforced concrete structures.

Samanta Robuschi, Ignasi Fernandez, Karin Lundgren
fib Symposium, p. 147-154
Paper in proceeding

Incorporation of pre-existing cracks in finite element analyses of reinforced concrete beams without transverse reinforcement

Mattias Blomfors, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 229
Journal article

Digital tvilling i byggsektorn - kombinerar kraften i data och modeller

Kamyab Zandi, Henrik Waldäng, Karin Lundgren et al
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 113 (6)
Magazine article

Ballastless Track – Minimizing the Climate Impact

Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Löfgren
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

A closer look at corrosion of steel reinforcement bars in concrete using 3D neutron and X-ray computed tomography

Samanta Robuschi, Alessandro Tengattini, Jelke Dijkstra et al
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 144
Journal article

Modeling and computational homogenization of chloride diffusion in three-phase meso-scale concrete

Nele Pollmann, Fredrik Larsson, Kenneth Runesson et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 271
Journal article

Experimental study of FRP-strengthened concrete beams with corroded reinforcement

Jincheng Yang, Reza Haghani Dogaheh, Thomas Blanksvärd et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 301 (2021)
Journal article

Corrosion Pattern and Mechanical Behaviour of Corroded Rebars in Cracked Plain and Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Teresa E Chen, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Löfgren et al
RILEM Bookseries. Vol. 30, p. 477-488
Paper in proceeding

What do we know about concrete, steel, and bond-slip relation for corroded bars?

Karin Lundgren, Mattias Blomfors, Teresa E Chen
Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures. Proceedings of the fib CACRCS DAYS 2020
Paper in proceeding

The effect of fibres on corrosion of reinforced concrete

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Löfgren
American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication. Vol. SP-343, p. 361-370
Paper in proceeding

Incorporation of pre-existing longitudinal cracks in finite element analyses of corroded reinforced concrete beams failing in anchorage

Mattias Blomfors, Karin Lundgren, Kamyab Zandi
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. In press, p. 1-17
Journal article

What can we do with multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures?

Adam Sciegaj, Karin Lundgren, Fredrik Larsson et al
Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2020: Concrete Structures for Resilient Society, p. 917-924
Paper in proceeding

On a volume averaged measure of macroscopic reinforcement slip in two-scale modeling of reinforced concrete

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 121 (8), p. 1822-1846
Journal article

Assessment of the mechanical behaviour of reinforcement bars with localised pitting corrosion by Digital Image Correlation

Teresa E Chen, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ignasi Fernandez et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 219
Journal article

Hybridarmerade konstruktioner i kloridhaltiga miljöer – beständighet, säkerhet och livscykelkostnader

Teresa E Chen, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Löfgren et al
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 2020 (6), p. 14-19
Magazine article

Anchorage of naturally corroded, plain reinforcement bars in flexural members

Samanta Robuschi, Karin Lundgren, Ignasi Fernandez et al
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 53 (2)
Journal article

Corrosion of naturally corroded, plain reinforcing bars

Samanta Robuschi, Ignasi Fernandez, Karin Lundgren
Proceedings of the fib CACRCS DAYS 2020 - Capacity Assessment of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures
Paper in proceeding

Upscaling of three-dimensional reinforced concrete representative volume elements to effective beam and plate models

Adam Sciegaj, Peter Grassl, Fredrik Larsson et al
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 202, p. 835-853
Journal article

Correlation between concrete cracks and corrosion characteristics of steel reinforcement in pre-cracked plain and fibre-reinforced concrete beams

Teresa E Chen, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Löfgren et al
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 53 (2)
Journal article

Simulation and analysis of adhesive failure in Glued-in Rod (GiR) connections for timber structures

Rasoul Atashipour, Karin Lundgren, P. Feldt et al
Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2019, p. 1768-1773
Paper in proceeding

Measuring and numerical modeling of behaviour of fibre concrete in a direct tensile test

Marika Eik, Jari Puttonen, Karin Lundgren
Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures, p. 423-429
Paper in proceeding

On periodic boundary conditions in Variationally Consistent Homogenisation of beams and plates

Adam Sciegaj, Peter Grassl, Fredrik Larsson et al
Proceedings of the 32nd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

Digitala tvillingmodeller underlättar bedömning av risker

Mattias Blomfors, Karin Lundgren, Kamyab Zandi
Samhällsbyggaren, p. 24-25
Newspaper article

A multiscale model for reinforced concrete with macroscopic variation of reinforcement slip

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 63 (2), p. 139-158
Journal article

Methodology for Testing Rebar-Concrete Bond in Specimens from Decommissioned Structures

Karin Lundgren, Samanta Robuschi, Kamyab Zandi
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials. Vol. 13 (1)
Journal article

Incorporation of cracks in finite element modelling of existing concrete structures

Mattias Blomfors, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren
Structural Health Monitoring 2019: Enabling Intelligent Life-Cycle Health Management for Industry Internet of Things (IIOT) - Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Vol. 1, p. 1611-1618
Paper in proceeding

On the micro-to-macro transition of reinforcement slip in two-scale modelling

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Other conference contribution

Reliability analysis of corroded reinforced concrete beam with regards to anchorage failure

Mattias Blomfors, Daniel Honfi, O. Ivanov et al
Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision - Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2018, p. 337-344
Paper in proceeding

Vad kan man lära sig av en 80-årig bro från Gullspång?

Samanta Robuschi, Karin Lundgren, Ignasi Fernandez
Bygg&Teknik. Vol. 7 (19), p. 42-45
Magazine article

Evaluation of corrosion level of naturally corroded barsusing different cleaning methods, computed tomography,and 3D optical scanning

Ignasi Fernandez, Karin Lundgren, Kamyab Zandi
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 51 (3)
Journal article

Electrical resistivity measurements in steel fibre reinforced cementitious materials

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karla Hornbostel, Mette Geiker et al
Cement and Concrete Composites. Vol. 89, p. 216-229
Journal article

The effect of fibres on steel bar corrosion and flexural behaviour of corroded RC beams

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Lövgren, Karin Lundgren
Engineering Structures. Vol. 163, p. 409-425
Journal article

Practical Bond Model for Corroded RC Bridges

Mattias Blomfors, Karin Lundgren, Oskar Larsson Ivanov et al
fib Symposium, p. 1795-1803
Paper in proceeding

Ny metod för sprickmodellering i armerad betong

Adam Sciegaj, Karin Lundgren, Fredrik Larsson et al
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 110 (7), p. 46-48
Magazine article


Mattias Blomfors, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 156, p. 394-410
Journal article

Two-scale finite element modelling of reinforced concrete structures: Effective response and subscale fracture development

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 114 (10), p. 1074-1102
Journal article

Anchorage capacity of corroded smooth reinforcement bars in existing reinforced structures.

Samanta Robuschi, Karin Lundgren, Ignasi Fernandez et al
fib Symposium
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of cast-in-situ FRC linings for high-speed railway tunnels with respect to fatigue and cracking

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Löfgren, Karin Lundgren
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Corrosion-induced cracking and bond behaviour of corroded reinforcement bars in SFRC

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ignasi Fernandez, Karin Lundgren et al
Composites Part B: Engineering. Vol. 113, p. 123-137
Journal article

Corrosion-induced cracking and bond behaviour of corroding reinforcement bars in SFRC

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ignasi Fernandez, Ingemar Lövgren et al
Nordic Concrete Research, p. 123-126
Paper in proceeding

Flexural Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete Composites: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Lars Nyholm Thrane
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 50 (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

FIbrer i anläggningskonstruktioner

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Lövgren
Bygg och Teknik. Vol. 7 (Betong), p. 30-33
Magazine article

Reliable Engineering Assessments of Corroded Concrete Structures

Mattias Blomfors, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings from XXIII Nordic Concrete Research SymposiumAalborg, Denmark, August 21-23, 2017
Paper in proceeding


Karin Lundgren
Betonghandbok Material, Del 1, Delmaterial samt färsk och hårdnande betong, p. 222-224
Book chapter

Four levels to assess anchorage capacity of corroded reinforcement in concrete

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Ignasi Fernandez, Kamyab Zandi et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 147, p. 434-447
Journal article

A multi-level structural assessment strategy for reinforced concrete bridge deck slabs

Mario Plos, Jiangpeng Shu, Kamyab Zandi et al
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 13 (2), p. 223-241
Journal article

Investigating correlations between crack width, corrosion level and anchorage capacity

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Ignasi Fernandez, Karin Lundgren et al
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 13 (10), p. 1294-1307
Journal article

Assessment of the load-carrying capacity of existing structures with corroded smooth reinforcement bars

Samanta Robuschi, Ignasi Fernandez, Kamyab Zandi et al
Proceedings of XXIII Nordic Concrete Research Symposium. Vol. B (3), p. 255-258
Paper in proceeding

Tensile behaviour of textile reinforcement under accelerated ageing conditions

Natalie Williams Portal, Mathias Flansbjer, Pär Johannesson et al
Journal of Building Engineering. Vol. 5 (5), p. 57-66
Journal article

Development of engineering assessment method for anchorage in reinforced concrete

Mattias Blomfors, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 2/2016 (55), p. 63-78
Paper in proceeding

Modellering av förankringskapaciteten i betongkonstruktioner med rostande armering

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Mattias Blomfors, Ignasi Fernandez et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 108 (7), p. 16-20
Magazine article

Two-scale modelling of reinforced concrete

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Other conference contribution

Characterisation of bending cracks in R/FRC using image analysis

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Lövgren, Karin Lundgren et al
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 90, p. 104-116
Journal article

Effect of fibre reinforcement on the crack width profile and internal crack pattern of conventionally reinforced concrete beams

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Lövgren et al
Proceedings of the 9th RILEM International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, p. 355-366
Paper in proceeding

A multi-level structural assessment strategy for analysis of RC bridge deck slabs

Mario Plos, Jiangpeng Shu, Karin Lundgren et al
19th IABSE Congress Stockholm (pp. 1559–1566). Stockholm, Sweden, p. 1564-1571
Paper in proceeding

Corrosion of Steel Bars Embedded in Fibre Reinforced Concrete under Chloride Attack: State-of-the-Art

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Lövgren
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 80, p. 69-85
Review article

Engineering Assessment Method for Anchorage in Corroded Reinforced Concrete

Mattias Blomfors, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
19th IABSE Congress Stockholm, 21-23 September 2016, p. 2109-2116
Paper in proceeding

Influence of fibre reinforcement on the initiation of corrosion-induced cracks

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ignasi Fernandez, Karin Lundgren et al
Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016 - Segment on Service Life. Vol. 1, p. 231-240
Paper in proceeding

Investigation on the influence of fibre reinforcement on chloride induced corrosion of RC structures

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Lövgren
Proceedings of the 11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, p. 303-310
Paper in proceeding

A Multi-levelStructural Assessment Proposal for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs

Jiangpeng Shu, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
Nordic Concrete Research: Residual Capacity of Deteriorated Concrete Structures (pp. 53-56). Oslo, Norway
Paper in proceeding

Tests on Anchorage of Naturally Corroded Reinforcement in Concrete

Karin Lundgren, Mohammad Tahershamsi, Kamyab Zandi et al
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 48 (7), p. 2009-2022
Journal article

A model for the anchorage of corroded reinforcement: Validatlon and application

Karin Lundgren, Kamyab Zandi, Ulf Nilsson
fib Symposium, p. 135-136
Paper in proceeding

FE2 Method for Coupled Transient Diffusion Phenomena in Concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. Vol. 141 (2), p. Art. no. 04014110-
Journal article

Mesoscale modelling of crack-induced diffusivity in concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 55 (2), p. 359-370
Journal article

Kan fibrer påverka beständigheten av konventionellt armerade betongkonstruktioner?

Karin Lundgren, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Lövgren
Bygg & teknik : Sveriges äldsta byggfacktidning. Vol. 2015 (7), p. 17-19
Magazine article

Anchorage of corroded reinforcement – from advanced models to practical applications

Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
. Extended abstract in “Residual Capacity of Deteriorated Concrete Structures” mini-seminar, 21st of April 2015, Oslo, Norway
Other conference contribution

Aspects of Integrated Design of Structures: Parametric Models, Creative Space and Linked Knowledge

Rasmus Rempling, David Fall, Karin Lundgren
Civil Engineering and Architecture. Vol. 3, p. 143-152
Journal article

Numerical 3D Modelling of Anchorage, Corrosion and Spalling

Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren
Concrete – Innovation and Design fib Symposium Proceedings, 2015 fib Symposium: Concrete - Innovation and Design; Copenhagen; Denmark; 18 - 20 May 2015, p. 331-332
Paper in proceeding

Development of modelling strategies for two-way RC slabs

Jiangpeng Shu, David Fall, Mario Plos et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 101, p. 439-449
Journal article

A model for the anchorage of corroded reinforcement: validation and application

Karin Lundgren, Kamyab Zandi, Ulf Nilsson
Concrete – Innovation and Design, fib Symposium, Copenhagen May 18-20, 2015, p. 135-136
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable Potential of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Holger Wallbaum et al
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 27 (7)
Journal article

Corrosion initiation in cracked fibre reinforced concrete: Influence of crack width, fibre type and loading conditions

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Ingemar Lövgren, Karin Lundgren et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 98, p. 128-139
Journal article

3D Modelling of the bond behavior of naturally corroded reinforced concrete

Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
Extended abstract in “Residual Capacity of Deteriorated Concrete Structures” mini-seminar, 21st of April 2015, Oslo, Norway
Other conference contribution

Bärighetsutredning av betongbroar med rostande armering

Karin Lundgren, Ulf Nilsson, Robert Ronnebrant et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 106 (7), p. 45-48
Magazine article

Evaluation of Pull-out Behaviour in Textile Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Katarina Malaga
10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, p. 97-102
Paper in proceeding

Two-way slabs: Experimental investigation of load redistributions in steel fibre reinforced concrete

David Fall, Jiangpeng Shu, Rasmus Rempling et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 80, p. 61-74
Journal article

Structural Assessment of Bridge Deck Slabs

Jiangpeng Shu, Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren et al
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 50, p. 453-456
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of Structural Performance in Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete Elements

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
Concrete, Materials and Conservation at Structural Faults and Repair 2014
Paper in proceeding

Finite Element Modelling of Two-way RC Slabs with Varying Modelling Choices

Jiangpeng Shu, David Fall, Mario Plos et al
The 10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, p. 589-594
Paper in proceeding

Computational homogenization of diffusion in three-phase mesoscale concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 54 (2), p. 461-472
Journal article

Modelling the Bond Behaviour of Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Ignasi Fernandez, Kamyab Zandi et al
9th International DIANA Users Meeting. 4/5 November 2014, Parma, Italy
Other conference contribution

Pull-out of textile reinforcement in concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Ignasi Fernandez, L. N. Thrane et al
Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 71, p. 63-71
Journal article

1D and 3D analysis of anchorage in naturally corroded specimens

Ignasi Fernandez, Mohammad Tahershamsi, Antonio R. Marí et al
Proceedings of the 10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Université Laval 21 – 23 July 2014, Québec, Canada, p. 547-552
Paper in proceeding

Anchorage of naturally corroded bars in reinforced concrete structures

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 66 (14), p. 729-744
Journal article

Experimental Investigation on Rebar Corrosion in Combination with Fibres

Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Lövgren
Proceedings of the XXII Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, p. 532-
Other conference contribution


Carlos Gil Berrocal, Karin Lundgren, Ingemar Lövgren
7th International Conference FIBRE CONCRETE 2013 Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Tredimensionell modellering av betongens heterogena sammansättning

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 105 (7), p. 56-59
Magazine article

Numerical Modelling of Textile Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Ane Mette Walter et al
Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, p. 886-897
Paper in proceeding

A 3D/2D comparison between heterogeneous mesoscale models of concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
RILEM Bookseries. Vol. 8, p. 249-259
Paper in proceeding

Formbarare betong med ny armering

David Fall, Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren
Betong (5), p. 46-48
Magazine article

Modelling cracking and bending failure of SFRC beams with conventional reinforcement

David Fall, Rasmus Rempling, Anette M Jansson et al
8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, p. 1276-1285
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of Anchorage Capacity of Naturally Corroded Reinforcement

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, IABSE Conference, Assessment, Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, 06-08 May 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, p. 556-557
Paper in proceeding

Modelling the structural behaviour of frost-damaged reinforced concrete structures

Kamyab Zandi, Per Kettil, Karin Lundgren
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 9 (5), p. 416-431
Journal article

Experiments on Fibre Reinforced Concrete Two-way Slabs

David Fall, Rasmus Rempling, Karin Lundgren
Proceediings of the 7th International Conference Fibre Reinforced Concrete, p. 187-196
Paper in proceeding

Three point bending and uni-axial tension tests of double hook-end fibers

Rasmus Rempling, David Fall, Karin Lundgren
7th International Conference Fibre Reinforced Concrete, p. 10 pp-
Paper in proceeding

Severely Corroded RC with Cover Cracking

Dario Coronelli, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren
Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 139 (2), p. 221-232
Journal article

Three-dimensional modelling of structural effects of corroding steel reinforcement in concrete

Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos et al
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 9 (7), p. 702-718
Journal article

Macroscopic diffusivity in concrete determined by computationalhomogenization

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Vol. 37 (11), p. 1535-1551
Journal article

Anchorage Capacity of Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceeding of the fib Symposium, Concrete Structures for Sustainable Community, 11-14 June 2012, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 323-326
Paper in proceeding

Analytical model for the bond-slip behaviour of corroded ribbed reinforcement

Karin Lundgren, Per Kettil, Kamyab Zandi et al
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 8 (2), p. 157-169
Journal article

Bond between Reinforcement and Self-Compacting Steel-Fibre-Reinforced Concrete

Anette M Jansson, Ingemar Lövgren, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Bond in Concrete 2012: Bond, Anchorage, Detailing. Vol. 1, p. 323-329
Paper in proceeding

Anchorage capacity of naturally corroded reinforcement in an existing bridge

F. Berg, D. Johansson, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2012, Stresa, Lake Maggiore, 8-12 July 2012, p. 2800-2807
Paper in proceeding

Är förankringskapaciteten tillräcklig i broar med rostande armering?

Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 104 (7), p. 17-19
Magazine article

Influence of frost on the bond between steel and concrete

Kamyab Zandi, Peter Utgenannt, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Bond in Concrete. Vol. 1, p. 483-490
Paper in proceeding

Anchorage in naturally corroded specimens taken from existing structures

Mohammad Tahershamsi, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceeding of the Fourth International Symposium on Bond in Concrete 2012: Bond, Anchorage, Detailing, Brescia, Italy, 17-20 June 2012, Editors: John w. Cairns, Giovanni Metelli, Giovanni A. Plizzari. Vol. 1, General Aspects of Bond, p. 345-349
Paper in proceeding

Reinforcing tailor-made concrete structures: Alternatives and challenges

David Fall, Karin Lundgren, Rasmus Rempling et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 44, p. 372-378
Journal article

Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Steel Fibre Reinforced Beams with Conventional Reinforcement

David Fall, Rasmus Rempling, Anette M Jansson et al
8th RILEM International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete: challenges and opportunities (BEFIB 2012), p. 1033-1045
Paper in proceeding

Determining effective diffusion properties of concrete through mesoscale analysis

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Microstructural-related Durability of Cementitious Composites: Second international conference (2), p. 214-
Paper in proceeding

Bond Strength of Highly Corroded Reinforcement and Cover Delamination

Dario Coronelli, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren
Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Bond in Concrete. Vol. 1, p. 469-474
Paper in proceeding

Experimental investigation of surface crack initiation, propagation and tension stiffening in self-compacting steel-fibre-reinforced concrete

Anette M Jansson, Mathias Flansbjer, Ingemar Lövgren et al
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 45 (8), p. 1127-1143
Journal article

Anchorage of corroded bars: eccentric pull-out tests and numerical analysis

Kamyab Zandi, Dario Coronelli, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Bond in Concrete. Vol. 1, p. 429-436
Paper in proceeding

Bond of reinforcement in self-compacting steel-fibre-reinforced concrete

Anette M Jansson, Ingemar Lövgren, Karin Lundgren et al
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 64 (7), p. 617-630
Journal article

Chloride transport in concrete modeled by the FE^2-method

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings of NSCM-24, the 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics. Vol. 24, p. 107-110
Other conference contribution

Structural design of reinforcement in tailor-made concrete structures

David Fall, Karin Lundgren, Rasmus Rempling et al
Proceedings of Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering, p. 289-292
Other conference contribution

Experimental study of the material and bond properties of frost-damaged concrete

Kamyab Zandi, Peter Utgenannt, Karin Lundgren
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 41 (3), p. 244-254
Journal article

Reinforcement in tailor-made concrete structures

David Fall, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
Nordic Concrete Research, p. 175-178
Other conference contribution

Corroded reinforced concrete structures: effects of high corrosion and corroded stirrups

Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos et al
Nordic Concrete Research (43), p. 179-182
Paper in proceeding

A multi-scale method for modeling of moisture and chloride ion transport in concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. XXI
Other conference contribution

Bond capacity of severely corroded bars with corroded stirrups

Kamyab Zandi, Dario Coronelli, Karin Lundgren
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 63 (12), p. 953-968
Journal article

Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures

Kamyab Zandi, Per Kettil, Karin Lundgren
ACI Structural Journal. Vol. 108 (5), p. 532-541
Journal article

Modellering och simulering av fukt- och kloridjonstransport i betongens mikrostruktur

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 102 (7), p. 50-54
Magazine article

Skräddarsydda betongkonstruktioner

David Fall, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 2010:7 (2010:7 Oktober), p. 20-22
Magazine article

Modeling of mass transfer in the micro-structure of concrete: Towards computational homogenization within a FE2-strategy

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings of NSCM-23: the 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (Number: 23), p. 322-325
Other conference contribution

Severely Corroded Reinforced Concrete with Cover Cracking: Part 2. Anchorage Capacity

Kamyab Zandi, Dario Coronelli, Karin Lundgren
RILEM Bookseries. Vol. 5, p. 207-217
Paper in proceeding

Severely Corroded Reinforced Concrete with Cover Spalling: Part 1. Crack Initiation, Crack Propagation and Cover Delamination

Dario Coronelli, Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren et al
RILEM Bookseries. Vol. 5, p. 195-205
Paper in proceeding

Non-linear finite-element analysis of the shear response in prestressed concrete bridges

Helén Broo, Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren et al
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 61 (8), p. 591 -608
Journal article

Nonlinear analysis of crack widths in reinforced concrete

Kristian Tammo, Karin Lundgren, Sven Thelandersson
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 61 (1), p. 23-34
Journal article

Frost-damaged concrete: Part 2. Bond properties

Kamyab Zandi, Peter Utgenannt, Karin Lundgren
4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, p. 761-766
Paper in proceeding

Frost-damaged concrete: Part 1. Material properties

Kamyab Zandi, Peter Utgenannt, Karin Lundgren
4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, p. 753-760
Paper in proceeding

Structural assessment of concrete railway bridges

Mario Plos, Kent Gylltoft, Karin Lundgren et al
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Healt Monitoring and Informatics, p. 705-
Paper in proceeding

Performance Evaluation of Damaged Concrete Bridges

Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren, Per Kettil et al
3rd International Bridge Conference
Paper in proceeding

Structural assessment of concrete bridges

Mario Plos, Kent Gylltoft, Karin Lundgren et al
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 38 (2008/2), p. 89-101
Journal article

A dual model describing concrete subjected to cyclic loading

Rasmus Rempling, Per-Ola Svahn, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Bålsta. Vol. 1 (1), p. 206-207
Paper in proceeding

Structural behavior of corroded reinforced concrete structures

Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren, Per Kettil et al
The Fourth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Health Monitoring and Informatics, p. 481-
Paper in proceeding

Modelling of Concrete in Tension - Energy Dissipation in Cyclic Loops

Rasmus Rempling, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
Nordic Concrete Research (38), p. 155-168
Journal article

Evaluation of load-carrying capacity of damaged reinforced concrete structures

Kamyab Zandi, Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos et al
Nordic Concrete Research & Development, p. 60-
Paper in proceeding

Effect of corrosion on the bond between steel and concrete: an overview

Karin Lundgren
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 59 (6), p. 447 - 461
Journal article

Lap splice over a grouted joint in a lattice girder system

Karin Lundgren
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 59 (10), p. 713-727
Journal article

Shear and torsion in prestressed hollow core units:finite element analyses of full-scale tests

Helén Broo, Karin Lundgren, Björn Engström
Structural Concrete. Vol. 8 (2), p. 87-100
Journal article

Structural Assessment of concrete railway bridges

Mario Plos, Kent Gylltoft, Karin Lundgren et al
Sustainable Bridges: Assessment for Future Traffic Demands and Longer Lives, p. 251-260
Paper in proceeding

Structural assessment of concrete bridges

Mario Plos, Kent Gylltoft, Karin Lundgren et al
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 30 (2), p. 89-102
Journal article

Mechanical behaviour of Frost-damaged Reinforced Concrete Structures

Kamyab Zandi, Per Kettil, Karin Lundgren
The 6th International Conference on Fracture mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures. Vol. 3, p. 1761-1766
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of shear-type cracking and failure with non-linear finite element method

Helén Broo, Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren et al
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 59 (9), p. 673-687
Journal article

Constitutive modeling of concrete subjected to tensile cyclic loading

Rasmus Rempling, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
The third international conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation. Vol. 1, p. 197-198
Paper in proceeding

Vägledning för livslängdsdimensionering av betongkonstruktioner

Bo Westerberg, Lars-Olof Nilsson, Anders Lindvall et al

Beständiga Konstruktioner

Ingvar Olofsson, Robert Kliger, Karin Lundgren
Vbyggaren (4), p. 46-52
Magazine article

Non-Linear Analysis and Remaining Fatigue Life

Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren, Rasmus Rempling et al

Effects on bond of reinforcement corrosion

Karin Lundgren, Armando Soto San Roman, Hendrik Schlune et al
International RILEM workshop on Integral Service Life Modeling of Concrete Structures, p. 231-238
Paper in proceeding

Crack Widths Close to the Reinforcement

Kristian Tammo, Sven Thelandersson, Karin Lundgren
IABSE Symposium Improving Infrastructure Worldwide
Paper in proceeding

Reinforced and prestressed concrete beams subjected to shear and torsion

Helén Broo, Mario Plos, Karin Lundgren et al
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures. Vol. 2, p. 881-888
Paper in proceeding

Bond behaviour of corroded reinforcing steel bars in concrete

Congqi Fang, Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos et al
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 36 (10), p. 1931-1938
Journal article

The effect of corrosion on bond in reinforced concrete

Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos
Proceedings “European Symposium on Service Life and Serviceability of Concrete Structures ESCS-2006, p. 252-257
Paper in proceeding

Framtidsbilder för samhällsbyggnad

Patrik Andersson, Ulf Boman, Johan Funehag et al

Modelling of bond between three-wire strands and concrete

Rikard Bolmsvik, Karin Lundgren
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 2006 (3), p. 123-133
Journal article

Utmattning av betongkonstruktioner

Rasmus Rempling, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
Bygg och teknik (7), p. 30-31
Magazine article

Effect of corrosion on bond in reinforced concrete under cyclic loading

Congqi Fang, Kent Gylltoft, Karin Lundgren et al
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 36 (3), p. 548-555
Journal article

Structural assessment of concrete railway bridges: Non-linear analysis and remaining fatigue life

Mario Plos, Kent Gylltoft, Karin Lundgren et al
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life Cycle Performance and Cost, p. 741-743
Paper in proceeding

Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs: How advanced modelling can be used in design

Karin Lundgren, Helén Broo, Björn Engström et al
Proceedings 18th BIBM International Congress, p. 137-138
Paper in proceeding

Constitutive Model for Concrete Subjected to Cyclic Loading; Biaxial Tension

Rasmus Rempling, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, p. 296-298
Paper in proceeding

Joints in lattice girder structures

Karin Lundgren, Johan Helgesson, Rasmus Sylvén

Shear and torsion interaction in prestressed hollow core units

Helén Broo, Karin Lundgren, Björn Engström
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 57 (9)
Journal article

Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs

Helén Broo, Karin Lundgren, Björn Engström et al
Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, p. 305-307
Paper in proceeding

Bond between ribbed bars and concrete. Part 1: Modified model

Karin Lundgren
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 57 (7), p. 371-382
Journal article

Att modellera brott hos betong med hjälp av icke-linjär finit elementmetod

Peter Grassl, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
Betong, Svenska Betongföreningen, Nr. 2, Maj 2005, pp 54-56 (2), p. 54-56
Magazine article

Bond between ribbed bars and concrete. Part 2: The effect of corrosion

Karin Lundgren
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 57 (7), p. 383-396
Journal article

Lap splice in a lattice girder system

Karin Lundgren
Proceedings Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, p. 296-298
Other conference contribution

Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs

Karin Lundgren, Helén Broo, Björn Engström et al
Keep concrete attractive. Vol. 1, p. 594-599
Paper in proceeding

The effect of corrosion on concrete bridges

Congqi Fang, Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos et al
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Cost / edited by Eiichi Watanabe, Dan M. Frangopol, Tomoaki Utsunomiya
Paper in proceeding

Analyses of two connected hollow core units

Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos

Analyses of hollow core floors

Karin Lundgren, Mario Plos

Analyses of hollow core floors subjected to shear and torsion

Karin Lundgren, Helén Broo, Björn Engström
Structural Concrete. Vol. 5 (4), p. 161-172
Journal article

Corrosion influence on bond in reinforced concrete

Congqi Fang, Karin Lundgren, Liuguo Chen et al
Cement and Concrete Research. Vol. 34 (11), p. 2159-2167
Journal article

Anchorage length of near-surface mounted fiber-reinforced polymer bars for concrete strengthening - Experimental investigation and numerical modeling

Laura De Lorenzis, Karin Lundgren, Andrea Rizzo
ACI Structural Journal. Vol. 101 (2), p. 269-278
Journal article

FE analyses and tests of lap splices in frame corners

Karin Lundgren
Structural Concrete. Vol. 3 (2), p. 47-57
Journal article

Modelling the effect of corrosion on bond in reinforced concrete

Karin Lundgren
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 54 (3), p. 165-173
Journal article

Concrete in compression: A plasticity theory with a novel hardening law

Peter Grassl, Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 39 (20), p. 5205-5223
Journal article

Three-dimensional modelling of anchorage zones in reinforced concrete

Karin Lundgren, Jonas Magnusson
Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. Vol. 127 (7), p. 693-699
Journal article

Pull-out tests of steel-encased specimens subjected to reversed cyclic loading

Karin Lundgren
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. Vol. 33 (231), p. 450-456
Journal article

A model for the bond between concrete and reinforcement

Karin Lundgren, Kent Gylltoft
Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol. 52 (1), p. 53-63
Journal article

The vertical stability of slender load-bearing façade systems

Karin Lundgren
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. 22 (1), p. 77-96
Journal article

Slender precast systems with load-bearing façades

Karin Lundgren
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 5 research projects


Multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures

Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Filip Nilenius Structural Engineering
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Kenneth Runesson Material and Computational Mechanics
Adam Sciegaj Structural Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

11 publications exist

Relating visual inspection to structural effects of natural corrosion in reinforced concrete structures

Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kamyab Zandi Structural Engineering
Mario Plos Structural Engineering
Mohammad Tahershamsi Structural Engineering
Ignasi Fernandez Perez Structural Engineering
Swedish Transport Administration

4 publications exist

Load Carrying Capacity of Existing Bridge Deck Slabs

Mario Plos Structural Engineering
Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kent Gylltoft Structural Engineering
Morgan Johansson Structural Engineering
Filip Nilenius Structural Engineering
Kamyab Zandi Structural Engineering
Jiangpeng Shu Structural Engineering
Swedish Transport Administration


Multiscale Modelling of Corrosion in Concrete: Coupled Chloride-Moisture Diffusion and Corrosion-Induced Fracture

Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)


Homes for tomorrow. Building solutions for tomorrow as a reference for today

Greg Morrison Water Environment Technology
Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Paula Femenias Building Design
Carl-Eric Hagentoft Building Technology
Pär Johansson Building Technology

1 publication exists
There might be more projects where Karin Lundgren participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.