Karin Lundgren
Karin Lundgren is professor in Concrete Structures at the Division of Structural Engineering, research group Concrete Structures. Her research has been ranging from engineering scales (complete buildings) to material science scales within the field of concrete structures, combining modelling and experimental work. Special areas of interest are deteriorated structures, especially steel reinforcement corrosion, and use of novel reinforcement types, such as fibres and textiles.

Showing 207 publications
Effect of Varying External Conditions on Internal Frost Damage in Concrete
Impact of cracks on distribution of chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion
Concluding destructive investigation of a nine-year-old marine-exposed cracked concrete panel
Monitoring corrosion-induced concrete cracking adjacent to the steel-concrete interface
A two-stage study of steel corrosion and internal cracking revealed by multimodal tomography
Ta hänsyn till korrosionsskador vid reparation och förstärkning av betongkonstruktioner!
Finite element analyses of FRP-strengthened concrete beams with corroded reinforcement
Bond of naturally corroded, plain reinforcing bars in concrete
What do we know about concrete, steel, and bond-slip relation for corroded bars? (key-note lecture)
Bond behaviour of naturally corroded plain bars in reinforced concrete structures.
Digital tvilling i byggsektorn - kombinerar kraften i data och modeller
Ballastless Track – Minimizing the Climate Impact
Modeling and computational homogenization of chloride diffusion in three-phase meso-scale concrete
Experimental study of FRP-strengthened concrete beams with corroded reinforcement
What do we know about concrete, steel, and bond-slip relation for corroded bars?
The effect of fibres on corrosion of reinforced concrete
What can we do with multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures?
Anchorage of naturally corroded, plain reinforcement bars in flexural members
Corrosion of naturally corroded, plain reinforcing bars
Simulation and analysis of adhesive failure in Glued-in Rod (GiR) connections for timber structures
Measuring and numerical modeling of behaviour of fibre concrete in a direct tensile test
On periodic boundary conditions in Variationally Consistent Homogenisation of beams and plates
Digitala tvillingmodeller underlättar bedömning av risker
A multiscale model for reinforced concrete with macroscopic variation of reinforcement slip
Methodology for Testing Rebar-Concrete Bond in Specimens from Decommissioned Structures
Incorporation of cracks in finite element modelling of existing concrete structures
On the micro-to-macro transition of reinforcement slip in two-scale modelling
Reliability analysis of corroded reinforced concrete beam with regards to anchorage failure
Vad kan man lära sig av en 80-årig bro från Gullspång?
Electrical resistivity measurements in steel fibre reinforced cementitious materials
The effect of fibres on steel bar corrosion and flexural behaviour of corroded RC beams
Practical Bond Model for Corroded RC Bridges
Ny metod för sprickmodellering i armerad betong
Anchorage capacity of corroded smooth reinforcement bars in existing reinforced structures.
Corrosion-induced cracking and bond behaviour of corroded reinforcement bars in SFRC
Corrosion-induced cracking and bond behaviour of corroding reinforcement bars in SFRC
Flexural Behaviour of Textile Reinforced Concrete Composites: Experimental and Numerical Evaluation
FIbrer i anläggningskonstruktioner
Reliable Engineering Assessments of Corroded Concrete Structures
Four levels to assess anchorage capacity of corroded reinforcement in concrete
A multi-level structural assessment strategy for reinforced concrete bridge deck slabs
Investigating correlations between crack width, corrosion level and anchorage capacity
Tensile behaviour of textile reinforcement under accelerated ageing conditions
Development of engineering assessment method for anchorage in reinforced concrete
Modellering av förankringskapaciteten i betongkonstruktioner med rostande armering
Two-scale modelling of reinforced concrete
Characterisation of bending cracks in R/FRC using image analysis
A multi-level structural assessment strategy for analysis of RC bridge deck slabs
Engineering Assessment Method for Anchorage in Corroded Reinforced Concrete
Influence of fibre reinforcement on the initiation of corrosion-induced cracks
Investigation on the influence of fibre reinforcement on chloride induced corrosion of RC structures
A Multi-levelStructural Assessment Proposal for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs
Tests on Anchorage of Naturally Corroded Reinforcement in Concrete
A model for the anchorage of corroded reinforcement: Validatlon and application
FE2 Method for Coupled Transient Diffusion Phenomena in Concrete
Mesoscale modelling of crack-induced diffusivity in concrete
Kan fibrer påverka beständigheten av konventionellt armerade betongkonstruktioner?
Anchorage of corroded reinforcement – from advanced models to practical applications
Aspects of Integrated Design of Structures: Parametric Models, Creative Space and Linked Knowledge
Numerical 3D Modelling of Anchorage, Corrosion and Spalling
Development of modelling strategies for two-way RC slabs
A model for the anchorage of corroded reinforcement: validation and application
Sustainable Potential of Textile-Reinforced Concrete
3D Modelling of the bond behavior of naturally corroded reinforced concrete
Bärighetsutredning av betongbroar med rostande armering
Evaluation of Pull-out Behaviour in Textile Reinforced Concrete
Two-way slabs: Experimental investigation of load redistributions in steel fibre reinforced concrete
Structural Assessment of Bridge Deck Slabs
Assessment of Structural Performance in Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete Elements
Finite Element Modelling of Two-way RC Slabs with Varying Modelling Choices
Computational homogenization of diffusion in three-phase mesoscale concrete
Modelling the Bond Behaviour of Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete
Pull-out of textile reinforcement in concrete
1D and 3D analysis of anchorage in naturally corroded specimens
Anchorage of naturally corroded bars in reinforced concrete structures
Experimental Investigation on Rebar Corrosion in Combination with Fibres
Tredimensionell modellering av betongens heterogena sammansättning
Numerical Modelling of Textile Reinforced Concrete
A 3D/2D comparison between heterogeneous mesoscale models of concrete
Formbarare betong med ny armering
Modelling cracking and bending failure of SFRC beams with conventional reinforcement
Assessment of Anchorage Capacity of Naturally Corroded Reinforcement
Modelling the structural behaviour of frost-damaged reinforced concrete structures
Experiments on Fibre Reinforced Concrete Two-way Slabs
Three point bending and uni-axial tension tests of double hook-end fibers
Severely Corroded RC with Cover Cracking
Three-dimensional modelling of structural effects of corroding steel reinforcement in concrete
Macroscopic diffusivity in concrete determined by computationalhomogenization
Anchorage Capacity of Naturally Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams
Analytical model for the bond-slip behaviour of corroded ribbed reinforcement
Bond between Reinforcement and Self-Compacting Steel-Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
Anchorage capacity of naturally corroded reinforcement in an existing bridge
Är förankringskapaciteten tillräcklig i broar med rostande armering?
Influence of frost on the bond between steel and concrete
Anchorage in naturally corroded specimens taken from existing structures
Reinforcing tailor-made concrete structures: Alternatives and challenges
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Steel Fibre Reinforced Beams with Conventional Reinforcement
Determining effective diffusion properties of concrete through mesoscale analysis
Bond Strength of Highly Corroded Reinforcement and Cover Delamination
Anchorage of corroded bars: eccentric pull-out tests and numerical analysis
Bond of reinforcement in self-compacting steel-fibre-reinforced concrete
Chloride transport in concrete modeled by the FE^2-method
Structural design of reinforcement in tailor-made concrete structures
Experimental study of the material and bond properties of frost-damaged concrete
Reinforcement in tailor-made concrete structures
Corroded reinforced concrete structures: effects of high corrosion and corroded stirrups
A multi-scale method for modeling of moisture and chloride ion transport in concrete
Bond capacity of severely corroded bars with corroded stirrups
Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structures
Modellering och simulering av fukt- och kloridjonstransport i betongens mikrostruktur
Skräddarsydda betongkonstruktioner
Severely Corroded Reinforced Concrete with Cover Cracking: Part 2. Anchorage Capacity
Non-linear finite-element analysis of the shear response in prestressed concrete bridges
Nonlinear analysis of crack widths in reinforced concrete
Frost-damaged concrete: Part 2. Bond properties
Frost-damaged concrete: Part 1. Material properties
Structural assessment of concrete railway bridges
Performance Evaluation of Damaged Concrete Bridges
Structural assessment of concrete bridges
A dual model describing concrete subjected to cyclic loading
Structural behavior of corroded reinforced concrete structures
Modelling of Concrete in Tension - Energy Dissipation in Cyclic Loops
A guide to non-linear finite element modelling of shear and torsion in concrete bridges
Evaluation of load-carrying capacity of damaged reinforced concrete structures
Effect of corrosion on the bond between steel and concrete: an overview
Lap splice over a grouted joint in a lattice girder system
Shear and torsion in prestressed hollow core units:finite element analyses of full-scale tests
Structural Assessment of concrete railway bridges
Structural assessment of concrete bridges
Mechanical behaviour of Frost-damaged Reinforced Concrete Structures
Simulation of shear-type cracking and failure with non-linear finite element method
Constitutive modeling of concrete subjected to tensile cyclic loading
Vägledning för livslängdsdimensionering av betongkonstruktioner
Non-Linear Analysis and Remaining Fatigue Life
Effects on bond of reinforcement corrosion
Crack Widths Close to the Reinforcement
Reinforced and prestressed concrete beams subjected to shear and torsion
Bond behaviour of corroded reinforcing steel bars in concrete
The effect of corrosion on bond in reinforced concrete
Modelling of bond between three-wire strands and concrete
Utmattning av betongkonstruktioner
Effect of corrosion on bond in reinforced concrete under cyclic loading
Structural assessment of concrete railway bridges: Non-linear analysis and remaining fatigue life
Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs: How advanced modelling can be used in design
Constitutive Model for Concrete Subjected to Cyclic Loading; Biaxial Tension
Shear and torsion interaction in prestressed hollow core units
Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs
Bond between ribbed bars and concrete. Part 1: Modified model
Att modellera brott hos betong med hjälp av icke-linjär finit elementmetod
Bond between ribbed bars and concrete. Part 2: The effect of corrosion
Lap splice in a lattice girder system
Shear and torsion in hollow core slabs
The effect of corrosion on concrete bridges
Analyses of hollow core floors subjected to shear and torsion
Corrosion influence on bond in reinforced concrete
Bärförmåga för betongkonstruktioner under nedbrytningsprocess - Slutrapport
FE analyses and tests of lap splices in frame corners
Modelling the effect of corrosion on bond in reinforced concrete
Concrete in compression: A plasticity theory with a novel hardening law
Finite Element Analyses of Hollow Core Units Subjected to Shear and Torsion
Three-dimensional modelling of anchorage zones in reinforced concrete
Pull-out tests of steel-encased specimens subjected to reversed cyclic loading
A model for the bond between concrete and reinforcement
The vertical stability of slender load-bearing façade systems
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Showing 5 research projects
Multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures
Load Carrying Capacity of Existing Bridge Deck Slabs
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