Designkriterier för ballastfria spår (CHARMEC TS19)
Forskningsprojekt, 2016 – 2021

According to technical specifications issued by Trafikverket, the construction of future high-speed lines in Sweden will be based on slab track design. Project TS19 aims at providing a scientific foundation for the specification of slab tracks under Swedish conditions. Vertical dynamic interaction between high-speed trains and the track will be studied using a generic model that includes a three-dimensional description of the slab track structure on a Winkler-type foundation. The influence of stiffness gradients and differential settlements in the supporting foundation along and across the slab will be investigated. Transition zones between different track forms will be studied. Strength and fatigue life of the design will be analysed considering high-frequency impact loads due to wheel/rail irregularities and also temperature variations and crack propagation. Different slab track designs available on the market will be compared with conventional ballasted track designs to obtain an optimum performance under Swedish climate conditions at a low life cycle cost. The project runs in parallel with work in the EU program Shift2Rail.

This is a doctoral project. Mr Emil Aggestam, Lic Eng, is the doctoral student and Professor Jens Nielsen is the project leader and supervisor. Professor Anders Ekberg of Chalmers and Dr Rikard Bolmvik of Abetong AB in Växjö are assistant supervisors.



Jens Nielsen (kontakt)

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Dynamik

Emil Aggestam

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Dynamik

Anders Ekberg

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Dynamik


Abetong AB

Växjö, Sweden

Atkins Sverige AB

Göteborg, Sweden

Bombardier Transportation GmbH

Siegen, Germany

Faiveley Transport Nordic AB

Landskrona, Sweden

Green Cargo AB

Solna, Sweden

Lucchini Sweden AB

Surahammar, Sweden


Stockholm, Sweden

SweMaint AB

Göteborg, Sweden


Borlänge, Sweden

voestalpine Schienen GmbH

Leoben, Austria

voestalpine VAE GmbH

Zeltweg, Austria


Chalmers järnvägsmekanik (CHARMEC)

Projekt-id: CHARMEC TS19
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2019–2021


Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2016–2018

Relaterade styrkeområden och infrastruktur

Hållbar utveckling




C3SE (-2020, Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)



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