Touch At! – Designing interactive assistive touch technologies for children with intellectual disabilities
Research Project, 2014 – 2017

The purpose of this project is to investigate how interactive assistive touch based technologies for children with intellectual disabilities (ID) in grade 6-9 in the Swedish Compulsory school for children with learning disabilities (särskola) can be designed. The project will work with user centred design, and investigate how children with ID, teachers, families, care takers, and adults with ID can participate as co-designers in the development process. The interdisciplinary project consortium will consist of researchers from Interaction design at Chalmers University of Technology, Learning, Communication and IT and Psychology at University of Gothenburg, Läsö special education school at Hovåsskolan in Gothenburg and Primacura daily activity centre in Borås. The focus of the design driven research investigations will be on applications for training social and emotional behaviour. The goal is to design and evaluate a range of different assistive applications focusing on the child’s social and emotional behaviour, and develop a framework consisting of methods and means for how to design and evaluate technology for and with this user group. The development and testing will take place in the class room, and the results and applications from the project will be openly accessible for all through the project website, articles and presentations in relevant journals and conferences.


Olof Torgersson (contact)

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Interaction Design and Software Engineering

Wolmet Barendregt

Applied Information Technology (Chalmers)

Peter Börjesson

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Interaction Design and Software Engineering

Eva Eriksson

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Interaction Design and Software Engineering


Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation

Project ID: MAW2013.0063
Funding Chalmers participation during 2014–2017

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Information and Communication Technology

Areas of Advance

Sustainable development

Driving Forces

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