Advanced characterization of new cellulose-based melt-processed materials for disposable packaging
Research Project, 2019

Purpose and goal: The goal was to identify existing infra-structure for high resolution scattering techniques for in-situ studies on cellulose, or if non-existing, design these set-ups. Standard SAXS and WAXS protocols in lab scale have been tested and work for the application. This indicates that existing infra-structure for scattering tests could be used. Possible beamlines available with SAXS/WAXS scattering technique are cSAXS beamline at SLS, (Swiss Light Source at PSI, Switzerland) or P03 at PETRA III at the DESY facility in Hamburg. Also the ForMAX beamline at MAX IV will work when up and running. Expected results and effects: Different levels of modification of the cellulose from zero up to 32 hours modification were tested. SAXS showed an intensity peak corresponding to the fibrous elements in the material at low levels of modification. At higher degree of modification, SAXS showed less of a peak, indicating a loss of structure with modification of the material. This is expected, and it is encouraging that the scattering test was able to capture this change in the material. With such a result, the scattering tests could be done in a synchrotron in the future. Approach and implementation: During stage 1 two project meetings have been held with all parties. One project meeting was first held to align on the idea of the project and discuss the company’s needs from a sustainability perspective and how those connect to idea of the project. A literature survey was done. Material variants to be tested was decided, and lab-scale SAXS and WAXS was performed. All parties of the consortium were pleased with how the project had developed, and synchrotron tests can now be done.


Giada Lo Re (contact)

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Engineering Materials


Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Stockholm, Sweden

Tetra Pak

Lund, Sweden



Project ID: 2019-02558
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019

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