From EMPD to CFD – overview of different approaches for Heat Air and Moisture modeling in IEA Annex 41
Paper in proceeding, 2009

This paper provides an overview of the recent developments of Heat, Air and Moisture modeling of Whole Buildings, which were carried out within a collaborative project of the International Energy Agency. The project has strived to advance the possibilities to calculate the integrated phenomena of heat, air and moisture flows while including the important interactions that take place in buildings between the various building materials, components, and room air, and how those conditions are influenced by occupants and HVAC systems. Principles and some applications of different levels of modeling are presented: simplified modeling of moisture buffering, whole building coupled models as well as more detailed contributions for airflow modeling, including CFD models


Monika Woloszyn

Université de Lyon

Carsten Rode

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Angela Sasic Kalagasidis

Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Building Technology

Arnold Janssens

Universite de Mons

Michael De Paepe

Ghent university

ASHRAE Transactions

0001-2505 (ISSN)

Vol. 115 PART 2 96-110

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Civil Engineering

Building Technologies

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