Angela Sasic Kalagasidis
Angela is Full Professor of Building Physics and leader of the Building Physics research group. She specializes in numerical modeling and simulations related to heat and mass transfer processes in buildings and their surroundings. Her research is broad and includes building properties and energy efficiency, moisture safety, indoor emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), materials for thermal energy storage, use of green roofs for stormwater management, as well as impact studies of climate change on buildings and urban heat islands. Angela's significant contributions include the development of advanced computational tools that promote innovative building technology and thermal systems. Angela is head of the Division for Building Technology and board member of FuktCentrum at the Lund University.

Showing 143 publications
Dynamics of Contaminant Flow Through Porous Media Containing Random Adsorbers
Sustainable Heat Generation in Flow from a Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage System
Critical perspectives on life cycle building performance assessment tool reviews
Theoretical Threshold for Estimating the Impact of Ventilation on Materials’ Emissions
Drying of an aerogel-based coating system in Swedish climates: Field tests and simulations
Moisture absorption of an aerogel-based coating system under different wetting scenarios
Addressing wind comfort in an urban area using an immersed boundary framework
A Characterisation Framework for Parametric Building Performance Simulation Tools
Thermo-optical performance of molecular solar thermal energy storage films
Tool characterisation framework for parametric building LCA
Validation of an immersed boundary framework for urban flows
Increasing Water Absorptivity of an Aerogel-Based Coating Mortar in Subsequent Wetting and Drying
Superisolerande puts ett steg närmare verklighet i Sverige – erfarenheter från fältförsök
Knowledge gaps regarding the hygrothermal and long-term performance of aerogel-based coating mortars
Co-Heating method for thermal performance evaluation of closed refrigerated display cabinets
Aerogelbaserad puts- Superisolering för framtiden
Early-stage concentrations of formaldehydes and TVOCs in a new low-energy building
Design tool for thermal energy storage in buildings
Energy Performance Modelling: Introducing the Building Early-stage Design Optimization Tool (BeDOT)
Contributions of Building Retrofitting in Five Member States to EU Targets for Energy Savings
Optimization of Night Cooling of Commercial Premises Using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks
En introduktion till dagvattenflödesmodellering i gröna tak
The HSB Living Lab harmonization cube
Next Generation Living Labs: Comprehensive Report
Tak i urbana miljöer för att minska risken för översvämning vid skyfall
Design evaluation and improvements of a latent heat based thermal energy storage system
Evaluation of 5 years’ performance of VIPs in a retrofitted building façade
Vakuumisoleringspaneler i gamla byggnader
Modelling opportunities and costs associated with energy conservation in the Spanish building stock
Future moisture loads for building facades in Sweden: Climate change and wind-driven rain
Assessing the efficiency and robustness of the retrofitted building envelope against climate change
Investigating PCM activation using transient plane source method
Riskbedömningar och råd med fuktsäkra kallvindar
Boda mill – A Meeting Point for Renewable Energy systems
Hygrothermal Risk Assessment - Retrofit of External Wall by the Application of Interior Insulation
A multi-level modelling and evaluation of thermal performance of phase change materials in buildings
Air leakages in a retrofitted building from 1930: measurements and numerical simulations
Building-Stock Aggregation through Archetype Buildings: France, Germany, Spain and the UK
Moisture safe cold attics - Assessment based on risk analyses of performance and cost
A modelling strategy for energy, carbon, and cost assessments of building stocks.
Description of the European building stock through archetype buildings
Climate Change and Wind-Driven Rain – a Preliminary Study about Climate Uncertainties
Fuktsäkra kallvindar – bedömning utifrån riskanalyser av funktion och kostnad
Bottom-up characterization of the Spanish building stock for energy assessment and model validation
A bottom-up model for energy, carbon and costs assessment of building stocks
Energieffektiviseringar – vilka risker finns och hur ska de hanteras?
Energy efficiency strategies in the residential building stock
Simulation of heat and moisture induced stress and strain of historic building materials
Mould Growth Control in Cold Attics through Adaptive Ventilation. Validation by Field Measurements
Mold Growth Control in Cold Attics through Adaptive Ventilation: Validation by Field Measurements
Condensation and moisture transport in cold roofs: effects of roof underlay
Modelling energy efficiency scenarios for the European building stock
Hygro-thermal response of a ventilated attic to the future climate load in Sweden
Hygro-thermal response of a ventilated attic to the future climate load in Sweden
Styrd ventilation av kallvindar – Uppföljning av fältförsök
Assessing possibilities of moisture management in buildings using simulation tools
HAM-Tools – a whole building simulation tool in Annex 41. IEA Annex 41 closing seminar.
Effect of climate change on energy consumption in buildings
Mould growth control in cold attics through adaptive ventilation
IEA Annex 41, MOIST-ENG. 2008. Final report.
Mould growth control in cold attics through adaptive ventilation
Long term simulation of the hygro-thermal response of buildings - Results and questions
An airtight building – from a design concept to the performance achieved
The International Building Physics Toolbox in Simulink
Simulations as the way of bridging the gaps between desired and actual building performance
Upgraded weather forecast control of building heating systems
ENLOSS testing with HAM-Tools. SMHI Common exercise 0. Calculation of energy use for space heating
A Simulation Tool for Temperature and Moisture Dependent Transport of VOC's in Buildings
Konsekvenser av luftrörelser på vindsbjälklaget
Air transport in and through the building envelope
Presentation of the international building physics toolbox for Simulink
Simulink modelling tool for HAM system analyses in building physics
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Showing 25 research projects
Fuktutmaningar i ett förändrat klimat
Simple Test Cases for Developing Future Urban Heat Simulation Tools
Super insulation plaster for sustainable renovation
VOC-pass. En metodik för proaktiv och energieffektiv ventialation av tidiga VOC i byggnader
Mainstreaming holistic life cycle performance optimisation in early design stages of buildings
Molecular Solar Thermal energy storage systems (MOST)
UEQ - simulations, visualizations and evaluations of future sustainable urban environments
Addressing thermal and air quality comfort in future urban design using novel digital tools.
filmTES - Performance criteria and benchmarks
Super insulation render for renovation and new constructions
Halter av VOC i nybyggda och nyrenoverade lokaler - en förstudie
Demonstration plant for cold storage in phase change materials
Next Generation Living Lab (NGLL)
Potentials of using existing roofs for mitigation of storm water flooding risks in urban areas
Next generation building envelope systems (NextGBES)
Supermarkets as thermal buffers for renewable electricity grids