filmTES - Performance criteria and benchmarks
Research Project, 2019 –

This project has a twofold aim: to develop new criterion or criteria that precisely describe the performance of thin films and coatings with a built-in thermal storage capacity (filmTES), and to
demonstrate the function of these materials on carefully selected numerical benchmarks. Chalmers-developed molecular photoswitches, so called MOST-systems, capable of capturing and storing sunlight when in solid state are examples of these materials. FilmTES can be used to level out temperature variations at various surfaces exposed to solar irradiation and, thereby, to reduce the
need for energy intensive heating and cooling. Appropriate performance criteria for these materials, which are lacking today, are needed to identify future application areas for filmTES, comparing
alternatives, and directing research efforts. Well-defined performance criteria will also help in communicating the capabilities of filmTES to stakeholders and inspiring further innovations. The
project involves collaboration between the Building physics modelling research group, led by Angela Sasic Kalagasidis and of Kasper Moth-Poulsen, at the Department of Applied Chemistry.


Angela Sasic Kalagasidis (contact)

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Technology

Kasper Moth-Poulsen

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Applied Chemistry



Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–

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