The whole model validation for HAM-Tools—case study: Hygrothermal conditions in a cold attic under different ventilation regimes
Paper in proceeding, 2004

HAM-Tools is a software library specially constructed for hygrothermal system analysis in building physics. The software is developed as a modular structure of standard building elements and systems using a graphical programming environment. Due to its modular structure and transparency, each of the existing components can be easily changed and adjusted to specific user demands. In order to asses the software’s ability to predict the building hygrothermal response under given climatic and operating conditions, validation tests against measurements have been performed. As a case study, temperature and relative humidity of a cold ventilated attic space in real operating conditions was selected. Validation results are presented as a comparison between measurements and calculations. Parametric sensitivity analyses were performed and necessary adjustments for the missing input parameters have been fully documented. The code has shown a high degree of reliability, both in a qualitative and a quantitative way.


Angela Sasic Kalagasidis

Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Building Technology

Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings

21668469 (eISSN)

9781931862608 (ISBN)

9th International Conference on Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings 2004
Clearwater, USA,

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology

Other Civil Engineering

Building Technologies

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