Can public policy create sustainable and long-term effects on industry? Conceptual issues and the case of life sciences for innovative food in Sweden
Paper in proceeding, 2010
This paper addresses the question what role public policy can play for connecting industry
and public research organizations, i.e. what types of long-term goals and effects on industry
can one reasonably expect? The present study analyzes 66 projects co-funded by the Swedish
government agency Vinnova in the food area. The analysis showed that the Swedish policy in
the area of innovative food was ‘needs-driven’ and explicitly designed to get university
researchers and firms to interact. We also found that the manner in which the firms were
involved in research varied greatly, but that in general this interaction was considered
important in order to access knowledge and solve problems. Many projects were identified as
providing benefits in commercialization activities. However, the actual product development
usually occurred inside the boundaries of the firm. Furthermore, companies may have
incentives to collaborate in order to ‘brand’ their products as high quality and to support
marketing. Another valuable result of the policy was increasing labor mobility, that is,
companies hiring PhDs. Finally, it can be concluded that given the global character of the
food industry it seems that the pursued policy have contributed to make Sweden a more
attractive place for industrial R&D investments