Tomas McKelvey

Full Professor at Signal Processing

Tomas McKelvey is Deputy Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, and Full Professor in the Signal processing research group.

Professor Tomas McKelvey obtained his Electrical Engineering education at Lund University between 1987 to 1991 and received his PhD in Automatic Control at Linköping University in 1995. Between 1995 and 1999 he held research and teaching positions at Linköping University and became docent in 1999. Between 1999 and 2000 he was a visiting researcher at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Since 2000 he has been with Chalmers University of Technology and from 2006 he holds a full professor position in Signal Processing. Professor McKelvey's research interests are model-based signal processing, statistical signal processing, system identification, and automatic control with applications to radar systems, biomedical engineering, power systems, and automotive propulsion.

Image of Tomas McKelvey

Showing 404 publications


Scenario Tracking for Airborne Bistatic Radar Systems

Jacob Klintberg, Tomas McKelvey, Patrik Dammert
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Vol. 60 (6), p. 8583-8590
Journal article

Building efficient CNNs using Depthwise Convolutional Eigen-Filters (DeCEF)

Yinan Yu, Samuel Scheidegger, Tomas McKelvey
Neurocomputing. Vol. 609
Journal article

Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Grid-Forming Inverter

Ebrahim Balouji, Karl Bäckström, Tomas McKelvey
2023 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2023
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of Interpolating Regression Models and the Double Descent Phenomenon

Tomas McKelvey
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 56 (2), p. 5869-5874
Paper in proceeding

A Pure Data-Driven Method for Online Inertia Estimation in Power Systems Using Local Rational Model Approach

Mohammadreza Mazidi, Tomas McKelvey, Peiyuan Chen
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 59 (5), p. 5506-5516
Journal article

Over-The-Air Identification of Coupled Nonlinear Distortion in a MIMO Radar

Carl Kylin, Thomas Eriksson, Anders Silander et al
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. Vol. 2022-June, p. 121-125
Paper in proceeding

A Pure Data-Driven Method for Online Inertia Estimation in Power Systems Using Local Rational Model Approach

Mohammadreza Mazidi, Tomas McKelvey
2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2022
Paper in proceeding

Scenario Based Transformations for Compensation of Non-Stationary Radar Clutter

Jacob Klintberg, Tomas McKelvey, Patrik Dammert

A Parametric Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Airborne Bistatic Radar Systems

Jacob Klintberg, Tomas McKelvey, Patrik Dammert
Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference
Paper in proceeding

Undiscounted control policy generation for continuous-valued optimal control by approximate dynamic programming

Jonathan Lock, Tomas McKelvey
International Journal of Control. Vol. 95 (10), p. 2854-2864
Journal article

Classification of Partial Discharges Originating from Multi-level PWM Using Machine Learning

Ebrahim Balouji, Thomas Hammarström, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. Vol. 29 (1), p. 287-294
Journal article

Data-Driven Near-Optimal On-Line Control for an Electrically Heated Catalyst-Equipped Gasoline Engine

Dhinesh Vilwanathan Velmurugan, Tomas McKelvey, Jan-Ola Olsson
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 16 (3)
Journal article

Deep Learning Based Predictive Compensation of Flicker, Voltage Dips, Harmonics and Interharmonics in Electric Arc Furnaces

Ebrahim Balouji, Özgül Salor, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 58 (3), p. 4214-4224
Journal article

A Parametric Approach to Space-Time Adaptive Processing in Bistatic Radar Systems

Jacob Klintberg, Tomas McKelvey, Patrik Dammert
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. Vol. 58 (2), p. 1149-1160
Journal article

Evaluation of electrically heated catalyst control strategies against a variation of cold engine start driver behaviour

Dhinesh Vilwanathan Velmurugan, Tomas McKelvey, Jan-Ola Olsson
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

Predictive Compensation of EAF Flicker, Voltage Dips Harmonics and Interharmonics Using Deep Learning

Ebrahim Balouji, Özgül Salor, Tomas McKelvey
Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society). Vol. 2021-October
Paper in proceeding

Predictive energy management of hybrid electric vehicles via multi-layer control

Maryam Razi, Nikolce Murgovski, Tomas McKelvey et al
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. 70 (7), p. 6485-6499
Journal article

Cold-Start Modeling and On-Line Optimal Control of the Three-Way Catalyst

Jonathan Lock, Kristoffer Clasén, Jonas Sjöblom et al
Emission Control Science and Technology. Vol. 7 (4), p. 321-347
Journal article

A Möbius Transform Approach for Improved MIMO Frequency Domain Identification

Tomas McKelvey, Andrei Osipov, Thomas Rylander
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 54 (7), p. 791-796
Paper in proceeding

System Identification of Electromagnetic Devices Based on Full-Wave Computations

Carl Holmberg, Thomas Rylander, Jan Carlsson et al
2021 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Signal and Power Integrity, and EMC Europe, EMC/SI/PI/EMC Europe 2021, p. 952-957
Paper in proceeding

Neural Networks for the Estimation of Low-Order Statistical Moments of a Stochastic Dielectric

Simon Stenmark, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey
Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. Vol. 2021-May
Paper in proceeding

A simulation framework for cold-start evaluation of a gasoline engine equipped with an electrically heated three-way catalyst

Dhinesh V. Velmurugan, Tomas McKelvey, Jan-Ola Olsson
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 54 (10), p. 526-533
Paper in proceeding

Design and comparative analyses of optimal feedback controllers for hybrid electric vehicles

Maryam Razi, Nikolce Murgovski, Tomas McKelvey et al
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. Vol. 70 (4), p. 2979-2993
Journal article

A Multivariate Local Rational Modeling Approach for Detection of Structural Changes in Test Vehicles

Tomas McKelvey, D. McKelvey, P. Nordberg
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 54 (7), p. 79-84
Paper in proceeding

FSID - A Frequency Weighted MIMO Frequency Domain Identification and Rational Matrix Approximation Method for Python, Julia and Matlab

Tomas McKelvey, M. Gibanica
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 54 (7), p. 403-408
Paper in proceeding

A Control-Oriented Spatially Resolved Thermal Model of the Three-Way-Catalyst

Jonathan Lock, Kristoffer Clasén, Jonas Sjöblom et al
SAE Technical Papers (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Cavity resonator sensor and temporal signals analysis for object detection in granular flows

Johan Nohlert, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. Vol. 150
Journal article

Accurate and Efficient Crosstalk Analysis by Full-wave Computations and System Identification

Carl Holmberg, Thomas Rylander, Jan Carlsson et al
Proceedings of the 2020 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, EMC EUROPE 2020
Paper in proceeding

State-space system identification with physically motivated residual states and throughput rank constraint

Mladen Gibanica, Thomas Abrahamsson, Tomas McKelvey
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. Vol. 142
Journal article

Deep-Learning-Based Harmonics and Interharmonics Predetection Designed for Compensating Significantly Time-Varying EAF Currents

Ebrahim Balouji, Karl Bäckström, Tomas McKelvey et al
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 56 (3), p. 3250-3260
Journal article

Mitigation of Ground Clutter in Airborne Bistatic Radar Systems

Jacob Klintberg, Tomas McKelvey, Patrik Dammert
Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. Vol. 2020-June
Paper in proceeding

Deep Learning Based Harmonics and Interharmonics Pre-Detection Designed for Compensating Significantly Time-varying EAF Currents

Ebrahim Balouji, Karl Bäckström, Tomas McKelvey et al
2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2019
Paper in proceeding

Tonic-clonic seizure detection using accelerometry-based wearable sensors: A prospective, video-EEG controlled study

Dongni Johansson, Fredrik Ohlsson, David Krýsl et al
Seizure : the journal of the British Epilepsy Association. Vol. 65, p. 48-54
Journal article

Understanding Support Vector Machines with Polynomial Kernels

Rikard Vinge, Tomas McKelvey
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2019-September
Paper in proceeding

Auto-calibration of Uniform Linear Array Antennas

Tomas McKelvey
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2019-September
Paper in proceeding


Jacob Klintberg, Tomas McKelvey
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Vol. 2019-May, p. 5551-5555
Paper in proceeding

Partial discharge classification in power electronics applications using machine learning

Ebrahim Balouji, Thomas Hammarström, Tomas McKelvey
GlobalSIP 2019 - 7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Optimal Transient Real-Time Engine-Generator Control in the Series-Hybrid Vehicle

Jonathan Lock, Rickard Arvidsson, Tomas McKelvey
ASME 2019 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2019. Vol. 2
Paper in proceeding

Auto-Calibration of Co-located Uniform Linear Array Antennas

Tomas McKelvey
2019 IEEE 8th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, CAMSAP 2019 - Proceedings, p. 56-60
Paper in proceeding

Compressed Sensing Applied to Non-Ideal Microwave Measurements in Metal Enclosures

Johan Winges, Livia Cerullo, Thomas Rylander et al
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019
Paper in proceeding

Multi-objective optimization of wireless power transfer systems with magnetically coupled resonators and nonlinear loads

Johan Winges, Thomas Rylander, Carl Petersson et al
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B. Vol. 83 (2019), p. 25-42
Journal article

CLAss-Specific Subspace Kernel Representations and Adaptive Margin Slack Minimization for Large Scale Classification

Yinan Yu, Konstantinos I. Diamantaras, Tomas McKelvey et al
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Vol. 29 (2), p. 440 -456
Journal article

Physically motivated rank constraint on direct throughput of state-space models

Mladen Gibanica, Thomas Abrahamsson, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 51 (15), p. 329-334
Paper in proceeding

System Identification and Tuning of Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Multiple Magnetically Coupled Resonators

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander, Carl Petersson et al
Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering. Vol. 2 (2), p. 86-92
Journal article

Improving Linear State-Space Models with Additional Iterations

Suat Gumussoy, Ahmet Azda Ozdemir, Tomas McKelvey et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 51 (15), p. 341-346
Paper in proceeding

Supervisory Controller for a Light Duty Diesel Engine with an LNT-SCR After-Treatment System

Dhinesh Vilwanathan Velmurugan, Daniel Lundberg, Tomas McKelvey
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-September
Journal article

Introducing Compressed Mixture Models for Predicting Long-Lasting Brake Events

Emil Staf, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 51 (31), p. 840-845
Paper in proceeding

Remote Estimation of Correlated Sources under Energy Harvesting Constraints

Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Vol. 17 (8), p. 5300-5313
Journal article

Kernel Subspace Learning for Pattern Classification

Yinan Yu, Konstantinos I. Diamantaras, Tomas McKelvey et al
Adaptive Learning Methods for Nonlinear System Modeling, p. 127-147
Book chapter

Compressed Sensing for the Detection and Positioning of Dielectric Objects Inside Metal Enclosures by Means of Microwave Measurements

JOHAN WINGES, Livia Cerullo, Thomas Rylander et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 66 (1), p. 462-476
Journal article

Supervisory controller for a LNT-SCR Diesel Exhaust After-Treatment System

Dhinesh Velmurugan, Daniel Lundberg, Tomas McKelvey
2018 European Control Conference, ECC 2018, p. 1900-1907
Paper in proceeding

Look ahead based Supervisory control of a light duty Diesel engine

Dhinesh Vilwanathan Velmurugan, Daniel Lundberg, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 51
Paper in proceeding

Transmission Strategies for Remote Estimation with an Energy Harvesting Sensor

Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. Vol. 16 (7), p. 4390-4403
Journal article

A Computationally Fast Iterative Dynamic Programming Method for Optimal Control of Loosely Coupled Dynamical Systems with Different Time Scales

Jonathan Lock, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 50 (1), p. 5953-5960
Paper in proceeding

On robust optical flow estimation on image sequences with differently exposed frames using primal-dual optimization

Tomas Bengtsson, Tomas McKelvey, Konstantin Lindström
Image and Vision Computing. Vol. 57, p. 78-88
Journal article

Matched filter for microwave-based detection of dielectric objects in powders

Johan Nohlert, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey
I2MTC 2017 - 2017 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Microwave technology for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings: tests on phantom of subdural hematoma and numerical simulations

Stefan Candefjord, JOHAN WINGES, Malik Ahzaz Ahmad et al
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. Vol. 55 (8), p. 1177-1188
Journal article

Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer under a Non-Linear RF Energy Harvesting Model

Xiaowei Xu, Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey et al
IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC) (2017), p. 179-184
Paper in proceeding

Comparing Dynamic Programming Optimal Control Strategies for a Series Hybrid Drivetrain

Rickard Arvidsson, Tomas McKelvey
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2017-October
Journal article

Robust Discrete-Time Gain-Scheduled Guaranteed Cost PSD Controller Design

Adrian Ilka, Tomas McKelvey
Proceedings of the 2017 21st International Conference on Process Control (PC), Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, June 6 – 9,, p. 54-59
Paper in proceeding

Microwave measurement system for dispersive dielectric properties of densely packed pellets

Livia Cerullo, JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander et al
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. Vol. 106, p. 179-189
Journal article

System Identification and Tuning of WPT Systems

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey et al
2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC)
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating the performance of higher institutions in Europe. A nonparametric efficiency analysis of 944 institutions

Ann Veiderpass, Tomas McKelvey
Applied Economics. Vol. 48 (16), p. 1504-1514
Journal article

Array response interpolation and DOA estimation with array response decomposition

Bin Yang, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg et al
Signal Processing. Vol. 125, p. 97-109
Journal article

Adaptive margin slack minimization in RKHS for classification

Yinan Yu, Konstantinos I. Diamantaras, Tomas McKelvey et al
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Vol. 2016-May, p. 2319-2323
Paper in proceeding

Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer with Transmitters with Hardware Impairments

Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. Vol. 2016-October, p. 114-118
Paper in proceeding

The effects of ventricular drainage on the intracranial pressure signal and the pressure reactivity index

Tim Howells, Ulf Johnson, Tomas McKelvey et al
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Vol. 31 (2), p. 1-10
Journal article

Robust Discrete-Time Gain-Scheduled PSD Controller Design

Adrian Ilka, Tomas McKelvey
Reglermöte 2016, p. 271-275
Other conference contribution

Battery parameter estimation from recorded fleet data

Rickard Arvidsson, Tomas McKelvey
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2016-Octobeer
Journal article

Driver-Gaze Zone Estimation Using Bayesian Filtering and Gaussian Processes

Malin Lundgren, Lars Hammarstrand, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 17 (10), p. 2739-2750
Journal article

Microwave Measurement System for Detection of Dielectric Objects in Powders

Johan Nohlert, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 64 (11), p. 3851-3863
Journal article

Enhanced Distance Subset Approximation using Class-Specific Subspace Kernel Representation for Kernel Approximation

Yinan Yu, Konstantinos I. Diamantaras, Tomas McKelvey et al
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP. Vol. 2016-November
Paper in proceeding

Transmission Strategies for Remote Estimation under Energy Harvesting Constraints

Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
European Signal Processing Conference. Vol. 2016-November, p. 572-576
Paper in proceeding

Knowledge management processes and the formation of entrepreneurial opportunities

Rani J. Dang, Tomas McKelvey
Journal of Innovation Economics and Management (19), p. 31-59
Journal article

Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: A new research agenda?

Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Book of abstracts of the 6th CIM Community Workshop
Other conference contribution

Robust Gain-Scheduled PSD Controller Design from Educational Perspective

Adrian Ilka, Vojtech Veselý, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 49 (6), p. 354-359
Paper in proceeding

Performance Bounds for Remote Estimation with an Energy Harvesting Sensor

Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2016-August, p. 460-464
Paper in proceeding

Evolutionary Approaches to Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Sidney G Winter, recipient of the 2015 global award for entrepreneurship research.

Ammon Salter, Tomas McKelvey
Small Business Economics. Vol. 47 (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

Diesel Engine Emission Model Transient Cycle Validation

Dhinesh Vilwanathan Velmurugan, Tomas McKelvey, Markus Grahn
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 49 (11), p. 1-7
Paper in proceeding

Product Innovation Success Based on Cancer Research in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Co-publication networks and the effects of partners

Tomas McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 23 (5), p. 383-406
Journal article

Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy

Tomas McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
Edited book

How networks and sectoral conditions affect commercialization in a KIE venture in the medical technology industry: A case study of Aerocrine

Jens Laage-Hellman, Tomas McKelvey
Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Business Strategy and Public Policy, p. 265-288
Book chapter

Microwave technology in medical diagnostics and treatment

Andreas Fhager, Hana Dobsicek Trefna, Pegah Takook et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, IMWS-BIO 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-23 September 2015, p. 133-134
Paper in proceeding

Wireless Information and Power Transfer in MIMO Channels under Rician fading

Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. Vol. 2015-August, p. 3187-3191
Paper in proceeding

Innovation 2015: Have we forgotten what Schumpeter said?

Tomas McKelvey
CiNet proceedings, Annual conference. Vol. 2015 (September), p. 1-15
Paper in proceeding

MIMO Linear Precoder Design with Non-Ideal Transmitters

Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems. Vol. 2016-April, p. 681-685
Paper in proceeding

Experiment design for improved frequency domain subspace system identification of continuous-time systems

Majid Khorsand Vakilzadeh, Vahid Yaghoubi Nasrabadi, Tomas McKelvey et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 48 (28), p. 886-891
Paper in proceeding

Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms Engage

Tomas McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
DRUID15, Rome, June 15-17, 2015. Vol. 2015 (2364), p. 1-25
Paper in proceeding

Creating innovative opportunities through research collaboration: An evolutionary framework and empirical illustration in engineering

Tomas McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Daniel Ljungberg
Technovation. Vol. 39-40, p. 26-36
Journal article

Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Definition and Model

Franco Malerba, Tomas McKelvey
Dynamics of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic., p. 19-47
Book chapter

Opportunities and Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship:A meta-analysis of 86 case studies

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Malerba, F.; Caloghirou, Y.; McKelvey, M. and Radosevic, S. (2015). The Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Business strategy and public policy, p. 170-188
Book chapter

How regions and networks affect knowledge intensive entrepreneurship

Ida Hermansson, Olof Zaring, Tomas McKelvey
DRUID Academy 2015, January 21-23, Rebild, Aalborg, Denmark. Vol. 2015 (D:F3), p. 1-20
Paper in proceeding

Ramifications for Western Firms of Navigating Through Innovation Spaces in Asia

Tomas McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and Bagchi-Sen, S. (2015). Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy, p. 333-353
Book chapter

A robust subspace classification scheme based on empirical intersection removal and sparse approximation

Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. Vol. 22 (1), p. 59-69
Journal article

Tapping into western technologies by Chinese multinationals: Geely's purchase of Volvo Cars and Huawei hiring of Ericsson employees in Sweden

Ethan Gifford, Marcus Holgersson, Tomas McKelvey et al
Innovation spaces in Asia entrepreneurs, multinational enterprises and policy edited by Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, p. 231-255
Book chapter

Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Images with Spectral and Photometric Sensor Diversity

Tomas Bengtsson, Tomas McKelvey, Konstantin Lindström
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9443, p. Art. no. 94431U-
Paper in proceeding

Benefiting from Institutional Complexity: How Organizations Engage with Minority Logics

Markus Perkmann, Tomas McKelvey, Philip Nelson
Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings. Vol. AOM (2015), p. 1-25
Paper in proceeding

The Emergence of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship in China: Four Start-up Companies in Nanotechnology in Suzhou

Jun Jin, Zhengyi Zhang, Tomas McKelvey
Innovation spaces in Asia entrepreneurs, multinational enterprises and policy edited by Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, p. 144-166
Book chapter

Detection of wood decay by microwaves

Hana Dobsicek Trefna, Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey et al
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2015,Prague.
Paper in proceeding

Universities and Public Research Institutes as Collaboration Partners for Firms

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey
Karlsson, C. (2015). Innovation and Entrepreneurship the Global Economy: Knowledge, Technology and Internationalization. [edited by] Charlie Karlsson, Urban Grasjo, Sofia Wixe.
Book chapter

Structuring the Process of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence and Descriptive Insights from Eighty-six AEGIS Case Studies

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Malerba, F.; Caloghirou, Y.; McKelvey, M. and Radosevic, S. (2015). Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Business strategy and public policy, p. 142-169
Book chapter

Public Policy Implications of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Tomas McKelvey et al
Malerba, F.; Caloghirou, Y.; McKelvey, M. and Radosevic, S. (2015). The Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Business strategy and public policy, p. 427-439
Book chapter

Introduction to the Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Tomas McKelvey et al
Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Business Strategy and Public Policy / Edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radoševic
Book chapter

Collaboration between universities in Sweden

Daniel Ljungberg, Tomas McKelvey
Mergers and Alliances Higher Education: International Practice and Emerging Opportunities
Book chapter

The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer research

Tomas McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Academy of Management proceedings, Vancouver, Canada. Canada, 7-11 August 2015.. Vol. 2015 (14244), p. 1-30
Paper in proceeding

Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms Engage

Tomas McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
Academy of Management proceedings, Vancouver, Canada. Vol. 2015 (AOM/TIM 16530)
Paper in proceeding

How Networks and Sectoral Conditions Affect Commercialization in a Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Venture in the Medical Technology Industry: A case study of Aerocrine

Jens Laage-Hellman, Tomas McKelvey
Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship : Business Strategy and Public Policy/Edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radoševic, p. 265-288
Book chapter

Microwave Resonator Sensor for Detection of Dielectric Objects in Metal Pipes

Johan Nohlert, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey
Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. Vol. 2015-July, p. 914-919
Paper in proceeding

Pre-hospital care for stroke and trauma

Mikael Persson, Andreas Fhager, Yinan Yu et al
Conference Proceedings, 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on: RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, IMWS-Bio 2014, London, United Kingdom, 8-10 December 2014
Paper in proceeding

An optimal frequency range for assessing the pressure reactivity index in patients with traumatic brain injury

T.P. Howells, U. Johnson, Tomas McKelvey et al
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Vol. 29 (1), p. 97-105
Journal article

Optical flow estimation on image sequences with differently exposed frames

Tomas Bengtsson, Tomas McKelvey, Konstantin Lindström
Optical Engineering. Vol. 54 (9), p. Article Number: 093103-
Journal article

Understanding Innovation Spaces through Emerging Multinational Enterprises in China: An Explorative Case Study of a Chinese Wind Turbine Manufacture

D Slepniov, Astrid Heidemann Lassen, S Haakonsson et al
McKelvey, M. and Bagchi-Sen, S. (2015). Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy, p. 103-123
Book chapter

Conclusions of Innovation Spaces in Asia

Tomas McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
Innovation spaces in Asia entrepreneurs, multinational enterprises and policy edited by Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, p. 354-368
Book chapter

Innovation Cascades and the Emergence of the Bio-economy

Tomas McKelvey, Jorge Niosi
Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 2015 Portland International Conference on. Vol. 2015 (15R0488), p. 545 - 550
Paper in proceeding

Fostering the Development of Emerging Knowledge Intensive Industry in China: The role of local governmnet

Jun Jin, Zhengyi Zhang, Tomas McKelvey
Globelics conference 2015. Vol. 2015 (404), p. 1-30
Paper in proceeding

Introduction to Innovation Spaces in Asia

Tomas McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
McKelvey, M. and Bagchi-Sen, S. (2015). Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy, p. 1-21
Book chapter

Array Calibration using Array Response Interpolation and Parametric Modeling

Bin Yang, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
Proc. European Signal Processing Conference 2015 (EUSIPCO 2015), p. 1346-1350
Paper in proceeding

Automated engine calibration of hybrid electric vehicles

Nikolce Murgovski, Markus Grahn, Lars Johannesson et al
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. Vol. 23 (3), p. 1063-1074
Journal article

How Networks and Sectoral Conditions affect Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Venture in the Medical Technology Industry: A case study of Aerocrine

Jens Laage-Hellman, Tomas McKelvey
conference Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health Care & Life Sciences. 2nd annual InnovHealth network.
Other conference contribution

Navigating Innovation Spaces in Asia

Tomas McKelvey
UNU-Merit Conference, in the Nethlands on 26-28 November 2014. Vol. 2014 (9), p. 1-33
Paper in proceeding

Detection of Combustion Properties in a Diesel Engine using Block Mounted Accelerometers

Ingemar Andersson, Tomas McKelvey, Martin Larsson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vol. 19, p. 11866-11871
Paper in proceeding

The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer research

Tomas McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Research seminar series at Ingenio, University of Valencia, Spain. 30 September 2014.
Other conference contribution

Closed-loop diesel engine combustion phasing control based on crankshaft torque measurements

Mikael Thor, Bo Egardt, Tomas McKelvey et al
Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 33, p. 115-124
Journal article

Data-driven emission model structures for diesel engine management system development

Markus Grahn, Krister Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 15 (8), p. 906-917
Journal article

Can public policy regenerate a traditional industry through collaborative research? The case of the Swedish food industry

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
DRUID Society conference 2014, CBS, Copenhagen, June 16-18. Vol. 2014 (1872)
Paper in proceeding

Innovation contexts and the dynamics of entrepreneurial opportunities

Rani J. Dang, Tomas McKelvey
Journée Entrepreneuriat et PME: enjeux et perspectives. Vol. 2014 (5)
Paper in proceeding

Multiclass Ridge-adjusted Slack Variable Optimization Using Selected Basis for Fast Classification

Yinan Yu, Kostas I. Diamantaras, Tomas McKelvey et al
European Signal Processing Conference, p. 1178-1182
Paper in proceeding

Using combustion net torque for estimation of combustion properties from measurements of crankshaft torque

Mikael Thor, Bo Egardt, Tomas McKelvey et al
Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 26 (1), p. 233-244
Journal article

The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer research

Tomas McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Conference Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health Care & Life Sciences. 2nd annual InnovHealth network.
Other conference contribution

How and why does cost efficiency of universities differ across European Universities? An explorative attempt using new micro data

zara daghbashyan, Enrico Deiaco, Tomas McKelvey
Bonaccorsi, A. (2014), Knowledge, Diversity and the Performance in European Higher Education, p. 267-291
Book chapter

Model-based diesel Engine Management System optimization for transient engine operation

Markus Grahn, Krister Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 29, p. 103-114
Journal article

How public policy can stimulate the capabilities of firms to innovate in traditional industry through academic engagement: The case of the Swedish food industry

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Research Seminar series at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research
Other conference contribution

The Influence of Collaboration on Firm Publications: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Cancer Research

Tomas McKelvey, Bastian Rake
15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS), hosted by the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, 27–30 July, 2014.. Vol. 2014 (D10), p. 1-32
Paper in proceeding

Detection of Breathing and Heartbeat by Using a Simple UWB Radar System

Qiuchi Jian, Yinan Yu, Jian Yang et al
8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands 6-11 April 2014, p. 3078-3081
Paper in proceeding

Knowlege Intensive Entrepreneurship: Conceptualization and a Research Agenda

Tomas McKelvey
Plenary speaker at DRUID Academy 2014. 15-17 January 2014, Aalborg, Denmark.
Other conference contribution

A Transient Diesel EMS Strategy for Online Implementation

Markus Grahn, Krister Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vol. 19, p. 11842-11847
Paper in proceeding

Feature Reduction Based on Sum-of-SNR (SOSNR) Optimization

Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey, S.Y. Kung
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, p. 6756-6760
Paper in proceeding

Science, Technology and Business Innovation

Tomas McKelvey
Dodgson, M.; D. Gann and N. Phillips (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management
Book chapter

Microwave-Based Stroke Diagnosis Making Global Prehospital Thrombolytic Treatment Possible

Mikael Persson, Andreas Fhager, Hana Dobsicek Trefna et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 61 (11), p. 2806-2817
Journal article

A Microwave Measurement System for Measurement of Dielectric Properties

JOHAN WINGES, Livia Cerullo, Thomas Rylander et al
AntennEMB, 11-12 March, Göteborg
Conference poster

Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey
European Network on the Economics of the Firm (ENEF). Vol. 2014 (9), p. 1-24
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating the performance of higher education institutions in Europe: A non-parametric efficiency analysis of 944 institutions

Ann Veiderpass, Tomas McKelvey
Efficiency in Education Workshop 19th – 20th September 2014 at The Work Foundation, London, U.K.., 2014 ( 9 ) s. 1-22. Vol. 2014 (9), p. 1-22
Other conference contribution

Exploring innovation Spaces in Asia

Tomas McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
International Schumpeter Conference, Jena, Germany, 27-30 July 2014. Vol. 2014 (D11), p. 1-20
Paper in proceeding

DVB-T interference cancellation in radar signal processing

Daniel Svensson, Tomas McKelvey, Hans Hellsten
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Radar
Paper in proceeding

Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances

Johan Nohlert, Livia Cerullo, JOHAN WINGES et al
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. Vol. 55, p. 520-535
Journal article

Financing and privatizing a visionary research endeavor in proteonomics: The case of ProSci in Australia

Johan Brink, Tomas McKelvey
How Entrepreneurs Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Book chapter

Microwave based diagnostics and treatment

Mikael Persson, Andreas Fhager, Hana Dobsicek Trefna et al
2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013, p. 3118-3119
Paper in proceeding

Financing and privatizing a visionary research endeavour in proteonomics: The case of prosci in Australia

Johan Brink, Tomas McKelvey
How Entrepreneurs do What they do: Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship, p. 173-188
Book chapter

A Unified Subspace Classification Framework Developed for Diagnostic System Using Microwave Signal

Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey
European Signal Processing Conference
Paper in proceeding

How Entrepreneurs Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowleedge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Edited book

Collaborative research in Innovative Food: An example of renewing a traditional low-tech industry

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Jens Laage-Hellman
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.), p. 159-172
Book chapter

Academic engagement and commercialisation: A review of the literature on university-industry relations

M. Perkmann, V. Tartari, Tomas McKelvey et al
Research Policy. Vol. 42 (2), p. 423-442
Journal article

Exploring China as a source of learning for Swedish multinationals

Magnus H.Å Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
Conference Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia
Other conference contribution

Super-resolution reconstruction of high dynamic range images in a perceptually uniform domain

Tomas Bengtsson, Tomas McKelvey, Irene Yu-Hua Gu
Optical Engineering. Vol. 52 (10)
Journal article

Optimal Aperture Distribution of Near-Field Antennas for Maximum Signal Penetration

Aidin Razavi, Jian Yang, Tomas McKelvey
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, p. 279-283
Paper in proceeding

Biotechnology and Globalization

Yanmei Zhu, Tomas McKelvey
Conference Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia
Other conference contribution

Development of self-sufficient and sustainable innovation spaces in China: An explorative case study

Dmitrij Slepniov, Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Tomas McKelvey
Workshop Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia. Gothenburg, Sweden, organized by IIE, 20-22 Feb 2013.
Other conference contribution

Innovation Management

Annika Rickne, Tomas McKelvey
Management : an advanced introduction. Alexander Styhre and Lars Strannegård (Eds.)
Book chapter

Microwave based diagnostics and treatment in practice

Mikael Persson, Andreas Fhager, Hana Trefna et al
2013 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, IMWS-BIO 2013 - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Super-resolution reconstruction of high dynamic range images with perceptual weighting of errors

Tomas Bengtsson, Tomas McKelvey, Irene Yu-Hua Gu
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, p. 2212-2216
Paper in proceeding

Collaborative Strategies: How and Why Academic Spin-offs Interact with Engineering University Centers

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Olof Zaring et al
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.), p. 34-47
Book chapter

Research network position and innovative performance: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry

Tomas McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Workshop on the role of hospitals in innovation, Center for Technology, innovation and culture, University of Oslo
Other conference contribution

Academic Inventors and Knowledge Technology Transfer in nanoscience in Sweden

Evangelos Bourelos, Berna Beyhan, Tomas McKelvey
DRUID ACADEMY 2013, Aalborg, Denmark, January 16-January 18 2013
Paper in proceeding

Stroke diagnostics with a microwave helmet

Andreas Fhager, Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey et al
2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013, p. 845-846
Paper in proceeding

Microwave technology shows potential for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings

Stefan Candefjord, Malik Ahzaz Ahmad, Stefan Kidborg et al
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), p. 2609-2610
Paper in proceeding

Business models in Big Data in China: Opportunities through sequencing and bioinformatics

Yanmei Zhu, Tomas McKelvey
How Entrepreneurs Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Book chapter

Ridge-Adjusted Slack Variable Optimization for Supervised Classification

Yinan Yu, Konstantinos I. Diamantaras, Tomas McKelvey et al
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP
Paper in proceeding

The Evolving Domain of Entrepreneurship Research

Bo Carlsson, Pontus Braunerhjelm, Tomas McKelvey et al
Small Business Economics. Vol. 41 (4), p. 913-930
Journal article

A Classification Scheme for 'High-Dimensional-Small-Sample-Size' Data Using SODA and Ridge-SVM with Microwave Measurement Applications

Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey, Sun-Yuan Kung
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, p. 3542-3546
Paper in proceeding

Academic Inventors, Technological Profiles and Patent Value: An Analysis of Academic Patents owned by Swedish-based firms

Daniel Ljungberg, Evangelos Bourelos, Tomas McKelvey
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 20 (5), p. 437-487
Journal article

Introduction to Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
How Entrepreneus Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Book chapter

Conclusions and Implications of Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Book chapter

Microwave technology for localization of traumatic intracranial bleedings—a numerical simulation study

Stefan Candefjord, JOHAN WINGES, Yinan Yu et al
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 1948-1951
Paper in proceeding

Managing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen

A Diesel Engine Management System Strategy for Transient Engine Operation

Markus Grahn, Krister Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vol. 7 (1), p. 1-6
Paper in proceeding

Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia

Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, Tomas McKelvey
Conference Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia
Other conference contribution

Restless Capitalism and the economizing entrepreneur

Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and New Technology. Vol. 22 (7), p. 684-701
Journal article

Universities struggling with accountability and trust: Insights from university-industry interactions in innovtive foods

Tomas McKelvey
Engvall, L and Scott, P. "Trust in Universities" Wenner-Gren International Series, p. 167-178
Book chapter

Kernel SODA: A Feature Reduction Technique Using Kernel Based Analysis

Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey, S.Y. Kung
The 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'13), 2013.. Vol. 1
Paper in proceeding

Microwave Measurements for Metal Vessels

Livia Cerullo, Johan Nohlert, JOHAN WINGES et al
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, p. 3869 - 3873
Paper in proceeding

Developing a Wearable Microwave Instrument for Detecting Thorax Injuries – Tests On a Pneumothorax Phantom

Stefan Candefjord, Prateek Saraswat, Robert Samo et al
Medicinteknikdagarna 2013
Other conference contribution

What characterizes firms' academic patents? Academic involvement in industrial invention in Sweden

Daniel Ljungberg, Tomas McKelvey
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 19 (7), p. 585-606
Journal article

Several new ultra-wideband antenna systems for radio telescopes and industry sensor imaging process

Jian Yang, Jungang Yin, Miroslav Pantaleev et al
2012 14th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2012. Cape Town, 2 - 7 September 2012, p. 1281-1284
Paper in proceeding

Alternative logics for resource acquisition and academic engagement with industry

Markus Perkmann, Tomas McKelvey
Academy of Management Conference 2012¨, Boston
Paper in proceeding

Non-parametric frequency response estimation using a local rational model

Tomas McKelvey, G. Guérin
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vol. 16 (1), p. 49-54
Paper in proceeding

University mergers and strategic positioning: The Swedish experience

Daniel Ljungberg, Tomas McKelvey
Workshop on Collaboration and Concentration: Alliances and Mergers in Higher Education. Current Practices and Future Opportunities. November 15-16, Bucharest
Other conference contribution

A Structure and Calibration Method for Data-Driven Modeling of NOX and Soot Emissions from a Diesel Engine

Markus Grahn, Krister Johansson, Christian Vartia et al
SAE Technical Papers
Journal article

Academic Patenting in Sweden: New Evidence from the 2011 Database

Evangelos Bourelos, Tomas McKelvey
ESF-APE-INV workshop: “Scientists & Inventors” – KU Leuven, 10-11 May 2012
Paper in proceeding

The Evolving Domain of Entrepreneurship Research

Bo Carlsson, P Braunerhjelm, Tomas McKelvey et al
International Schumpeter Society conference, Brisbane, Australia, June 2012
Paper in proceeding

Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
ZEW International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE), October 4-5, Mannheim
Paper in proceeding

Parameterized Diesel Engine Combustion Modeling for Torque Based Combustion Property Estimation

Mikael Thor, Bo Egardt, Tomas McKelvey et al
SAE Technical Papers
Journal article

Revisiting Technology Centrality in University-Industry Interaction: A Study of Firms’ Academic Patents in Sweden

Tomas McKelvey, Evangelos Bourelos, Daniel Ljungberg
International Schumpeter Society Conference, July 2-5 2012, Brisbane.
Paper in proceeding

Knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms exploring innovative opportunities in high tech sectors: The Question of Internationalisation

Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Tomas McKelvey
AEGIS Deliverables and Report Series
Magazine article

A Subspace Learning Algorithm For Microwave Scattering Signal Classification With Application To Wood Quality Assessment

Yinan Yu, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP
Paper in proceeding

Effects of position in research network on innovative performance: Evidence the Pharmaceutical Industry

Tomas McKelvey, Bastian Rake
International Schumpeter Conference, Brisbane, Australia, July 2012
Paper in proceeding

Model reduction for inverse scattering problems

Yinan Yu, JOHAN WINGES, Tomas McKelvey et al
AntennEMB, 5-8 March, Stockholm
Conference poster

Regional innovation governance : a model for complex systems of innovation and economic emergence

Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Tomas McKelvey
14th International Schumpeter Society Conference
Paper in proceeding

Revisiting Firm Size and Technology Centrality in University-Industry Interaction: A Study of Firms' Academic Patents in Sweden

Daniel Ljungberg, Tomas McKelvey, Evangelos Bourelos
ESF-APE-INV workshop: “Scientists & Inventors” – KU Leuven, 10-11 May 2012
Paper in proceeding

Using microwave technology for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings – tests on a brain phantom

Stefan Candefjord, Ahzaz Ahmad Malik, Stefan Kidborg et al
Medicinteknikdagarna 2012
Other conference contribution

Collaboration strategies in university-industry relationships

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
AEGIS Final conference: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Knowledge Based Economy, September 5-7, Milan
Other conference contribution

Compact UWB Indoor and Through-Wall Radar with Precise Ranging and Tracking

Yinan Yu, Jian Yang, Tomas McKelvey et al
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 2012, p. Article ID 678590-
Journal article

Universities as Strategic Actors in the Knowlege Economy

Enrico Deiaco, Alan Hughes, Tomas McKelvey
Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol. 36 (3), p. 525-541
Journal article

Investigating the complexity facing academic entrepreneurs in science and engineering: the complementarities of research performance, networks and support structures in commercialisation

Evangelos Bourelos, Mats Magnusson, Tomas McKelvey
Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol. 36 (3), p. 751-780
Journal article

Developing new capabilities fori nnovation and development: A study of Swedish firms' responses to tensions in China

Magnus H.Å Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
Globlics conference, Hangzhou, China, November 2012
Paper in proceeding

The torque ratio concept for combustion monitoring of internal combustion engines

Ingemar Andersson, Mikael Thor, Tomas McKelvey
Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 20 (6), p. 561-568
Journal article

Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship

Daniel Ljungberg, Tomas McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
The 10th GLOBELICS International Conference, November 9-11, Hangzhou, China
Paper in proceeding

Development of a Compact UWB Radar System for Indoor Ranging and Tracking

Yinan Yu, Jian Yang, Tomas McKelvey et al
COST IC1102, 2nd WG Meeting & Technical Workshop, Istanbul, September 20-21, 2012
Paper in proceeding

Collaboration Strategies in University-Industry Relationships for Entrepreneurial Ventures

Daniel Ljungberg, Tomas McKelvey
AEGIS Deliverables and Report Series
Magazine article

B-splines for Diesel Engine Emission Modeling

Markus Grahn, Krister Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vol. 45, p. 416-423
Paper in proceeding

The new UWB self-grounded Bow-Tie antennas and the applications in Different Systems

Jian Yang, Ahmed Kishk, Aidin Razavi et al
Swedish Radio and Microwave Days 2012, RVK2012, Stockholm, 4-8 March 2012
Conference poster

Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Firms Exploring Innovative Opportunities in High Tech Sectors: The case of open innovation

Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Tomas McKelvey
AEGIS Deliverables and Reports Series
Magazine article

Open Innovation as a Strategy for New Knowledge Intensive Ventures

Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Tomas McKelvey
MCPC 2011: Bridging Mass Customization & Open Innovation, San Francisco
Paper in proceeding

Advances in Neuro Diagnostic based on Microwave Technology, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and EEG source localization

Mikael Persson, Tomas McKelvey, Andreas Fhager et al
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, (APMC 2011;Melbourne, VIC; 5 - 8 December 2011), p. 469-472
Paper in proceeding

Conceptualizing Knowlege Intensive Entrepreneurship: Concepts and Models

Tomas McKelvey, Franco Malerba
AEGIS Deliverables and Reports Series
Magazine article

A Pact with the Devil? Resource Acquisition and Engagement with Alternative Logics

Markus Perkmann, Tomas McKelvey
EGOS Summer Conference 2012. Gothenburg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Strategies for Inernational Development in Knowledge Intensive New Ventures: Implications for Asian-European collaboration

Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Tomas McKelvey, Dmitrij Slepniov
EASMA Euro-Asian Management Studies Association
Paper in proceeding

Cerebrovascular Mechanical Properties and Slow Waves of Intracranial Pressure in TBI Patients

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Catherine Eriksson-Ritzen et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol. 58 (7), p. 2072-2082
Journal article

A Pact with the Devil? Resource Acquisition Engagement with Alternative Logics

Markus Perkmann, Tomas McKelvey
EGOS Conference, 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden. Vol. 2011 conference proceedings
Paper in proceeding

A Study on Engine Health Monitoring in the Frequency Domain

S. Borguet, M. Henriksson, Tomas McKelvey et al
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Vol. 133 (8), p. Art. no. 081604-
Journal article

Universities Playing Strategic Roles in the Knowledge Economy: Business Services in University-Industry Centres

Tomas McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman, Markus Perkmann
Cicalics Conference, Tsinghua University, China. Vol. August 2011
Paper in proceeding

Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review for Analyzing Case Studies and Policy Implications

Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Tomas McKelvey
AEGIS EU Framework programme 7: Conference and website
Paper in proceeding

A new UWB radar system using UWB CMOS chip

Yinan Yu, Sohaib Maalik, Jian Yang et al
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2011. Rome, 11-15 April 2011, p. 771-775
Paper in proceeding

A Diesel Engine Model for Dynamic Drive Cycle Simulations

Markus Grahn, Jan-Ola Olsson, Tomas McKelvey
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vol. 18 (PART 1), p. 11833-11838
Paper in proceeding

A Multidimensional Signal Processing Approach for Classification of Microwave Measurements with Application to Stroke Type Diagnosis

Seyed Hamed Yousefi Mesri, Masoud Khazaeli Najafabadi, Tomas McKelvey
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 6465-6469
Paper in proceeding

Estimation of Combustion Phasing Using the Combustion Net Torque Method

Mikael Thor, Bo Egardt, Tomas McKelvey et al
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). Vol. 18 (PART 1), p. 11827-11832
Paper in proceeding

Plateau Waves and Baroreflex Sensitivity in Patients with Head Injury: A Case Study

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Bertil Rydenhag et al
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 3792-3795
Paper in proceeding

Can public policy create sustainable and long-term effects on industry? Conceptual issues and the case of life sciences for innovative food in Sweden

Jens Laage-Hellman, Tomas McKelvey
International Schumpeter Society Conference
Paper in proceeding

Stroke Detection Using a Broad Band Microwave Antenna System

Andreas Fhager, Tomas McKelvey, Mikael Persson
EUCAP2010, 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, April 12-16, Barcelona, Spain, p. C13P1-2
Other conference contribution

A Study on Engine Health Monitoring in the Frequency Domain

S. Borguet, Mattias Henriksson, Tomas McKelvey et al
ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, p. GT2010-22635
Paper in proceeding

Diversity of knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms: Struggling biotech firms despite opportunities

Tomas McKelvey, Johan Brink
Malerba, Franco (2010). Knowledge intensive entrepreneurship and innovation systems: Evidence from Europe
Book chapter

Local Political Capital for Innovation in the Global Knowledge Economy

Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Tomas McKelvey
Book of Abstracts, XVII World Congress of Sociology, 11-17 July 2010, Gothenburg. Vol. XVII, p. 472-473
Paper in proceeding

Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients with Severe Head Injury: A Pilot Study

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Bertil Rydenhag et al
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, p. 5277-5281
Paper in proceeding

New innovators and knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in some European sectoral systems

Tomas McKelvey, c Lenzi, K Bishop et al
Malerba, Franco. (2010). Knowledge intensive entrepreneurship and innovation systems: Evidence from Europe
Book chapter

Academic involvement in firm patenting: A study of firms’ academic patents in Sweden

Daniel Ljungberg, Tomas McKelvey
Druid Summer Conference London
Paper in proceeding

Baroreceptor Sensitivity and Heart Rate Variability in Early Traumatic Brain Injury

P. Lowhagen, S. Sondergaard, B. Rydenhag et al
Intensive Care Medicine. Vol. 36, p. S185-S185
Other conference contribution

Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Concepts and Models.

Tomas McKelvey, Franco Malerba
Aegis conference - 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development.
Paper in proceeding

Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

Classification of Microwave Scattering Data based on a Subspace Distance with Application to Detection of Bleeding Stroke

Mohammad Ali Khorshidi, Tomas McKelvey, Mikael Persson et al
2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, CAMSAP 2009; Aruba; Netherlands; 13 December 2009 through 16 December 2009, p. 301-304
Paper in proceeding

Biotechnology Industries in Part III: Neo-Schumpeterian medo dynamics:

Tomas McKelvey
Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics
Book chapter

Modeling, Identification, and Separation of Crankshaft Dynamics in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine

Mikael Thor, Ingemar Andersson, Tomas McKelvey
SAE Technical Paper Series 2009-01-1798, SAE 2009 International Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Florence, Italy
Paper in proceeding

What Does it Mean Conceptually that Universities Compete?

Enrico Deiaco, Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and skills in Academic Commercialization in Sweden

Mats Magnusson, Tomas McKelvey, M Versiglioni
European Universities Learning to Compete: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK., p. 219-250
Book chapter

Polarization of the Swedish University Sector: Structural Characteristics and Positioning

Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

Academic Patenting in France, Italy and Sweden

Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Tomas McKelvey et al
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

Parameterized Diesel Engine Heat Release Modeling for Combustion Phasing Analysis

Mikael Thor, Ingemar Andersson, Tomas McKelvey
SAE Technical Paper Series 2009-01-0368, SAE 2009 World Congress, Detroit, MI, USA
Paper in proceeding

EU - Future Innovation Policy

Tomas McKelvey

From Social Institution to Knowledge Business

Enrico Deiaco, Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

Normalized Power Transmission between ABP and ICP in TBI

Sima Shahsavari, Tobias Hallen, Tomas McKelvey et al
Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, p. 4699-4703
Paper in proceeding

Investing in Localized Relationships with Universities: What are the Benefits for RD Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises?

A. Brostrom, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 16 (1), p. 59-78
Journal article

Triple Helix as a basis for capacity building through innovation governance

Stefan Szücs, Susan Marton, Olof Zaring et al
Paper presented at the 7th Biennial International Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkages, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 17-19 June, 2009
Paper in proceeding

Estimation of Diesel Engine Combustion Phasing from Crankshaft Torque Data

Mikael Thor, Ingemar Andersson, Tomas McKelvey
2009 IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling, Paris, France
Paper in proceeding

Elite European universities and the R&D subsidiaries of multinational enterprises

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institution to Knowledge Business, p. 251-277
Book chapter

Investing in Localized Relationships with Universities: What are the benefits for R&D subsidiaries of multinational companies?

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 16 (1 Feb), p. 59-78
Journal article

Frequency Interpretation of Tidal Peak in Intracranial Pressure Wave

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey
30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08; Vancouver, BC; Canada; 20 August 2008 through 25 August 2008, p. 2689-2692
Paper in proceeding

A comparison between the transfer function of ABP to ICP and compensatory reserve index in TBI

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, T. Skoglund et al
Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplement. Vol. 102 (102), p. 9-13
Journal article

Evaluation of a Closed Loop Spark Advance Controller Based on a Torque Sensor

Ingemar Andersson, Tomas McKelvey, Mikael Thor
SAE Technical Papers
Journal article

Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Indirect Vibration Sensing and Optimal Sensor Placement

Per Sjövall, Tomas McKelvey, Thomas Abrahamsson
26th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2008, IMAC-XXVI; Orlando, FL; United States; 4 February 2008 through 7 February 2008
Paper in proceeding

The Forgotten Individuals in the Commercialization of Science: Attitudes and skills in relation to commercialization in Sweden

Mats Magnusson, Tomas McKelvey, Matteo Versiglioni
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2008). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

Harmonics Tracking of Intracranial and Arterial Blood Pressure Waves

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society., p. 2644-2647
Paper in proceeding

Academic Patenting in Europe: Evidence on France, Italy from the KEINS database

Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Tomas McKelvey et al
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of Effects on Research and Industry in Life Sciences

Tomas McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Jens Laage-Hellman

Var ligger problemet ? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige

Tomas McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Martin Wallin et al
Forska lagom och vara världsbäst: Sverige inför forskningens globala strukturomvandling, in Benner, M., & Sörlin, S. (Eds.) SNS-förlaget.
Book chapter

Academic Patenting in Europe: Evidence on France, Italy from the KEINS database

Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Tomas McKelvey et al
Research Evaluation. Vol. 17 (2 (June)), p. 16-
Journal article

A subspace method for frequency selective identification of stochastic systems

Tomas McKelvey, Hector Atala Garcia, David Blanco Parada
Proceedings of the 17th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, p. 8846-8851
Paper in proceeding


Tomas McKelvey, Magnus Holmén
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2008). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

Scrutinizing Policy Assumptions in Biotechnology

Tomas McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman, Annika Rickne

Comments about Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey
Perspectives on Innovation, p. 372-379
Book chapter

Academic Patenting in Europe: New Evidence from the KEINS Database

Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Saditov Bulat et al

Bioteknik: Från industristruktur till innovationsprocesser

Tomas McKelvey
Erik Giertz (2008). Då Förändras Sverige: 25 experter beskriver drivkrafter bakom utvecklingen
Book chapter

The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and Skills in Academic Commercialization in Sweden

Tomas McKelvey, Matteo Versiglioni, Mats Magnusson

Does structure matter for science? The Matthew effect in the Swedish university sector

Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Tomas McKelvey

Estimation of Combustion Information by Crankshaft Torque Sensing in an Internal Combustion Engine

Tomas McKelvey, Ingemar Andersson, Mikael Thor
Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing
Paper in proceeding

Reducing noise sensitivity in F-ESPRIT using weighting matrices

Joakim Gunnarsson, Tomas McKelvey
Proc. 15th European Signal Processing Conference, p. 783-787
Paper in proceeding

Commentary upon Part VI. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tomas McKelvey
Malerba, Franco and Stefano Brusoni (2007). Perspectives on Innovation.
Book chapter

Transfer function of arterial blood pressure to intracranial pressure and its relationship with index of compensatory reserve in traumatic brain injury

Sima Shahsavari, Tomas McKelvey, Thomas Skoglund et al
Proc. 13th International Symposum on Intracranial Pressure and Brain Monitoring
Paper in proceeding

Biotechnology Industries

Tomas McKelvey
Hanusch, Horst and Andreas Pyka. Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics
Book chapter

Developing Capabilities: An Analysis of Biotechnology in two Regions in Australia and Sweden

Johan Brink, Tomas McKelvey, Linus Dahlander
European Planning Studies
Journal article

What are innovative opportunities?,

Magnus Holmén, Mats Magnusson, Tomas McKelvey
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 14 (1), p. 27-45
Journal article

F-ESPRIT: Frequency-selective ESPRIT

Joakim Gunnarsson, Tomas McKelvey

Does Structure Matter for Science?: The Matthew Effect in the Swedish University Sector

Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Tomas McKelvey
DRUID Summer Conference 2007, Köpenhamn 18-21 Juni
Other conference contribution

On the relationship between the evolution of technological firms and their knowledge development regimes

Johan Brink, Tomas McKelvey
Journal of electronic science and technology of china
Journal article

Var ligger problemet? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige

Tomas McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Martin Wallin et al

Scrutinizing policy assumptions in biotechnology

Annika Rickne, Tomas McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman
Globalics conference in Trivandrum, India, 4-7 October.
Paper in proceeding

System identification of the crankshaft dynamics in a 5 cylinder internal combustion engine

Tomas McKelvey, Ingemar Andersson
Proc. 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Paper in proceeding

Analyzing Flexibility and Stability In Co-evolutionary Processes

Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
Flexibility and Stability the Innovating Economy / McKelvey, M. and Holmén, M. (eds.) / Oxford University Press
Book chapter

Survey and Introduction to Economics of Biotechnology

Tomas McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo
Printed McKelvey and Orsenigo, Economics of Biotechnology: A Two Volume Reference collection, Edward Elgar Publishers
Book chapter

Uncertainty and the Economizing Entrepreneur

Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
Schumpeter Society Conference, Sophia-Antopolis, France, June 21-24, 2006
Paper in proceeding

Constrained state–space system identification with application to structural dynamics

Per Sjövall, Tomas McKelvey, Thomas Abrahamsson
Automatica. Vol. 42 (9), p. 1539 - 1546
Journal article

On the relationship between the evolution of technological firms and their knowledge development regimes

Johan Brink, Tomas McKelvey
Journal of electronic science and technology of China. Vol. 4 (4), p. 289-299
Journal article

Constrained state–space system identification with application to structural dynamics

Per Sjövall, Tomas McKelvey, Thomas Abrahamsson
Preprints of the 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2006), 29-31 March 2006, Newcastle, Australia, p. 1294-1299
Paper in proceeding

The Development of Regional Specialization in Modern Biotechnology

Johan Brink, Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
Industry and Innovation
Journal article

Scrutinizing Policy Assumptions in Biotechnology, Globelics India 2006: Innovation Systems for Competitiveness and Shared Prosperity in Developing Countries

Annika Rickne, Tomas McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman
Trivandrum, India, Oct 4-7
Paper in proceeding

Innovative Opportunities and Dependencies: Illustrations from mobile communications

Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Magnusson
McKelvey, M. and Holmén, M. (eds.)
Book chapter

Underlying assumptions in Public Policies for Modern Biotechnology

Annika Rickne, Tomas McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman
SPRU 40th Anniversary Conference - The Future of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, University of Sussex, United Kingdom, September 11 – 13
Paper in proceeding

Flexibility and Stability in the Innovating Economy

Tomas McKelvey, Magnus Holmén

Trends in systems and signals - status report prepared by the ifac coordinating committe on signals and systems

Tohru Katayama, Tomas McKelvey, Akiro Sano et al
Annual Reviews in Control. Vol. 30, p. 5-17
Journal article


Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
Flexibility and Stability the Innovating Economy/ McKelvey, M. and Holmén, M. (eds.), Oxford University Press
Journal article

Economics of Biotechnology: A Two Volume Reference collection

Tomas McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo
Edward Elgar Publishers, UK
Book chapter

Trends in Systems and Signals

Tohru Katayama, Tomas McKelvey, Akiro Sano et al
Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, Selected Plenaries, Milestones and Surveys, p. 111-121
Paper in proceeding

Industrial Development Centres (IDCs) as a Regional Innovation Tool: Comparing Policy Practices in the Hunter Valley, Australia and in Finspång, Sweden

M-L Eriksson, Tomas McKelvey
Innovation: management, policy & practice. Vol. 7 (4), p. 416-434
Journal article


Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
European Urban and Regional Studies. Vol. 12 (3), p. 2-9
Journal article

What drives innovation processes in modern biotechnology and open source software?

Tomas McKelvey
Innovation: management, policy & practice. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

) Innovative Opportunities: What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?

Magnus Holmén, Mats Magnusson, Tomas McKelvey
DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference 2005, June 27 - 29, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper in proceeding

Innovative Opportunities, What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?

Tomas McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Magnus Holmén
The DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference on Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems, June 27-29, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Paper in proceeding

Appreciative Theorizing and Innovative Opportunities

Tomas McKelvey
EAMEE conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2005
Paper in proceeding

How and why does knowledge accumulation occur in small, Swedish biotech research firms?

Johan Brink, Tomas McKelvey
EU project KEINS (Knowledge based entrepreneurship in networks) meeting, Milan, 3-4 February 2005
Paper in proceeding

What are innovative opportunities?

Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey
Industry & Innovation
Journal article

Creating, sharing and transferring knowledge: The role of Geography, Institutions, Organizations

Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Journal article

The occurrence and spatial distribution of collaboration: biotech firms in Gothenburg, Sweden

Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 7 (4), p. 409-
Journal article

Tensions in Co-Evolutionary Processes: Three Swedish Seed Organizations in the 20th Century

Tomas McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and New Technology. Vol. 14 (7)
Journal article

Conclusions to Biotechnology and Telecommunciation Innovations

Tomas McKelvey, Erik Bohlin
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice. Vol. 7 (1 Feb), p. 96-103
Journal article

Innovative Opportunities and Search: Differences amongst firms and industries

Tomas McKelvey
Uddevalla Symposium and McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Sept 2005
Paper in proceeding

Biotechnology and Telecommunications Innovation: Conditions and Processes for Emerging Technologies

Erik Bohlin, Tomas McKelvey
Innovation: management, policy & practice. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

Estimation of phase constrained MIMO transfer functions with application to flexible structures with mixed collocated and non-collocated actuators and sensors

Tomas McKelvey, Reza Moheimani
Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, p. Mo-MO2-TO/2-
Paper in proceeding

Who is not developing open source software? Non-users, users, and developers

Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and New Technology. Vol. 14 (7), p. 617-635
Journal article

Relations Between Time Domain and Frequency Domain Prediction Error Methods

Tomas McKelvey
Control Systems, Robotics, and Automation, edited by Heinz Unbehauen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO
Book chapter

Introduction, in McKelvey, M., A. Rickne and J. Laage-Hellman

Jens Laage-Hellman, Tomas McKelvey, Annika Rickne
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe Global Trends
Book chapter

How and why dynamic selection regimes affect the firm’s innovative search activities

Tomas McKelvey
Innovation : management, policy and practice. Vol. 6 (1), p. 3-24
Journal article

What are innovation opportunities?

Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Magnusson
International Joseph A. Schumpeter society conference, Milano, Italy, June
Paper in proceeding


Joakim Gunnarsson, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '04, Montreal, Canada, MAY 17-21, 2004. Vol. 2, p. 481-484
Paper in proceeding

Conceptualizing and measuring modern biotechnology

Johan Brink, Tomas McKelvey, Keith Smith
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology / McKelvey, M, Laage-Hellman, J. and Rickne, A./ Edward Elgar Publisher, p. 20-42
Book chapter

Subsystem State-Space Model Identification and Its Sensitivity to Test Variability

P. Kalling, Thomas Abrahamsson, Tomas McKelvey
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA; Leuven; Belgium; 20 September 2004 through 22 September 2004, p. 2729-2743
Paper in proceeding

Least Squares and Instrumental Variable Methods

Tomas McKelvey
Control Systems, Robotics, and Automation, edited by Heinz Unbehauen, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO
Book chapter

The perception of Linux among users and potential users

Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
3d ETE Workshop January 29-30, Sophia-Antipolis
Paper in proceeding

Who is not developing open source software

Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
DRUID Summer Conference. June 14-16, Elsinore
Paper in proceeding

The Dynamics of Regional Specialization in Modern Biotechnology: Comparing Two Regions in Sweden and Two Regions in Australia , 1977-2001

Johan Brink, Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology / McKelvey, M, Laage-Hellman, J. and Rickne, A. / Edward Elgar Publisher, p. 265-294
Book chapter

Evolutionary economics perspectives on the regional – national – international dimension of biotechnology innovations’ environment and planning

Tomas McKelvey
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. Vol. 22 (2), p. 179-197
Journal article

Reflections and ways forward

H Kettler, Tomas McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo
The economic dynamics of modern biotechnology
Book chapter

The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Tomas McKelvey, Annika Rickne, Jens Laage-Hellman
Edited book

Stylized facts about innovation processes in modern biotechnology

Tomas McKelvey, Annika Rickne, Jens Laage-Hellman
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe Global Trends,
Book chapter

The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe in Global Trends

Tomas McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman, Annika Rickne

A system inversion approach on a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine

Ingemar Andersson, Tomas McKelvey
Proc. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Paradise Island, The Bahamas, p. 5449-5454
Paper in proceeding

An analysis of the parametrization by data driven local coordinates for multivariable linear systems

Thomas Ribarits, Manfred Deistler, Tomas McKelvey
Automatica. Vol. 40 (5), p. 789-803
Journal article

Subspace Methods for Frequency Domain Data

Tomas McKelvey
Proc. American Control Conference, p. 673-678
Paper in proceeding

Estimation of Resonance Frequencies and Quality Factors for Driven Electromagnetic Systems

Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
Proc. EMB 04 - Computational Electromagnetics - Methods and Applications, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp.
Paper in proceeding

High SNR Performance Analysis of F-ESPRIT

Joakim Gunnarsson, Tomas McKelvey
Proc. 38th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Monterey, USA, NOV 07-10, 2004. Vol. 1, p. 1003 - 1007
Paper in proceeding

Torque ratio concept for for combustion phasing detection of a spark ignited engine

Ingemar Andersson, Tomas McKelvey
Proc. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Paradise Island, The Bahamas, p. 1703-1708
Paper in proceeding

Data driven local coordinates for multivariable linear systems and their application to system identification

Tomas McKelvey, Anders Helmersson, Thomas Ribarits
Automatica. Vol. 40 (9), p. 1629-1635
Journal article

Innovative opportunities and Emerging Technologies

Magnus Holmén, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Magnusson
EU project KEINS (Knowledge based entrepreneurship in networks) meeting, Milan, 3-4 February 2005
Paper in proceeding

Pharmaceuticals analyzed through the lens of sectoral innovation system’

Tomas McKelvey
Sectoral System of Innovation: Concepts, issues and analyses of six major sectors in Europe / Malerba , F, p. 73-120
Book chapter

Considerations about the Production and Utilization of Knowledge

Tomas McKelvey
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. Vol. 160 (1), p. 122-125
Journal article

Low Order Sampled Data Hinfty Control using the Delta Operator and LMIs

Bengt Lennartson, Rick Middleton, Anna-Karin Christiansson et al
Proc. 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Paradise Island, The Bahamas, p. 4479-4484
Paper in proceeding

Pharmaceuticals analyzed through the lens of sectoral innovation systems

Tomas McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo, F Pammolli
Sectoral System of Innovation: Concepts, issues and analyses of six major sectors Europe
Book chapter

Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmacuetical sector

Håkan Alm, Tomas McKelvey, M Riccaboni
Research Policy. Vol. 32 (March), p. 483-501
Journal article

Changing Boundaries of Innovation Systems: Linking Market Demand and Use

Tomas McKelvey
The Business of System Integration / Mestre-Ferrandiz, J. and Sussex, J. (eds) /Oxford University Press, p. 307-332
Book chapter

Estimation of Damped and Undamped Sinusoids with Application to Analysis of Electromagnetic FDTD Simulation Data

Tomas McKelvey, Thomas Rylander, Mats Viberg
In Proc. 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID 2003, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmaceutical sector

H. Alm, Tomas McKelvey, R. Massimo
Institutions for industrial competitiveness in the international pharmaceutical industry. The Office of Health Economics / Mestre-Ferrandiz, J. and Sussex, J. (eds), p. 44-62
Book chapter

A First-Order Statistical Method for Blind Channel Estimation

G. Tong Zhou, Mats Viberg, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Vol. 10 (3), p. 57-60
Journal article

Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmacuetical sector

Håkan Alm, Tomas McKelvey, R Massimo
Institutions for Industrial Competitivness in the international pharmacuetical industry, p. 44-62
Book chapter

Estimation of Resonant Frequencies and Quality Factors from Time Domain Computations

Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 192 (2), p. 523-545
Journal article

Proximity as a Factor in Biotechnology Research and Development

Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
Wirtschaft politische Blätter. Österriechischer Wirtschaftsverlag [Mitterlehner, R. (ed.)], p. 331-337
Journal article

Instantaneous Crankshaft Torque Measurements - Modeling and Validation

Stefan Schagerberg, Tomas McKelvey
SAE Tech paper 2003-01-0713
Paper in proceeding

Revisiting Frequency and Spatial Distribution: Innovation Collaboration for Biotech Firms

Linus Dahlander, Tomas McKelvey
DRUID Summer Conference. June 12-14, Copenhagen.
Journal article

Subspace-Based System Identification of an Acoustic Enclosure

Tomas McKelvey, A. Fleming, S.O.R. Moheimani
ASME Transactions of Vibration and Acoustics. Vol. 124 (3), p. 414-419
Journal article

Frequency domain identification methods

Tomas McKelvey
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing. Vol. 21 (1), p. 39-55
Journal article

Industrial Sectors: Biotechnology

Tomas McKelvey
The International Encyclopedia of Business Management: The Handbook of Economics, p. 304-310
Book chapter

Skapar innovationer jobb?

C Edquist, L Hommen, Tomas McKelvey

Superimposed Periodic Pilots for Blind Channel Estimation

G. Tong Zhou, Mats Viberg, Tomas McKelvey
Proc. of 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers
Paper in proceeding

Innovations and Employment in a System of Innovation Perspective

Charles Edquist, Leif Hommen, Tomas McKelvey

A Robust Frequency Domain Subspace Algorithm for Multi-Component Harmonic Retrieval

Tomas McKelvey, Mats Viberg
Proc. of 35th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers
Paper in proceeding

The Economic dynamics of Software: Three competing business models Exemplified though Microsoft, Netscape and Linux

Tomas McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and Technology. Vol. 11, p. 127-164
Journal article

On adaptive smoothing of empirical transfer function estimates

A. Stenman F., Tony Gustafsson, D.E. Rivera et al
Control Engineering Practice. Vol. 8 (11), p. 1309-1315
Journal article

Reviewing the Debates about Systems of Innovation

Charles Edquist, Tomas McKelvey
Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment, p. xi-xxii
Book chapter

Subspace based system identification for an acoustic enclosure

Tomas McKelvey, A. Fleming, S.O.R. Moheimani
Proc. of 9th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Anchorage, Alaska
Paper in proceeding

On the finite length DFT of input-output signals of multivariable linear systems

Tomas McKelvey
Proc. of 39th Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia
Paper in proceeding

Network-based Dynamics: Does Linux Represent a real competitor to Microsoft?

Tomas McKelvey
Demands, Markets, Users and Innovation
Book chapter

Frequency Domain Identification

Tomas McKelvey
Preprints of the 12th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Santa Barbara, USA
Paper in proceeding

Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness, and Emplyment

C Edquist, Tomas McKelvey
Edited book

Surviving technological Discontinuities through Evolutionary systems of Innovation: Ericsson and Mobile Communication

Tomas McKelvey, F Texier
Technology and Knowledge: from the firm to innovation systems
Book chapter

Australian Biotechnology Firms: Problems in appropriating Economic Returns to Knowledge?

Tomas McKelvey
Economic and social impact of Biotechnology
Book chapter

MA estimation in polynomial time

P Stoica, Tomas McKelvey, J. Mari
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Vol. 48 (7), p. 1999-2012
Journal article

Vector ARMA estimation: A reliable subspace approach

J. Mari, P. Stoica, Tomas McKelvey
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. Vol. 48 (7), p. 2092-2104
Journal article

A semidefinite approach to ARMA estimation

Tomas McKelvey
Preprints of the 12th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Santa Barbara, USA
Paper in proceeding

High R&D Intensity without High Tech Products: A Swedish Paradox?

Charles Edquist, Tomas McKelvey
Institutions and Economic Change, p. 131-149
Book chapter

Evolutionary Innovations: Learning, Entrepreneurship, and the Dynamics of the firm

Tomas McKelvey
Journal of Evolutionary Economics. Vol. 8, p. 157-175
Journal article

Product versus Process Innovation: Productivity Growth and Employment

Charles Edquist, Leif Hommen, Tomas McKelvey
Employment, Technology, and Economic Needs, p. 128-152
Book chapter

R&D as Pre-Market Selection: Of Uncertainty and its Management

Tomas McKelvey
The Micro-Foundations of Economic Growth, p. 188-211
Book chapter

Coevolution of cognitive and Institutional Environments in Biotechnology

Tomas McKelvey
Knowledge, technology transfer and forecasting, p. 66-70
Book chapter

Coevolution in Commercial Genetic Engineering, Industrial and Corporate Change

Tomas McKelvey
Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol. 6 (3), p. 503-532
Journal article

Moving to commercialization

Tomas McKelvey
Kunglig skogs- och lantbruksakademins Tidskrift. Vol. 136 (20)
Journal article

Using evolutionary theory to define systems of Innovation

Tomas McKelvey
Systems of Innovation - Technology, Institutions and Organizations, p. 200-222
Book chapter

Redefining transfer in Biotechnology and Software: Multiple Creation of Knowledge and Issues of Ownership

Tomas McKelvey
Kluwer Academic Publisher, p. 33-47
Journal article

Evolutionary Innovation

Tomas McKelvey
Edited book

Technological Discontinuities in Genetic Engineering in Pharmaceuticals

Tomas McKelvey
Technological Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 8 (2), p. 107-116
Journal article

Engineering the Biological and Political: Enabling Industrial Use of Genetic Engineering in Sweden

Tomas McKelvey
Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria. Vol. 3 (12), p. 216-259
Journal article

Japanese Institutions Supporting Innovation

Tomas McKelvey
Institutional Development and Change: Theory and Emperical Findings, p. 199-226
Journal article

Technologies embedded in Nations? Genetic Engineering and Technological Change in National Systems of Innovation

Tomas McKelvey
The Journal of Socio-Economics. Vol. 22 (4), p. 353-377
Journal article

How do national systems of Innovation Differ?

Tomas McKelvey
Rethinking Economics, p. 117-137
Book chapter

Historical development of Technology and Society: Surplus of Labour and of Production

Tomas McKelvey
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. Vol. 16 (2), p. 111-113
Journal article

Technological Devlopment and Society: Surplus of Labour and of Production in Polhem

Tomas McKelvey
Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria. Vol. 8 (2), p. 124-131
Journal article

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Showing 20 research projects


Airborne Multistatic Radar Systems

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Patrik Dammert Signal Processing


Multi-target detection in digital radar

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Patrik Dammert Signal Processing
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)


Storage and flexibility for enhancement of grid capacity

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Giuseppe Durisi Communication Systems
Jan R Svensson Power grids and Components
Swedish Energy Agency


Enablers for Testing Autonomous Vehicles at Exitsting Proving grounds (ETAVEP)

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing

1 publication exists

Multi-level energy management system of hybrid electric vehicles

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Ingemar Denbratt Engines and Propulsion Systems


Multi-level energy management system of hybrid electric vehicles, part 2

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Maryam Razi Mechatronics
Nikolce Murgovski Mechatronics
Torsten Wik Automatic Control


Active Learning for event detection in large-scale information networks.

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering
Qing Zhao Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering
Region Västra Götaland


Deep multi-object tracking for ground truth trajectory estimation

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering
Karl Granström Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering
Lennart Svensson Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering

9 publications exist

Virtual Electric Propulsion system

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Carl Holmberg Signal Processing
Thomas Rylander Signal Processing

2 publications exist

Passiv and multistatic radar

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Jacob Klintberg Signal Processing
Patrik Dammert Signal Processing

6 publications exist

Rotfelsanalys med maskininlärning

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing


Safety margins in complex environments

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering


MultiMEC - Multivariabla metoder för energieffektiv motorstyrning

Bo Egardt Automatic Control
Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Nikolce Murgovski Mechatronics
Dhinesh Vilwanathan Velmurugan Signal Processing
Mohammed Razaul Karim Automatic Control

8 publications exist

Green and Smart Communications with Energy Harvesting: A Signal Processing Approach (GRENHAS)

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Ayca Ozcelikkale Signal Processing
European Commission (EC)


Safe inductive energy transfer for electric vehicles

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Thomas Rylander Signal Processing
JOHAN WINGES Signal Processing
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist

Bildfusion för robust 3D-rekonstruktion av trafikscener

Tomas Bengtsson Signal Processing
Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing


Target tracking in complex scenarios including jamming conditions for airborne sensor systems

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Lennart Svensson Signal Processing
Abu Sajana Rahmathullah Signal Processing


Fordonspositionering och ruttprediktion

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Lennart Svensson Signal Processing
Lars Hammarstrand Signal Processing
Erik Stenborg Signal Processing


SICS - Safe Interaction, Connectivity and State v2

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Malin Lundgren Signal Processing
Lars Hammarstrand Signal Processing


Model-based Reconstruction and Classification Based on Near-Field Microwave Measurements

Mats Viberg Signal Processing
Mikael Persson Biomedical Electromagnetics
Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Thomas Rylander Signal Processing
Jian Yang Antennas
Lennart Svensson Signal Processing
Swedish Research Council (VR)

There might be more projects where Tomas McKelvey participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.