Multi-target detection in digital radar
Research Project, 2022 – 2023

Purpose and goal
The digitalization has changed how a modern radar can be constructed. The interfaces between digital and analog signals has moved closer to the antennas, have higher sample rates and more channels are available. The future challenges are to develop processing algorithms which exploit the extra flexibility. Recent academic results in estimation are seen as key components in the development of the algorithms for the future radars. The mobility component in this project will provide a direct path to transfer academic knowledge to the industry.

Expected results and effects
The project will contribute to speeding up Saab´s development of effective methods for detecting multiple closely spaced targets. This also contributes to increasing Saab´s competitiveness on the international market. The mobility from academia to industry will provide unique opportunities to gain deeper insights into the industrial challenges that will be important for creating future academic training and research programs as well as giving Saab direct access to the latest academic developments in the field of signal processing and detection.

Planned approach and implementation
In this project we will explore the multitarget detection problem in radar settings which are industrially relevant to Saab. The project will be based on three core activates and associated knowledge transfer. Firstly, we aim to build knowledge on how performance in the multi-target setting should be assessed. Secondly, novel algorithms from the recent academic literature will be evaluated. Finally, a set of candidate algorithms will be implemented in software for a prototype radar system and evaluated on data collected in multi-target scenarios.


Tomas McKelvey (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering

Patrik Dammert

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering



Stockholm, Sweden


Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

Project ID: SM22-0021
Funding Chalmers participation during 2023–2024


Project ID: 2022-03116
Funding Chalmers participation during 2022–2023

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Information and Communication Technology

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