Tomas McKelvey
Tomas McKelvey är proprefekt på institutionen och professor i forskargruppen Signalbehandling.

Visar 404 publikationer
Scenario Tracking for Airborne Bistatic Radar Systems
Building efficient CNNs using Depthwise Convolutional Eigen-Filters (DeCEF)
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Grid-Forming Inverter
Analysis of Interpolating Regression Models and the Double Descent Phenomenon
Scenario Based Transformations for Compensation of Non-Stationary Radar Clutter
A Parametric Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Airborne Bistatic Radar Systems
Over-The-Air Identification of Coupled Nonlinear Distortion in a MIMO Radar
Classification of Partial Discharges Originating from Multi-level PWM Using Machine Learning
A Parametric Approach to Space-Time Adaptive Processing in Bistatic Radar Systems
Predictive energy management of hybrid electric vehicles via multi-layer control
System Identification of Electromagnetic Devices Based on Full-Wave Computations
Cold-Start Modeling and On-Line Optimal Control of the Three-Way Catalyst
Neural Networks for the Estimation of Low-Order Statistical Moments of a Stochastic Dielectric
A Möbius Transform Approach for Improved MIMO Frequency Domain Identification
A Control-Oriented Spatially Resolved Thermal Model of the Three-Way-Catalyst
Design and comparative analyses of optimal feedback controllers for hybrid electric vehicles
A Multivariate Local Rational Modeling Approach for Detection of Structural Changes in Test Vehicles
Cavity resonator sensor and temporal signals analysis for object detection in granular flows
Accurate and Efficient Crosstalk Analysis by Full-wave Computations and System Identification
Mitigation of Ground Clutter in Airborne Bistatic Radar Systems
Understanding Support Vector Machines with Polynomial Kernels
Partial discharge classification in power electronics applications using machine learning
Auto-calibration of Uniform Linear Array Antennas
Auto-Calibration of Co-located Uniform Linear Array Antennas
Compressed Sensing Applied to Non-Ideal Microwave Measurements in Metal Enclosures
Optimal Transient Real-Time Engine-Generator Control in the Series-Hybrid Vehicle
Introducing Compressed Mixture Models for Predicting Long-Lasting Brake Events
Remote Estimation of Correlated Sources under Energy Harvesting Constraints
Improving Linear State-Space Models with Additional Iterations
Kernel Subspace Learning for Pattern Classification
Supervisory Controller for a Light Duty Diesel Engine with an LNT-SCR After-Treatment System
Physically motivated rank constraint on direct throughput of state-space models
Supervisory controller for a LNT-SCR Diesel Exhaust After-Treatment System
Look ahead based Supervisory control of a light duty Diesel engine
Matched filter for microwave-based detection of dielectric objects in powders
Transmission Strategies for Remote Estimation with an Energy Harvesting Sensor
Comparing Dynamic Programming Optimal Control Strategies for a Series Hybrid Drivetrain
Robust Discrete-Time Gain-Scheduled Guaranteed Cost PSD Controller Design
Microwave measurement system for dispersive dielectric properties of densely packed pellets
System Identification and Tuning of WPT Systems
Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer under a Non-Linear RF Energy Harvesting Model
Robust Discrete-Time Gain-Scheduled PSD Controller Design
Adaptive margin slack minimization in RKHS for classification
Battery parameter estimation from recorded fleet data
Driver-Gaze Zone Estimation Using Bayesian Filtering and Gaussian Processes
Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer with Transmitters with Hardware Impairments
Array response interpolation and DOA estimation with array response decomposition
Microwave Measurement System for Detection of Dielectric Objects in Powders
Knowledge management processes and the formation of entrepreneurial opportunities
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: A new research agenda?
Diesel Engine Emission Model Transient Cycle Validation
Robust Gain-Scheduled PSD Controller Design from Educational Perspective
Performance Bounds for Remote Estimation with an Energy Harvesting Sensor
Transmission Strategies for Remote Estimation under Energy Harvesting Constraints
Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Images with Spectral and Photometric Sensor Diversity
Wireless Information and Power Transfer in MIMO Channels under Rician fading
Innovation 2015: Have we forgotten what Schumpeter said?
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms Engage
Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Definition and Model
How regions and networks affect knowledge intensive entrepreneurship
MIMO Linear Precoder Design with Non-Ideal Transmitters
Opportunities and Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship:A meta-analysis of 86 case studies
Ramifications for Western Firms of Navigating Through Innovation Spaces in Asia
Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy
Microwave technology in medical diagnostics and treatment
Benefiting from Institutional Complexity: How Organizations Engage with Minority Logics
Detection of wood decay by microwaves
Universities and Public Research Institutes as Collaboration Partners for Firms
Public Policy Implications of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Introduction to the Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Microwave Resonator Sensor for Detection of Dielectric Objects in Metal Pipes
Pre-hospital care for stroke and trauma
Collaboration between universities in Sweden
The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer research
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms Engage
Introduction to Innovation Spaces in Asia
Optical flow estimation on image sequences with differently exposed frames
Conclusions of Innovation Spaces in Asia
Innovation Cascades and the Emergence of the Bio-economy
Array Calibration using Array Response Interpolation and Parametric Modeling
Automated engine calibration of hybrid electric vehicles
Innovation contexts and the dynamics of entrepreneurial opportunities
Multiclass Ridge-adjusted Slack Variable Optimization Using Selected Basis for Fast Classification
Closed-loop diesel engine combustion phasing control based on crankshaft torque measurements
Data-driven emission model structures for diesel engine management system development
Navigating Innovation Spaces in Asia
The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer research
Detection of Combustion Properties in a Diesel Engine using Block Mounted Accelerometers
Detection of Breathing and Heartbeat by Using a Simple UWB Radar System
Knowlege Intensive Entrepreneurship: Conceptualization and a Research Agenda
The Influence of Collaboration on Firm Publications: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Cancer Research
The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer research
Model-based diesel Engine Management System optimization for transient engine operation
Feature Reduction Based on Sum-of-SNR (SOSNR) Optimization
DVB-T interference cancellation in radar signal processing
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Science, Technology and Business Innovation
Microwave-Based Stroke Diagnosis Making Global Prehospital Thrombolytic Treatment Possible
A Microwave Measurement System for Measurement of Dielectric Properties
Exploring innovation Spaces in Asia
Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances
A Transient Diesel EMS Strategy for Online Implementation
Exploring China as a source of learning for Swedish multinationals
Super-resolution reconstruction of high dynamic range images in a perceptually uniform domain
Optimal Aperture Distribution of Near-Field Antennas for Maximum Signal Penetration
How Entrepreneurs Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowleedge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Collaborative research in Innovative Food: An example of renewing a traditional low-tech industry
A Unified Subspace Classification Framework Developed for Diagnostic System Using Microwave Signal
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment
Biotechnology and Globalization
Microwave technology shows potential for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings
Business models in Big Data in China: Opportunities through sequencing and bioinformatics
Ridge-Adjusted Slack Variable Optimization for Supervised Classification
Development of self-sufficient and sustainable innovation spaces in China: An explorative case study
Research network position and innovative performance: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry
Academic Inventors and Knowledge Technology Transfer in nanoscience in Sweden
Stroke diagnostics with a microwave helmet
Restless Capitalism and the economizing entrepreneur
The Evolving Domain of Entrepreneurship Research
Introduction to Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia
Conclusions and Implications of Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment in practice
Super-resolution reconstruction of high dynamic range images with perceptual weighting of errors
Kernel SODA: A Feature Reduction Technique Using Kernel Based Analysis
Microwave Measurements for Metal Vessels
A Diesel Engine Management System Strategy for Transient Engine Operation
University mergers and strategic positioning: The Swedish experience
Academic Patenting in Sweden: New Evidence from the 2011 Database
Several new ultra-wideband antenna systems for radio telescopes and industry sensor imaging process
Alternative logics for resource acquisition and academic engagement with industry
The Evolving Domain of Entrepreneurship Research
Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Parameterized Diesel Engine Combustion Modeling for Torque Based Combustion Property Estimation
What characterizes firms' academic patents? Academic involvement in industrial invention in Sweden
Non-parametric frequency response estimation using a local rational model
The torque ratio concept for combustion monitoring of internal combustion engines
The new UWB self-grounded Bow-Tie antennas and the applications in Different Systems
Collaboration strategies in university-industry relationships
Compact UWB Indoor and Through-Wall Radar with Precise Ranging and Tracking
Universities as Strategic Actors in the Knowlege Economy
Using microwave technology for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings – tests on a brain phantom
Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Development of a Compact UWB Radar System for Indoor Ranging and Tracking
Collaboration Strategies in University-Industry Relationships for Entrepreneurial Ventures
Model reduction for inverse scattering problems
Regional innovation governance : a model for complex systems of innovation and economic emergence
B-splines for Diesel Engine Emission Modeling
A Pact with the Devil? Resource Acquisition Engagement with Alternative Logics
Conceptualizing Knowlege Intensive Entrepreneurship: Concepts and Models
A Pact with the Devil? Resource Acquisition and Engagement with Alternative Logics
Cerebrovascular Mechanical Properties and Slow Waves of Intracranial Pressure in TBI Patients
Open Innovation as a Strategy for New Knowledge Intensive Ventures
A Study on Engine Health Monitoring in the Frequency Domain
Plateau Waves and Baroreflex Sensitivity in Patients with Head Injury: A Case Study
A new UWB radar system using UWB CMOS chip
Estimation of Combustion Phasing Using the Combustion Net Torque Method
A Diesel Engine Model for Dynamic Drive Cycle Simulations
Stroke Detection Using a Broad Band Microwave Antenna System
A Study on Engine Health Monitoring in the Frequency Domain
Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients with Severe Head Injury: A Pilot Study
Local Political Capital for Innovation in the Global Knowledge Economy
New innovators and knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in some European sectoral systems
Baroreceptor Sensitivity and Heart Rate Variability in Early Traumatic Brain Injury
Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Concepts and Models.
Academic involvement in firm patenting: A study of firms’ academic patents in Sweden
Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises
Biotechnology Industries in Part III: Neo-Schumpeterian medo dynamics:
Modeling, Identification, and Separation of Crankshaft Dynamics in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine
What Does it Mean Conceptually that Universities Compete?
Parameterized Diesel Engine Heat Release Modeling for Combustion Phasing Analysis
Learning to compete in european universities: From social institution to knowledge business
Polarization of the Swedish University Sector: Structural Characteristics and Positioning
Academic Patenting in France, Italy and Sweden
The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and skills in Academic Commercialization in Sweden
From Social Institution to Knowledge Business
Normalized Power Transmission between ABP and ICP in TBI
Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Triple Helix as a basis for capacity building through innovation governance
Estimation of Diesel Engine Combustion Phasing from Crankshaft Torque Data
Elite European universities and the R&D subsidiaries of multinational enterprises
Linear and Non-linear Approaches to Decomposition of human Body Pressure Signals
Harmonics Tracking of Intracranial and Arterial Blood Pressure Waves
Evaluation of a Closed Loop Spark Advance Controller Based on a Torque Sensor
Frequency Interpretation of Tidal Peak in Intracranial Pressure Wave
A comparison between the transfer function of ABP to ICP and compensatory reserve index in TBI
Indirect Vibration Sensing and Optimal Sensor Placement
Health Biotechnology; Emerging Business Models and Institutional Drivers
Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises
Academic Patenting in Europe: Evidence on France, Italy from the KEINS database
Scrutinizing Policy Assumptions in Biotechnology
A subspace method for frequency selective identification of stochastic systems
Academic Patenting in Europe: Evidence on France, Italy from the KEINS database
The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and Skills in Academic Commercialization in Sweden
Bioteknik: Från industristruktur till innovationsprocesser
Health Biotechnology: Emerging Business Models and Institutional Drivers
Comments about Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Academic Patenting in Europe: New Evidence from the KEINS Database
Analysis of Effects on Research and Industry in Life Sciences
Var ligger problemet ? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige
Developing Capabilities: An Analysis of Biotechnology in two Regions in Australia and Sweden
What are innovative opportunities?,
Commentary upon Part VI. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Estimation of Combustion Information by Crankshaft Torque Sensing in an Internal Combustion Engine
Reducing noise sensitivity in F-ESPRIT using weighting matrices
Does structure matter for science? The Matthew effect in the Swedish university sector
Var ligger problemet? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige
Does Structure Matter for Science?: The Matthew Effect in the Swedish University Sector
Analyzing Flexibility and Stability In Co-evolutionary Processes
Scrutinizing policy assumptions in biotechnology
System identification of the crankshaft dynamics in a 5 cylinder internal combustion engine
Uncertainty and the Economizing Entrepreneur
Constrained state–space system identification with application to structural dynamics
Survey and Introduction to Economics of Biotechnology
Constrained state–space system identification with application to structural dynamics
The Development of Regional Specialization in Modern Biotechnology
Innovative Opportunities and Dependencies: Illustrations from mobile communications
Underlying assumptions in Public Policies for Modern Biotechnology
Economics of Biotechnology: A Two Volume Reference collection
What drives innovation processes in modern biotechnology and open source software?
) Innovative Opportunities: What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?
Innovative Opportunities, What do we learn from opportunities in mobile communications?
Appreciative Theorizing and Innovative Opportunities
How and why does knowledge accumulation occur in small, Swedish biotech research firms?
Tensions in Co-Evolutionary Processes: Three Swedish Seed Organizations in the 20th Century
What are innovative opportunities?
The occurrence and spatial distribution of collaboration: biotech firms in Gothenburg, Sweden
Conclusions to Biotechnology and Telecommunciation Innovations
Innovative Opportunities and Search: Differences amongst firms and industries
Creating, sharing and transferring knowledge: The role of Geography, Institutions, Organizations
Biotechnology and Telecommunications Innovation: Conditions and Processes for Emerging Technologies
Who is not developing open source software? Non-users, users, and developers
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Stylized facts about innovation processes in modern biotechnology
Conceptualizing and measuring modern biotechnology
Subsystem State-Space Model Identification and Its Sensitivity to Test Variability
Introduction, in McKelvey, M., A. Rickne and J. Laage-Hellman
How and why dynamic selection regimes affect the firms innovative search activities
Least Squares and Instrumental Variable Methods
What are innovation opportunities?
Relations Between Time Domain and Frequency Domain Prediction Error Methods
The perception of Linux among users and potential users
Who is not developing open source software
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe in Global Trends
High SNR Performance Analysis of F-ESPRIT
A system inversion approach on a crankshaft of an internal combustion engine
An analysis of the parametrization by data driven local coordinates for multivariable linear systems
Subspace Methods for Frequency Domain Data
Estimation of Resonance Frequencies and Quality Factors for Driven Electromagnetic Systems
Innovative opportunities and Emerging Technologies
Torque ratio concept for for combustion phasing detection of a spark ignited engine
Pharmaceuticals analyzed through the lens of sectoral innovation system
Considerations about the Production and Utilization of Knowledge
Low Order Sampled Data Hinfty Control using the Delta Operator and LMIs
Pharmaceuticals analyzed through the lens of sectoral innovation systems
Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmacuetical sector
Changing Boundaries of Innovation Systems: Linking Market Demand and Use
Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmaceutical sector
Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmacuetical sector
A First-Order Statistical Method for Blind Channel Estimation
Proximity as a Factor in Biotechnology Research and Development
Instantaneous Crankshaft Torque Measurements - Modeling and Validation
Revisiting Frequency and Spatial Distribution: Innovation Collaboration for Biotech Firms
Estimation of Resonant Frequencies and Quality Factors from Time Domain Computations
Frequency domain identification methods
Subspace-Based System Identification of an Acoustic Enclosure
Industrial Sectors: Biotechnology
Innovations and Employment in a System of Innovation Perspective
Superimposed Periodic Pilots for Blind Channel Estimation
A Robust Frequency Domain Subspace Algorithm for Multi-Component Harmonic Retrieval
Reviewing the Debates about Systems of Innovation
On the finite length DFT of input-output signals of multivariable linear systems
Network-based Dynamics: Does Linux Represent a real competitor to Microsoft?
Subspace based system identification for an acoustic enclosure
Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness, and Emplyment
Frequency Domain Identification
On adaptive smoothing of empirical transfer function estimates
Australian Biotechnology Firms: Problems in appropriating Economic Returns to Knowledge?
MA estimation in polynomial time
Vector ARMA estimation: A reliable subspace approach
A semidefinite approach to ARMA estimation
High R&D Intensity without High Tech Products: A Swedish Paradox?
Evolutionary Innovations: Learning, Entrepreneurship, and the Dynamics of the firm
Product versus Process Innovation: Productivity Growth and Employment
R&D as Pre-Market Selection: Of Uncertainty and its Management
Coevolution of cognitive and Institutional Environments in Biotechnology
Coevolution in Commercial Genetic Engineering, Industrial and Corporate Change
Using evolutionary theory to define systems of Innovation
Technological Discontinuities in Genetic Engineering in Pharmaceuticals
Engineering the Biological and Political: Enabling Industrial Use of Genetic Engineering in Sweden
Japanese Institutions Supporting Innovation
Högteknologiska produkter och produktivitet i Svensk industri
How do national systems of Innovation Differ?
Historical development of Technology and Society: Surplus of Labour and of Production
Technological Devlopment and Society: Surplus of Labour and of Production in Polhem
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Visar 20 forskningsprojekt
Flygburna multistatiska radarsystem
Flermålsdetektion i digital radar
Lagring och flexibilitet för förbättrad kapacitet i elnätet
Enablers for Testing Autonomous Vehicles at Exitsting Proving grounds (ETAVEP)
Multi-level energy management system of hybrid electric vehicles
Multi-level energy management system of hybrid electric vehicles, part 2
Active Learning for event detection in large-scale information networks.
Säkerhetsmarginaler i komplexa trafikmiljöer
MultiMEC - Multivariabla metoder för energieffektiv motorstyrning
Green and Smart Communications with Energy Harvesting: A Signal Processing Approach (GRENHAS)
Säker induktiv energiöverföring för elfordon (FFI SAWE)
Bildfusion för robust 3D-rekonstruktion av trafikscener
Målföljning för komplicerade mätfall i störande bakgrundsmiljö för flygande sensorsystem
Fordonspositionering och ruttprediktion
SICS - Safe Interaction, Connectivity and State v2
Modellbaserad rekonstruktion och klassificering baserat på mikrovågsmätningar i närfält