Ergonomics Infrastructure - An Organizational Roadmap to Improved Production Ergonomics
Doctoral thesis, 2011

Improving production ergonomics is a pursuit common to many companies in different industrial sectors. At the core is an aspiration to eliminate risks for work-related musculo-skeletal disorders (MSDs), but modern views on ergonomics have evolved the discipline from a purely physiological, instrumental concern to an organizational, holistic systems-performance discipline (macroergonomics). This modern perspective implies that it is not enough to consider ergonomics as the domain of only ergonomics specialists; nor is it advisable to try improving it in isolation, without paying attention to the influences of the surrounding stakeholders and context. This thesis proposes that the “ergonomics infrastructure” of an organization is made up of the structural, technical, organizational and stakeholder-relational conditions that enable or hinder improvement of ergonomics. These conditions focus on the positioning of different stakeholders towards ergonomics issues, the relations between stakeholders and strategies they use for persuasion, and the influences that arise from industry-specific culture, attitudes and procedural integration (or exclusion) of ergonomics into engineering processes. This in turn affects an organization’s tendency to handle ergonomics proactively (i.e. at the design stage) or reactively (in response to injury, discomfort and compensation claims). It was found that stakeholder influence and relational interactions are of particular importance to the implementation of ergonomics improvements. Ergonomics practitioners who are politically aware and are able to link ergonomics improvements to business and production benefits are best poised to advance an ergonomics agenda. The knowledge gleaned from the work in this thesis has been synthesized, together with relevant theoretical concepts found in the literature, into a “Tentative Framework” which guides empirical data collection aimed at mapping the “ergonomics infrastructure” in an organization. Its step-by-step systematic review of conditions at different hierarchical levels in the organization should serve ergonomics practitioners and managers alike in identifying pathways and roadblocks to improving production ergonomics. This contributes to the branch of macroergonomics literature, which to date has placed little focus on day-to-day ergonomics practice and organizational-relational influences on ergonomics work.

Production Ergonomics

Organizational Ergonomics

Organizational Relations

Sociotechnical Systems

Qualitative research

Proactive Ergonomics


Virtual Development Laboratory, Hörsalsvägen 7A, Chalmers
Opponent: Ole Broberg


Cecilia Berlin

Chalmers, Product and Production Development, Production Systems

Berlin, C., Neumann, W.P., Theberge, N., Örtengren, R. (2011, submitted) Stakeholder Influence on Ergonomics Work: Contrasting Work Practices of Canadian Industrial Engineers and Ergonomists

Avenues of entry: how industrial engineers and ergonomists access and influence human factors and ergonomics issues

European Journal of Industrial Engineering,;Vol. 8(2014)p. 325-348

Journal article

Human Factors Experiences in Context - Comparing Four Industrial Cases Using a Soft Systems Framework

The Ergonomics Open Journal,;Vol. 4(2011)p. 131-144

Journal article

Ergonomi i modern mening syftar till att skapa så goda hälsosamma förutsättningar som möjligt för fysiskt arbete, samtidigt som man förbättrar system i stort genom att arbeta i linje med effektivitets- och produktivitetsmål. Både den enskilda människans välbefinnande och produktionssystemet i stort gynnas av god ergonomi i denna mening, ofta med bättre trivsel, färre arbetsskador, bättre produktkvalitet och förhöjd produktivitet som resultat. Detta betyder att ergonomiexperter på företag står inför utmaningen att uttrycka dess fördelar i ekonomiska termer och mätt som kan förstås och tillämpas av andra aktörer med inflytande över produktionssystemet. Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på vilka personer inom ett produktionsföretag som har inflytande över ergonomi, och hur de arbetar för att denna kunskap ska kunna nå fabriksgolvet. Forskningsarbetet grundar sig främst på djupintervjuer med ergonomiskt kunnig personal på olika produktionsföretag, och illustrerar hur de arbetar, vilka strategier de använder för att nå fabriksgolvet med sina kunskaper, och hur de övertygar andra aktörer som ibland har andra prioriteringar för ögonen än ergonomi och arbetsmiljö. Resultatet visar att vissa förutsättningar inom ett företag kan underlätta eller förhindra ergonomikunskapens väg till fabriksgolvet. Kunskapen från dessa intervjuer sammanfattas i en modell för datainsamling som hjälper en utredare att få en bild av företagets ”ergonomi-infrastruktur”.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics

Other Mechanical Engineering

Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified

Environmental Health and Occupational Health

Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Areas of Advance




Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie



Virtual Development Laboratory, Hörsalsvägen 7A, Chalmers

Opponent: Ole Broberg

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