Urban transport in Berlin - towards integrated sustainable mobility
Conference poster, 2011

Today there are several German cities with public transportation systems mixed with cycling and walking projects put forward as best cases of practices. How is the ECs goal of an integrated approach on urban transport interpreted in urban transport policy in the example of Berlin? The poster presents material collected during a study visit to Berlin: a city where only around half of the households of a population of 3,4 million own a car. This means many people depend on public transportation. The responsibility for public transport planning and organization lies with the State of Berlin´s Senate Department for Urban Development. The transportation policy starts out from the concept of “Mobility for all” for special groups of users including goals as equal mobility opportunities by providing public transportation as a core interest. Moreover by focusing on disadvantaged districts the transport policy in the city is aimed to contribute to improving both housing quality and quality of life. The collected material shows that transportation policy in Berlin is clearly connected to the field of urban development and urbanism. With gender mainstreaming in city planning as a whole Berlin is also giving an example of how gender approaches can be part of an integrated approach of urban transportation policy, when working towards integrated sustainable mobility.

public transportation

integrated urban transportation policy

gender approaches

equal mobility opportunities


Karin Berg

Chalmers, Architecture

Poster for the Adlerbert Research Foundation Jubilee Conference: Creating Successful & Sustainable Societies; capabilties, resources and trust. Arranged by the Adlerbert Research Foundation, GMV at Chalmers University of Technology and GU University of Gothenburg. Date, 22 nov. 2011. Gothenburg. Sweden

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Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Civil Engineering

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