Karin Berg

Showing 12 publications


Urban transport in London, towards integrated sustainable mobility

Karin Berg
Poster from Adlerbertska study travel, spring 2012. Exhibited at SUT Sustainable Urban Transport Conference at Lindholmen Science Park, Chalmers University of Technology, 10-12 April, 2013
Conference poster

Urban transport in Berlin - towards integrated sustainable mobility

Karin Berg
Poster for the Adlerbert Research Foundation Jubilee Conference: Creating Successful & Sustainable Societies; capabilties, resources and trust. Arranged by the Adlerbert Research Foundation, GMV at Chalmers University of Technology and GU University of Gothenburg. Date, 22 nov. 2011. Gothenburg. Sweden
Conference poster

Conflicting goals deriving from different urban quality perspectives - an alternative way of understanding urban planning conflicts

Karin Berg
Poster for conference, Planning/conflict - critical perspectives on contentious urban developments. Arranged by Planning Theory, TU, Berlin. Date 27-28 October 2011. Berlin, Germany
Conference poster

Ett jämställt transportsystem - målet som nyligen omformulerades.

Karin Berg
Presentation vid Workshop, arbetsmaterial: Forskning om jämställdhetspolitik – en workshop för att inventera fältet. Arrangörer: Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning GU i samarbete med jämställdhetsforskare, den 18 november 2010, GU, Göteborg
Other conference contribution

Make towns instead of traffic planning and housing development -the Gothenburg example

Karin Berg
Paper to the 45th International Making Cities Livable Conferences IMCL, 2007, Portland, Oregon, USA
Paper in proceeding

Pathways to and from Transit Stops - Part of Public Transportation

Karin Berg
New Issues in Transportation Planning/Paper to the 44th International Making Cities Livable Conferences IMCL, 2006, Santa Fee, New Mexico, USA
Paper in proceeding

Discussion about pathways to and from transit stops

Karin Berg
Paper to the FOVUS Networks for Mobility Conference, Session: Integrated Spatial and Transportation Planning, 4-6 October, 2006, Stuttgart, Germany
Paper in proceeding

The Path between the Home and the Public Transport Stop - A proposal for a Framework for a Quality Tool in Urban Planning

Karin Berg
Paper to Life in the Urban landscape - International Conference for Integrating Urban Knowledge & Practise, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 29-June 3, 2005.
Paper in proceeding

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