Urban transport in London, towards integrated sustainable mobility
Conference poster, 2012

The EC's Action Plan on Urban Mobility calls for an increase in the take-up of (SUMP) Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Europe. An integrated approach is promoted not only for the development of transport infrastructure and services, but also for policy making to link transport with environment protection, healthy environments, land use planning, housing, social aspects of accessibility and mobility. Londons Spatial Strategy, Vision and Strategic objectives includes five broad themes: A World Financial and Business Centre, Key City Places, City Culture and heritage, Environmental Sustainability and City Communities. The Mayor´s Transport Strategy (MTS) sets out a vision for transport in London over the next 20 years. How is the ECs goal of an integrated approach to urban transport interpreted in London?

public transportation

integrated urban transport policy

equal mobility opportunities


Karin Berg

Chalmers, Architecture

Poster from Adlerbertska study travel, spring 2012. Exhibited at SUT Sustainable Urban Transport Conference at Lindholmen Science Park, Chalmers University of Technology, 10-12 April, 2013

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Areas of Advance


Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Engineering and Technologies

Other Social Sciences

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