Diluent effects in solvent extraction
Other conference contribution, 2010

The fact that the choice of organic diluent is important for a solvent extraction process goes without saying. Several factors, such as e.g. price, flash point, viscosity, polarity etc. each have their place in the planning of a solvent extraction system. This high number of variables makes the lack of compilations concerning diluent effects to an interesting topic. Often the interest for the research concerning a specific extraction system focuses on the extractant used and the complexes built up during an extraction. The diluents used are often classical ones, even if it has been shown that choice of diluent can affect extraction as well as separation in an extraction system. An attempt to point out important steps in the understanding of diluent effects in solvent extraction is here presented. This large field is, of course, not summarized in this article, but an attempt is made to present important steps in the understanding of diluents effects in solvent extraction. Trying to make the information concerning diluent effects and applications more easily accessible this review offers a selected summarizing of literature concerning diluents effects in solvent extraction.


Elin Löfström Engdahl

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry

Emma Aneheim

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry

Christian Ekberg

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry

Gunnar Skarnemark

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nuclear Chemistry

Proceedings of the First ACSEPT International Workshop Lisbon, Portugal, 31 March – 2 April 2010

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Chemical Sciences

Areas of Advance

Materials Science

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