Gunnar Skarnemark
Showing 294 publications
SIMSISAK–a Method to Model Nuclide Transport in the SISAK System
Purification of used scintillation liquids containing the alpha emitters americium and plutonium
Characterization of strong 241Am sources
Extraction thermodynamics of Am(III) and Eu(III) using CyMe4-BTBP in various organic diluents
Characterization of strong 241Am sources
Hexanoic acid as an alternative diluent in a GANEX process: feasibility study
A reinterpretation of C5-BTBP extraction data, performed in various alcohols
On the categorization of uranium materials using low resolution gamma ray spectrometry
A micro hot test of the Chalmers-GANEX extraction system on used nuclear fuel
Characterization of Radium Sulphate
Technetium chemistry in a novel group actinide extraction process
The structure of plutonium(IV) oxide as hydrolysed clusters in aqueous suspensions
Initial studies of the recovery of Cu from MSWI fly ash leachates using solvent extraction
The Extraction of Silver and the effect of Diluent, Ligand side group and Solvent composition
Uncertainty assessment in gamma spectrometric measurements of plutonium isotope ratios and age
Solvent effects on the extraction rate in proposed GANEX processes
In vivo stability of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles coated on titanium implant surfaces.
A TBP/BTBP-based GANEX Separation Process. Part 1: Feasibility
Molecular release from painted surfaces: Free and encapsulated biocides
Diluent effects in solvent extraction
Removal of hazardous metals from MSW fly ash-An evaluation of ash leaching methods
Production of Rh-103m for cancer therapy
Leaching of spent nuclear fuel in the presence of siderophores
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2008
Gammaspektrometrisk analys av plutonium: isotopsammansättning och ålder
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2007
The Effect of Irradiation on Extraction of Various Metals by C5-BPBP
Closed source experimental system for soft x-ray spectroscopy of radioactive materials
Acomparative study of some BTP and BTBP class ligands
Effect of Diluents on Extraction of Actinides and Lanthanides
Radiolysis and Ageing of C2-BTP in Cinnamaldehyde/Hexanol mixtures
Transmutation.Current developments- 2007. A report from Swedish reference group for P&T
Chemical properties of the transactinide elements studied in liquid phase with SISAK
The Behaviour of Organic Solvents Containing C5-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP at Low Irradiation Doses
Extraction behaviour of nickel(II) using some of the BTBP-class ligands
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2006
Tetradentate ligands for extraction and separation of An(III) and Ln(III): the BTBP-class ligands
The Chemical Properties of 2-bromodecanoic Acid.
Extraction properties of 6,6'-bis-(5,6-dipentyl-[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl)-[2,2']bipyridinyl (C5-BTBP).
Inhibiting the radiolysis of BTP-molecules by addition of nitrobenzene
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2005
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2004
Micro Reactor for Continuous Multistage Solvent Extraction
Uncertainty Evaluation for One-atom-at-a-time Studies of Transactinide Elements
Liquid-scintillation detection of preseparated 257Rf with the SISAK system
The effect of radiolysis on iodine under severe nuclear accident conditions
Micro Reactor for Continuous Multistage Solvent Extraction
Extraction properties of 6,6´-bis-(5,6-dipentyl-[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl)-[2,2´]bipyrinidyl (C5-BTBP)
MicroSISAK - A New Device for Fast and Continuous Liquid-liquid Extraction on a Microliter Scale
Study of nitrate complex formation with Pm, Eu, Am and Cm using a solvent extraction technique
Study of Nitrate Complex Formation with Pm, Eu, Am and Cm Using a Solvent Extraction Technique
MicroSISAK - A New Device for Fast and Continuous Liquid-liquid Extraction on a Microliter Scale
Partitioning: New solvent extraction processes for minor actinides, Sixth Half-Yearly Report 2003
Separation of Chemically Similar Elements Such as Trivalent Actinides and Lanthanides
Partitioning: New solvent extraction processes for minor actinides
Separation of chemically similar elements such as trivalent actinides and lanthanides
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange in Radiochemistry
Separation of chemically similar elements such as trivalent actinides and lanthanides
Apparatus for on-line measurements of iodine species concentration in aqueous and gaseous phases
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2002
Application of SISAK for Fast Continuous Solvent Extraction Processes to Study Exotic Nuclides
A method for preparation and purification of 234Th
Partitioning: New solvent extraction processes for minor actinides, Fourth Half-Yearly Report 2002
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2001
SISAK Liquid-Liquid Extraction Experiments with Preseparated 257Rf,
Determination of protonation constants of 2,2´:6´2´´-terpyridinefrom liquid-liquid distribution data
A Method for Preparation and Purification of 234-Th"
Partitioning: New solvent extraction processes for minor actinides, First Progress Report 2001
Low-Energy Electron Emitters for Targeted Therapy of Small Tumors
Partitioning: New solvent extraction processes for minor actinides, Third Half-Yearly Report 2001
First chemical on-line separation and detection of a subsecond -decaying nuclide, 224Pa
Partitioning and Transmutation Annual Report 2000
Solvent extraction techniques in the study of short-lived radionuclides
Analysis of Electrolyte Solution, Sorption Tests, Preparation and Testing of
Speciation of Radionuclides, Preparation of Simulant Solutions, SX and Sorption Tests
Chemical Separation Procedure Proposed for Studies of Bohrium
211At and 103mRh labelled compounds for radiation therapy of small tumors,
Analysis of Electrolyte Solution, Sorption Tests, Preparation and Testing of Extraction Beads
The stability of some EDTA, DTPA and DOTA complexes: Applications as tracers in groundwater studies
Verbesserung des Zentrifugensystems SISAK-3 zur chemischen Untersuchung von Rutherfordium
Speciation of Radionuclides, Preparation of Simulant Solutions, SX and Sorption Tests
Shape coexistence near the double-midshell nucleus 111Rh
Solubility Measurements and Sorption Studies of Thorium in Cement Pore Water
Review of the SISAK System in Transactinide Research - Recent Developments and Future Perspectives
Application of fast solvent extraction processes to studies of exotic nuclides
Modelling of Uranium and Neptunium Chemistry in a Deep Rock Environment
Chemical Behavior of Aqueous Iodine at the Forsmark Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants
Modelling of Uranium and Neptunium in a Deep Rock Environment
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Solubility Calculations at Elevated Temperatures
Matrix Diffusion of Some Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals in Granitic Rock
Investigation of Aqueous Iodine in BWR Systems,
Investigations of the Chemical Properties of Element 106 with the Centrifuge System SISAK-3
Fast On-line Solvent Extraction with the Multistage Centrifuge System SISAK
On-line Separation of Iodine Species in Reactor Water using Mixer-settlers
Cesium and Antimony Behaviour in Water and Forest Soil after the Chernobyl Accident
Development of New Centrifuges for Fast Solvent Extraction of Transac¬tinide Elements
Level Lifetimes in Neutron-rich Ru Isotopes
Fast solvent extractions with SISAK 3 as a test for chemical studies of element 106
extraction of transactinide elements
A liquid scintillation detector for on-line - and spontaneous fission measure¬ments
Messung von -Zerfallsenergien neutronenreicher Kerne um A 110 mit dem Zentrifugensystem SISAK 3
. Studies of the Chemical Behavior of Element 106 with the Centrifuge System SISAK 3,
Vorversuche zum Extraktionsver¬halten des Elements 105 mit dem Zentrifugensystem SISAK3
Speciation of the Chernobyl Fallout by Sequenti¬al Chemical Separation
The Gideå Study Site - Area Description and Radiation Deposition Pattern,
The H-0.3 Centrifuge for Small-scale Fast Solvent Extraction Procedures
SISAK - A Solvent Extraction Technique for Nuclear and Chemical Studies of Exotic Radionuclides
Chemical Speciation of Radionuclides Originating from the Chernobyl Fallout - Gideå Study Site,
Field and Laboratory Studies of the Reduction and Sorption of Technetium(VII)
Speciation of the Chernobyl Fallout in the Gideå Catchment Area, Sweden,
A New Detector System for On-line -spectroscopy in a Flowing Solution,
Alstad. Development of a Chemical Separation Procedure for Element 106
Schnelle Abtrennung von Rhodium aus Spaltpro¬duktgemischen mit dem Zentrifugensystem SISAK3
Radioactive Tracers for Studies of Groundwater Movement,
Vorversuche zur Abtrennung von Element 103 mit dem Zentrifugensystem SISAK 3
Intruder States in Odd-Mass Ag Isotopes
Radioactive Tracer Study Performed in a Dipole Geometry in a Highly Conductive Fracture Zone
Leaching/migration of UO2-fuel in Compacted Bentonite
Tracer Experiment Performed in a Dipole Geometry in a Fracture Zone at the Finnsjön Area
Studies of Exotic Nuclides Using the Fast Solvent Extraction Technique SISAK,
Fast Chemical Separation of Tc from Fission Products and Decay Studies of 109Tc and 110Tc
Studies of Short-lived Fission Products by Means of the Multistage Solvent Extraction System SISAK
Schnelle Abtrennung von Rhodium aus Spaltpro¬duktgemischen mit dem Zentrifugensystem SISAK 3
Evidence for Intruder States in 111Rh
Das neue Mini-Zentrifu¬gensystem, University of Mainz Report IKMz 89-1
The Influence of an Additional Filter in Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis
SISAK 3 - An Improved System for Rapid Radiochemical Separations by Solvent Extraction
New centrifuges for fast radiochemical separations
Diffusion of Radionuclides from Spent Oxide Fuel into Compacted Bentonite
Evidence for Shape Coexistence in 111Rh
Evidence for Shape Coexistence in Neutron-rich Rh and Ag Nuclei, in Nuclei Far from Stability
Evidence for Shape Coexis¬tence in Neutron rich Rh and Ag Nuclei
FENA An Improved Method for Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis
Nuclear Studies with the Fast On-line Chemical Separation System SISAK
Untersuchung der Niveaus in 114,116Ag nach dem -Zerfall des 114,116Pd
SISAK A Technique for Studies of Exotic Nuclides
Subshell Closure Effects on the Collectivity of 88Kr52 and the Beta Decay of 88Br to Levels in 88Kr
Rapid Multistage Solvent Extraction using the SISAK Technique
- A New Method for On-line Determina¬tion of Short Half-lives
Modifizierung des Zentrifugensystems SISAK II zur Abtrennung sehr kurzlebiger Reaktionsprodukte
The Decay 150Pr 150Nd and the Anomalous -Band in 150Nd
Fast Radionuclide Separations using the SISAK Technique
Some Facts about Chernobyl Fallout in Sweden
Study on Rapid Separation of Ruthenium from Fission Product Mixtures
Neutron rich Light Actinide Products in the 136Xe + 244Pu reaction
SISAK A Technique for Nuclear and Chemical Studies of Exotic Nuclides
Kärnkemisk utbildning och forskning - insatser och behov
Evidence for Shape Coexisten¬ce in 113,115Ag
A Technique for Reducing Interferences in Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis
The Collective Structure of 106,108Tc
Extraction of Th, Pa, U and Np by PMBP from Aqueous Solutions at Short Phase Contact Times
Schnelle Chemische Abtrennung von Neptunium und Rhodium mit dem Zentrifugensystem SISAK-II
Kernspektroskopischen Untersu¬chungen an neutronenreichen Palladiumisotopen
Separation of Uranium from Complex Reaction Product Mixtures
Schnelle Abtrennung von Neptunium und Rhodium mit dem Zentrifugen¬system SISAK-II
A New Fast Device to Transfer Radioactive Species from a Gaseous to a Liquid Phase
Study of 16-s Br-88 by continuous Gas-Phase and SISAK Chemical Isolation from Fission Products
Neutron rich Nuclei in the Mass Region A=l00
Phase Transition in Nuclear Shape in the A=100 Region
Phase Tran¬sition in Nuclear Shape in the A=l00 Region?
Kontinuierliche Abtrennung kurzlebiger Arsen- und Rutheniumnuklide mit dem Zentrifugensystem SISAK 2
Rapid Continuous Chemical Methods for Studies of Nuclei Far From Stability
An Automatic Device for Sampling of thin Assays of Short-lived Radionuclides in a Liquid Flow
Reducing the Long-term Hazard of Reactor Waste through Actinide Removal and Destruction in LWR's
Properties of Neutron-rich Nuclei Studied by Fission Product Nuclear Chemistry
H-10 - A New Centrifuge for Rapid Phase Separations
The Decay of 107Tc to Levels in 107Ru
Kontinuierliche Trennverfahren für Spaltprodukte mit einem Gasjet als Transportsystem,
SISAK - A Technique for Fast On-line Radiochemical Separations
Decay Properties of some Neutron-rich Cerium Isotopes
Decay Properties of some Neutron-rich Praseodymium Isotopes
Decay Characteristics of some Neutron-rich Lanthanide Nuclides Obtained by SISAK Technique
SISAK - A New Technique for Rapid Continuous (Radio)chemical Separations
Short-lived Isotopes of Lanthanum, Cerium and Praseodymium Studied by SISAK-technique
The Half-life of 150Ce Obtained by SISAK Technique
Untersuchung kurzlebiger Lanthan, Cer und Praseodymisotope mit Hilfe der SISAK-Technik
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