Multi-level modulation formats for high-speed optical transmission systems
Doctoral thesis, 2012
Over the past several years, the use of multi-level modulation formats has enabled
significant improvements in the field of optical fiber communication, particularly
in terms of per-channel bit-rate (i.e., line-rate) and spectral efficiency (SE), by
encoding multiple bits per symbol. This has resulted in a wide range of demonstrations
of optical systems with line-rates beyond 100 Gbit/s, which are of great
interest for next-generation optical communication. However, as each modulation
format exhibits unique characteristics even among those having an equal number
of modulation levels (e.g., receiver sensitivity, susceptibility to impairments,
and implementation complexity/cost), it is very challenging to specify an optimum
modulation scheme for particular applications without appropriate knowledge of
modulation formats. As a consequence, the characterization of multi-level modulation
formats is regarded as an area of key importance in this research field.
This thesis is devoted to demonstrations of high-speed optical transmission systems
through the use of various multi-level modulation formats as well as signal
characterization, in-depth assessment of several transmission impairments, and performance
comparisons among different formats. The work included in this thesis
can be divided into two parts, based upon the detection technique used in the receiver.
The first part concerns optical systems with differential detection, including
the demonstrations of (up to) 0.96 Tbit/s transmission over a single wavelength, impairment
assessments of M-ary phase shift keying (M = 2, 4, 8) at the symbol-rate
of 40 Gbaud, and a performance comparison of two 8-ary formats at the line-rate
of 120 Gbit/s. The second part deals with optical systems with coherent detection,
covering the demonstration of 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation with an
SE of 7.2 bit/s/Hz and the performance comparison of two modulation formats
for wavelength-division multiplexed systems with an SE of 4.1 bit/s/Hz. In addition,
the work included in the thesis addresses the implementation of chirped fiber
Bragg gratings for dispersion compensation and their impact in high-speed optical
systems with both differential and coherent detection.
quadrature amplitude modulation
spectral efficiency
differential detection
modulation format
coherent detection
phase shift keying