Ekawit Tipsuwannakul

Showing 25 publications


Injection locking-based pump recovery for phase-sensitive amplified links

Samuel L I Olsson, William Corcoran, Carl Peter Lundström et al
Optics Express. Vol. 21 (12), p. 14512-14529
Journal article

Transmission of 3×224 Gbit/s DP-16QAM signals with (up to) 7.2 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency in SMF-EDFA links

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Tobias Eriksson et al
2012 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, OFC/NFOEC 2012, Los Angeles, CA, 4 March through 8 March 2012, p. Art. no. 6192199-
Paper in proceeding

625 Gbit/s Superchannel Consisting of Interleaved DP-16QAM and DP-QPSK with 4.17 bit/s/Hz Spectral Efficiency

Tobias Eriksson, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li et al
European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, paper P4.11
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Fiber-Bragg Grating-Induced Group-Delay Ripple in High-Speed Transmission Systems

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Tobias Eriksson et al
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 4 (6), p. 514-521
Journal article

Optical Injection-Locking-Based Pump Recovery for Phase-Sensitively Amplified Links

Samuel L I Olsson, William Corcoran, Carl Peter Lundström et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, p. Art. no. 6192145-
Paper in proceeding

Exploiting the Faster-Than-Nyquist Concept in Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Systems Using Duobinary Shaping

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson et al
ZTE Communications. Vol. 10 (1), p. 23-29
Journal article

Low-Complexity Duobinary Signaling and Detection for Sensitivity Improvement in Nyquist-WDM Coherent System

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Performance Comparisons of DP-16QAM and Duobinary-Shaped DP-QPSK for Optical Systems With 4.1 Bit/s/Hz Spectral Efficiency

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Magnus Karlsson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 30 (14), p. 2307-2314
Journal article

Approaching Nyquist Limit in WDM Systems by Low-Complexity Receiver-Side Duobinary Shaping

Jianqiang Li, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Tobias Eriksson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 30 (11), p. 1664 - 1676
Journal article

Mitigation of Fiber Bragg Grating-Induced Group-Delay Ripple in 112 Gbit/s DP-QPSK Coherent Systems

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Jianqiang Li, Tobias Eriksson et al
National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, NFOEC 2012; Los Angeles, CA; United States; 4 March 2012 through 8 March 2012
Paper in proceeding

Performance Comparison between 120 Gbit/s RZ-DQP-ASK and RZ-D8PSK over a 480 km Link

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson, Erik Agrell et al
Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) - Proceedings, p. OMI5-
Paper in proceeding

Format Conversion of Optical Multilevel Signals Using FWM-Based Optical Phase Erasure

Guo-Wei Lu, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, T. Miyazaki et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 29 (16), p. 2460-2466
Journal article

Towards the Ultra-Sensitive Optical Link Enabled by Low Noise Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers

Zhi Tong, Carl Peter Lundström, Peter Andrekson et al
Nature Photonics. Vol. 5 (7), p. 430-436
Journal article

Performance Comparison of Differential 8-Ary Modulation Formats in High-Speed Optical Transmission Systems

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Pontus Johannisson, Mats Sköld et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 29 (19), p. 2954-2962
Journal article

Analysis of non-linear impairments in 40 Gbaud PM DQPSK and D8PSK transmission

M.N. Chughtai, Marco Forzati, J. Mårtensson et al
Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2010 12th International Conference on, p. 1 -4
Paper in proceeding

Phase-Sensitive Amplified DWDM DQPSK Signals Using Free-Running Lasers with 6-dB Link SNR Improvement over EDFA-based Systems

Zhi Tong, Carl Peter Lundström, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul et al
ECOC2010, PDP1.3, Post-deadline paper. Vol. 1-2
Paper in proceeding

Format Conversion From 120-Gb/s RZ-D8PSK to 80-Gb/s RZ-DQPSK Through FWM-Based Optical Phase Erasure

Guo-Wei Lu, Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Carl Peter Lundström et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 22 (24), p. 1817-1819
Journal article

Cancellation of Nonlinear Phase Distortion in Self-Homodyne Coherent Systems

Pontus Johannisson, Martin E Sjödin, Magnus Karlsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 22 (11), p. 802-804
Journal article

Transmission of Multi-level DPSK Signals in Optical systems

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul
Licentiate thesis

Influence of self- and cross-phase modulation on 40 Gbaud dual polarization DQPSK/D8PSK signals in 10 Gbit/s OOK WDM systems

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, M.N. Chughtai, Marco Forzati et al
Optics Express. Vol. 18 (23), p. 24178-24188
Journal article

Transmission of 240 Gb/s PM-RZ-D8PSK over 320 km in 10 Gb/s NRZ-OOK WDM System

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Mats Sköld, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC 2010; San Diego, CA; United States; 21 March 2010 through 25 March 2010
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of Transmission Impairments of 40-Gbaud, Two-, Four-, and Eight-Level RZ-DPSK

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 22 (18), p. 1376-1378
Magazine article

0.87 Tbit/s 160 Gbaud dual-polarization D8PSK OTDM transmission over 110 km

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Michael Galili, Marios Bougioukos et al
ECOC'10, European Conference on Optical Communication. Vol. 1-2, p. W.6.C.4-
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of 112-Gb/s PM-RZ-DQPSK and PM-RZ-D8PSK in Terms of OSNR Requirement and Transmission Impairments

Ekawit Tipsuwannakul, Mats Sköld, Magnus Karlsson et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 21 (22), p. 1680 - 1682
Journal article

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