Towards transactional self-adaption for AUTOSAR on the example of a collision detection system
Paper in proceeding, 2012
Within the last decade important automotive OEMs have created and released
the system architecture standard AUTOSAR, and tools to support the development
process are widely available. However, the resulting system architecture, which is
logically modeled in the Virtual Functional Bus (VFB) and realized by generating a
Runtime Environment (RTE), which corresponds to the concrete network of ECUs, is
static in terms of runtime adaptability. As long as vehicle functions dominate which are
executed exclusively on separated ECUs, there is only a limited demand for runtime
adaptation. However, as soon as several vehicle functions are grouped to run on
one ECU, which is enabled by AUTOSAR, or one vehicle function is composed of
several independent software components, runtime adaptation is getting increasingly
interesting. Potential use cases are for example energy-level based function adaptation
or vehicle-to-X communication related function adaptation. In this paper, a concept of
self-adaptation for AUTOSAR is outlined on the example of a collision detection and
warning system, for which the timing correctness during the self-adaptation process is
veriļ¬ed with timed automata and the model checking tool UPPAAL