Novel Scintillation Detectors for Prompt Fission γ-Ray Measurements
Paper in proceeding, 2012

In this work we present first results from measurements of prompt fission γ-rays from the spontaneous fission in 252Cf. New and accurate data on corresponding γ-rays from the reactions 235U(nth,f) and 239Pu(nth,f) are highly demanded for the modeling of new Generation-IV nuclear reactor systems. For these experiments we employed scintillation detectors made out of new materials (LaBr3, LaCl3 and CeBr3), whose properties were necessary to know in order to obtain reliable results. Hence, we have characterized these detectors. In all the important properties these detectors outshine sodium-iodine detectors that where used in the 1970s, when the existing data had been acquired. Our finding is that the new generation of scintillation detectors is indeed promising, as far as an improved precision of the demanded data is concerned.

Energy resolution



Prompt fission γ-rays


Intrinsic peak efficiency

Timing resolution


Robert Billnert

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

E. Andreotti

Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

F. -J. Hambsch

Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

M. Hult

Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

J. Karlsson

Örebro University

G. Marissens

Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

Andreas Oberstedt

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

S. Oberstedt

Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

Physics Procedia

18753884 (ISSN) 18753892 (eISSN)

Vol. 31 29-34

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation

Subatomic Physics

Physical Sciences

Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology


Basic sciences



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