Robert Billnert
Showing 17 publications
Impact of low-energy photons on the characteristics of prompt fission gamma-ray spectra
Future research program on prompt gamma-ray emission in nuclear fission
Prompt fission gamma-ray spectra characteristics - a first summary
High-precision prompt-gamma-ray spectral data from the reaction Pu-241(n(th), f)
New Prompt Fission gamma-ray Data in Response to the OECD/NEA High Priority Request
Neutron measurements with lanthanum-bromide scintillation detectors-A first approach
Prompt fission γ -rays from the reactions 252Cf(SF) and 235U(nth, f) - New data
Radiopurity of a CeBr3 crystal used as scintillation detector
Gamma-ray Measurements with LaBr3: Ce Detectors – thinking Outside the Box
Identification of prompt fission γ-rays with lanthanum-chloride scintillation detectors
Novel Scintillation Detectors for Prompt Fission γ-Ray Measurements
New information on the characteristics of 1 in. x 1 in. cerium bromide scintillation detectors
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