New prompt fission gamma-ray spectral data and its implication on present evaluated nuclear data files
Paper in proceeding, 2013

In this paper we report on new spectral prompt γ-ray measurements from the spontaneous fission of 252Cf and thermal neutron-induced fission of 236U*. In both experiments, γ-ray multiplicities, average and total γ-energies were extracted. Apart from one recent measurement on 252Cf, about four decades have passed since the last dedicated experiments were reported in literature. Hence, there was a need for a revision, not only with respect to high priority nuclear data requests by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). In the first mentioned experiment we have measured prompt fission γ-rays with both cerium-doped LaBr 3 and CeBr3 scintillation detectors, which both exhibit excellent timing and good energy resolution. The results from both detectors are in excellent agreement with each other and confirm the historical data. In the experiment on 235U(nth, f) we employed cerium-doped LaCl3 detectors, together with the lanthanum bromide detectors mentioned above. Even here the first results indicate a good agreement with data from the early 1970's. They are also in accordance with data in evaluated libraries like ENDF/B-VII.0, while this is not the case for 252Cf(SF) . Hence, here an update is strongly recommended.

Total γ-ray energy

Cerium bromide


Nuclear energy

Scintillation detector

Lanthanum bromide

Prompt γ-ray multiplicity

Generation IV

Lanthanum chloride

Prompt fission γ-rays


Andreas Oberstedt

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

T. Belgya

Robert Billnert

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

W. Geerts

F.-J. Hambsch

Z. Kis

T. Martinez Perez

S. Oberstedt

L. Szentmiklosi

K. Takàcs

M. Vidali

Physics Procedia

18753884 (ISSN) 18753892 (eISSN)

Vol. 47 156-165

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Subatomic Physics


Basic sciences



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