Energiekonzept 2050 für die Stadt Zürich - Auf dem Weg zur 2000 Watt tauglichen Wärme-Versorgung mit einem räumlich differenzierten Gebäudeparkmodell
Paper in proceeding, 2012

This project develops a heat demand and supply concept for the City of Zurich within the framework of the 2000 Watt society. Heat and electricity demand and supply were simulated with a building stock model that aggregates buildings that are similar by type, construction period, usage, and location, etc. by using building specific information of an official data set of the buildings and apartments within the city of Zurich. Based on official GIS-Data, the city area was divided into 16 supply zones for which a specific energy carrier mix for the year 2050 was defined. With regard to the regional development strategy (RES) the city area was also divided into 5 demand zones, which differ in monument conservation regulations entailing less stringent measures (e.g. lower specific retrofit rates, demolition rates, heat transfer coefficients). With ambitious, but realistic retrofit measures, efficient use of electricity and tapping available renewable energy potentials to a large extent it is possible to reach the goals of the 2000-Watt-Society within the modeled framework.

greeen house gas



Regional development strategy

building stock model




Martin Jakob

Katrin Flury

Nadja Gross

Gregor Martius

B. Sunjaro

Bruno Bébié

Niko Heeren

Holger Wallbaum

Brenet Statusseminar, 13-14. September 2012, Zurich, Switzerland

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Architectural Engineering

Environmental Management

Energy Systems

Building Technologies

Areas of Advance

Building Futures (2010-2018)

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