Holger Wallbaum
Holger is a Full Professor in sustainable building at the Division of Building Technology, research group Sustainable Building, and in the Area of advance Building Futures. Holger works within sustainable building on concepts, tools and strategies to enhance the sustainability performance of construction materials, building products, buildings as well as entire cities.
His main research interests are related to ecological and economic life cycle assessment of construction materials, buildings and infrastructures, sustainability assessment tools for buildings, social-cultural and climate adapted design concepts, the refurbishment of the building stock as well as dynamic building stock modeling and its visualization.
Showing 186 publications
Digital Tvilling för Energi– Effekter av ett varmare klimat och renoveringar på byggnadsbestånd
Serielle Sanierung als transformative Innovation - Ein Schritt in Richtung urbane Nachhaltigkeit
Circular Building Strategies: A Categorization Framework
Towards Positive Energy Districts: Multi-criteria framework and Quality Assurance
Real-time rolling-horizon energy management of public laundries: A case study in HSB living lab
PROCEEDR - Optimizing Resources for more Sustainable Noise and Safety Barriers on European Roads
Rapport från Göteborgs Stads klimatråd 2023
Machine learning-based stocks and flows modeling of road infrastructure
A Framework for User Centric LCA Tool Development for Early Planning Stages of Buildings
Pathways towards carbon neutrality: A participatory analysis of the Gothenburg’s energy plan
Mot koldioxidneutralitet: Göteborgs stads energiplan
Theory of Attractive Quality: Occupant satisfaction with indoor environmental quality at workplaces
Energy Efficiency Measures and Data Needs. The Case of the European Building Portfolio Owners
Life cycle assessment of winter road maintenance
Comparing Different PV Module Types and Brands Under Working Conditions in the United Kingdom
Regionalized environmental impacts of construction machinery
Transforming cities and health: policy, action, and meaning
Estimating the Ground Temperature Around Energy Piles Using Artificial Neural Networks
Scoping review of health in office design approaches
The relation between social life cycle assessment and green building certification systems
Framework document on a Transformational Plan for the Built Environment
Life Cycle Management of Infrastructures
Exploring Office Design Approaches in Relation to Health and Wellbeing: A Scoping Review
CREATE: A toolbox to develop, implement and monitor advanced energy and climate goals and strategies
A service-life cycle approach to maintenance and energy retrofit planning for building portfolios
Spatial analysis of urban material stock with clustering algorithms: A Northern European case study
Health & wellbeing in offices - A study of literature on the Nordic perspective
SSO User Insight Toolbox for employees’ health, well-being and productivity
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
Prioritizing deep renovation for housing portfolios
A review of environmental impacts of winter road maintenance
Skatteväxla från arbete till mark effektivare än en plastpåseskatt
Nonwoven geotextile scour protection at offshore wind parks, application and life cycle assessment
Road Planning and Route Alignment Selection Criteria in the Norwegian Context
Explorative life-cycle assessment of renovating existing urban housing-stocks
Building Inventory and Refurbishment Scenario Database Development for Switzerland
Superisoleringsmaterial i byggnader: Rekommendationer från IEA EBC Annex 65
Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II
Research Roadmap for Intelligent and Responsive Buildings
Metod för omställning av urbana byggnadsbestånd
Tank-to-wheel emissions from articulated steered wheel loaders
Stakeholder Specific Multi-Scale Spatial Representation of Urban Building-Stocks
Sustainability review of Norwegian road construction and infrastructure
Services supporting users: The case of energy services to end-users
A Multidimensional Optimization Approach to Refurbishment Design on a Multi-Building Scale
Humid Wall: Review on Causes and Solutions
Factors for Eco-Efficiency Improvement of Thermal Insulation Materials
Socio-economic impact of renovation and energy retrofitting of the Gothenburg building stock
Life Cycle assessment of Anti- and De-icing Operations in Norway
Hygrothermal Design of a Prefabricated Wooden Facade Module for School Building Renovation in Sweden
Feasibility of solar energy in south sweden: artificial neural network modeling
Sustainability Assessment of Infrastructure Elements with Integrated Energy Harvesting Technologies
Utilization of Multi-Criteria Assessment on Building Thermal Insulation Materials
Environmental impact of buildings - what matters?
Towards Sustainable highways, from its foundation
A review of Swedish residential building stock research
Spatial exploration of the refurbishment dynamics of urban housing stocks
Sustainable Potential of Textile-Reinforced Concrete
Sustainable wooden envelope for subtropical regions - The realization and validation in Japan
Sustainability of Reinforcement Alternatives for Concrete
Evaluation of strategic building maintenance and refurbishment budgeting method Schroeder
Applicability of a vapor-open wooden building envelope for subtropical regions in global context
Putting a Price on Sustainability
Sustainable building optimization – A systemic approach
Environmental benefits by using construction methods with geosynthetics
A methodology for spatial modelling of energy and resource use of buildings in urbanized areas
E39 - A costal highway in Norway
Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung von Schweizer Nationalstrassen
Comparative life cycle assessment of geosynthetics versus conventional filter layer
Rental price and sustainability ratings: which sustainability criteria are really paying back?
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Geosynthetics versus Concrete Retaining Wall
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Geosyhnthetics versus Conventional filter layer
Impact of sustainable office buildings on occupant's comfort and productivity
Assessment of the relevance of “embodied energy” in the building stock of the city of Zurich
Hidden Ecological Potentials in the Production of Materials for Swiss Road Pavements
Statistical cluster analysis as a means to complement LCA of buildings
Environmental analysis of new construction and maintenance processesof road pavements in Switzerland
A Preliminary Investigation into the Sustainable Design of Structures
Comparative life cycle assessment of geosynthetic versus conventional construction materials
Life-Cycle Assessment of the Production of Swiss Road Materials
Indicator based sustainability assessment tool for affordable housing construction technologies
Nachhaltig bauen - Lebenszyklus, Systeme, Szenarien, Verantwortung
Ökologische Lebenszyklusanalysen von Wohn- und Bürogebäuden
Lessons from seven sustainability indicator programs in developing countries of Asia
Study on heat and moisture balance of a sustainable building envelope for subtropical regions
Harnessing stakeholder motivation: towards a Swiss sustainable building sector
Impact of new European Facility Management Standards on Building Cost Structures
Study on heat and moisture balance of a sustainable building envelope for subtropical regions
Comperative ecological Life Cycle Assessment for residential buildings
Prioritizing Sustainability Criteria in Urban Planning Processes: Methodology Application
Preliminary investigation of a vapor-open envelope tailored for subtropical climate
Environmental Savings from the use of Vegetable Fibers as Concrete Reinforcement
Application of Industrial Maintenance Methods on Building Maintenance
Constraints to implementation of sustainability indicator systems in five Asian cities
Building stock modeling – a systematic approach to govern cities in a sustainable way
Perceived Contribution of Indicator Systems to Sustainable Development in Developing Countries
Hoch oder quer? Ökologische Lebenszyklusanalyse eines Hochhauses im Vergleich zu einem Riegelgebäude
Sustainability and property valuation: a risk-based approach
Lebensdauerkosten von Schwellenmaterialien unter Einbezug ökologischer Aspekte
Bauwirtschaftliche Megatrends – Wunsch und Wirklichkeit für den Holzbau
Herausforderungen für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft und das nachhaltige Bauen und Sanieren
Anforderungen und Strategien für ein nachhaltiges Immobilienmanagement
The role of concrete in a sustainble built environment
Sustainability indicators for the built environment - the challenges ahead
Lokale Netzwerke zur energetischen Gebäudesanierung
Ecoprofit: local learning for integrated environmental technologies
Resource efficieny - The cinderella of the efficiency debate
PIUS: production integrated environmental protection
Accounting for the social dimension of sustainability: experiences from the biotechnology industry
Sabento Model: Social Assessment of Biotechnological Production
Wirtschaftlichkeit, Qualität und Ressourcenschutz in der Bauwirtschaft durch ganzheitliches Planen
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Showing 41 research projects
Cozie & Oura thermal comfort study
EqualHouse - From Housing Inequality to Sustainable, Inclusive and Affordable Housing Solutions
FIWARE Driven Energy Communities for the Future
H+Forest: co-designing knowledge for a sustainable future
Research visit Professor Heba Allah Khalil
A Roadmap for a Sustainable Transformation of the Built Environment
Life Cycle Assessment and Circular Economy in building design practice – Two sides of the same coin?
Förbättrad resurseffektivitet i plastens cirkulära värdekedja inom byggandet
Energy performance and occupant satisfaction in green-certified office buildings
Stakeholder-specific environmental and economic optimization of buildings in early design stages
Integrering av Livscykelsanalys i produktionsfasen av ett byggprojekt
Users’ impact on domestic energy consumption
Regional Energy Demand Analysis Portal (REDAP)
Integration of LCa in the planning, design and construction of residential buildings
Integrering av LCA i planering, utformning och konstruktion av bostäder
Furbish Sustainable Hospitals (FSH)
Next Generation Living Lab (NGLL)
Förenklad livscykelanalys för flerbostadshus och kontorsbyggnader i Sverige
Inneklimat och energiprestanda i kontorsbyggnader - systemorienterad kunskapssyntes
dMFA - Analytical tool for supporting factor 10 at urban district level
Long Term Performance of Super-Insulating Materials in Buildings
Transforming building energy and resource use on campus
Climate-KIC Building Technologies Accelerator – Smart Sustainable Offices (SSO)
Infrastructure Performance Viewer
Developing sustainable trajectories for urban building-stocks
National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Integrated Sustainable Renovation (SIRen)
Life Cycle Management of wood in Switzerland: methods, tools and environmental decision support
Building Energy Efficiency for Massive Market UPtake (BEEM UP)
Climate KIC - Smart Urban Adapt - Helping Cities transition to a lower-carbon future