Holger Wallbaum

Full Professor at Building Technology

Holger is a Full Professor in sustainable building at the Division of Building Technology, research group Sustainable Building, and in the Area of advance Building Futures. Holger works within sustainable building on concepts, tools and strategies to enhance the sustainability performance of construction materials, building products, buildings as well as entire cities.

His main research interests are related to ecological and economic life cycle assessment of construction materials, buildings and infrastructures, sustainability assessment tools for buildings, social-cultural and climate adapted design concepts, the refurbishment of the building stock as well as dynamic building stock modeling and its visualization.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Holger Wallbaum

Showing 191 publications


Optimal time recommendation model for home appliances: HSB living lab + dishwasher study

Elena Malakhatka, Sofie Hagejärd, Mohammadreza Mazidi et al
Energy Efficiency. Vol. 18
Journal article

Lessons learnt from a regional workshop to develop a transformational plan for the built and urban environment to meet the UNSDGs in 2030

Holger Wallbaum, Colin Edward Fudge, Shea Hagy
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Serielle Sanierung als transformative Innovation - Ein Schritt in Richtung urbane Nachhaltigkeit

Mirjam Sophie Mauel, Elisabeth Beusker, Holger Wallbaum
Transforming Cities. Vol. 2024 (1), p. 28-33
Journal article

Rapport från Göteborgs stads klimatråd 2024

Sara Brorström, Petra svensson, Fredrik Hedenus et al
Report - City of Gothenburg

Mathematical Approach for Optimizing Material Reusability in Construction

Brikene Berisha, Holger Wallbaum
IABSE Congress San Jose 2024: Beyond Structural Engineering in a Changing World - Report, p. 158-166
Paper in proceeding

Digital Tvilling för Energi– Effekter av ett varmare klimat och renoveringar på byggnadsbestånd

Liane Thuvander, Daniela Maiullari, Claudio Nägeli et al
Bygg och teknik (2), p. 14-16
Magazine article

Digital twin for supporting decision-making and stakeholder collaboration in urban decarbonization processes. A participatory development in Gothenburg

Daniela Maiullari, Claudio Nägeli, Andreas Rudena et al
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. Vol. In Press
Journal article

From use cases to business cases: I-GReta use cases portfolio analysis from innovation management and digital entrepreneurship models perspectives

Elena Malakhatka, Manuel Pitz, Marwa Maghnie et al
Energy Informatics. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

Buildings as material mines - Towards digitalization of resource cadasters for circular economy

Maud Lanau, Leonardo Rosado, Danielle Densley Tingley et al
Circular Economy for the Built Environment
Book chapter

Enhancing Energy Flexibility via Product-Service Systems: An Analysis of Dishwasher Usage with Renewable Integration at HSB Living Lab+

Elena Malakhatka, Holger Wallbaum
Progress in IS. Vol. Part F3229, p. 235-247
Book chapter

Environmental impacts of circularity in the built environment: How do system boundaries affect decision support?

Sarah Cecilie Andersen, Alexander Hollberg, Xan Browne et al
Developments in the Built Environment. Vol. 18
Journal article

Circular Building Strategies: A Categorization Framework

Anna Wöhler, Alexander Hollberg, Leonardo Rosado et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Towards Positive Energy Districts: Multi-criteria framework and Quality Assurance

Elena Malakhatka, D. Wästberg, Holger Wallbaum et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Detailed Case Studies

Tareq Abuimara, Attila Kopányi, Jean Rouleau et al
Occupant-Centric Simulation-Aided Building Design, p. 257-367
Book chapter

Real-time rolling-horizon energy management of public laundries: A case study in HSB living lab

Mohammadreza Mazidi, Elena Malakhatka, David Steen et al
Energy Conversion and Management: X. Vol. 20
Journal article

PROCEEDR - Optimizing Resources for more Sustainable Noise and Safety Barriers on European Roads

Marco Conter, Holger Wallbaum, Giovanni Brero et al
Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 72, p. 596-603
Paper in proceeding

Relationship between the design characteristics of activity-based flexible offices and users’ perceptions of privacy and social interactions

Melina Forooraghi, Elke Miedema, Nina Ryd et al
Building Research and Information. Vol. 51 (5), p. 588-604
Journal article

Rapport från Göteborgs Stads klimatråd 2023

Fredrik Hedenus, Sara Brorström, Niklas Harring et al
Report - City of Gothenburg

Matching energy targets, stakeholders’ needs and modelling choices in developing urban energy scenarios

Daniela Maiullari, Alvar Palm, Holger Wallbaum et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Machine learning-based stocks and flows modeling of road infrastructure

Babak Ebrahimi, Leonardo Rosado, Holger Wallbaum
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 26 (1), p. 44-57
Journal article

A Framework for User Centric LCA Tool Development for Early Planning Stages of Buildings

Alexander Hollberg, Maria Tjader, Gerda Ingelhag et al
Frontiers in Built Environment. Vol. 8
Journal article

Pathways towards carbon neutrality: A participatory analysis of the Gothenburg’s energy plan

Daniela Maiullari, Alvar Palm, Holger Wallbaum et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1085 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Mot koldioxidneutralitet: Göteborgs stads energiplan

Liane Thuvander, Daniela Maiullari, Holger Wallbaum
Energi & miljö (11), p. 54-56
Magazine article

Theory of Attractive Quality: Occupant satisfaction with indoor environmental quality at workplaces

Quan Jin, Holger Wallbaum, Jungsoo Kim et al
A Handbook of Theories on Designing Alignment Between People and the Office Environment, p. 148-156
Book chapter

How Does Office Design Support Employees’ Health? A Case Study on the Relationships among Employees’ Perceptions of the Office Environment, Their Sense of Coherence and Office Design

Melina Forooraghi, Elke Miedema, Nina Ryd et al
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 18 (18)
Journal article

Comparing Different PV Module Types and Brands Under Working Conditions in the United Kingdom

Mohamad Kharseh, Holger Wallbaum
Reliability and Ecological Aspects of Photovoltaic Modules ; ed. by Abdulkerim Gok, p. 15-36
Book chapter

Regionalized environmental impacts of construction machinery

Babak Ebrahimi, Holger Wallbaum, Pål Drevland Jakobsen et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 25 (8), p. 1472-1485
Journal article

The influence of indoor environmental quality and workspace design on employees’ health and work performance

Quan Jin, Holger Wallbaum, Ulrike Rahe
Proceedings of the Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) Conference 2020, p. 396-403
Paper in proceeding

Life cycle assessment of winter road maintenance

H. Vignisdottir, Babak Ebrahimi, G. K. Booto et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 25 (3), p. 646-661
Journal article

Improving indoor environmental quality (IEQ) for occupant health and well-being: A case study of Swedish office building

Quan Jin, Holger Wallbaum
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (3)
Paper in proceeding

Energy Efficiency Measures and Data Needs. The Case of the European Building Portfolio Owners

Clara Camarasa, Effrosyni Roussou, Holger Wallbaum et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 503 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Numerical and real-life assessment of the moisture safety of CLT structure with PIR insulation composite under the Swedish climate

Yutaka Goto, Holger Wallbaum, Johan Olofsson et al
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 172
Paper in proceeding

Bridging the gap between assessment and action: recommendations for the effective use of LCA in the building process

Sjouke Beemsterboer, Henrikke Baumann, Holger Wallbaum
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (2)
Paper in proceeding

Transforming cities and health: policy, action, and meaning

Colin Edward Fudge, Marcus Grant, Holger Wallbaum
Cities and Health. Vol. 4 (2), p. 135-151
Journal article

Estimating the Ground Temperature Around Energy Piles Using Artificial Neural Networks

Mohamad Kharseh, Mohamed El Koujok, Holger Wallbaum
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 1069, p. 223-229
Paper in proceeding

The relation between social life cycle assessment and green building certification systems

Sanjay Somanath, Alexander Hollberg, Sjouke Beemsterboer et al
Conference poster

Spatiotemporal characteristics of residential material stocks and flows in urban, commuter, and rural settlements

Paul Gontia, Liane Thuvander, Holger Wallbaum
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 251
Journal article

Ways to get work done: a review and systematisation of simplification practices in the LCA literature

Sjouke Beemsterboer, Henrikke Baumann, Holger Wallbaum
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 25 (11), p. 2154-2168
Review article

Cost-Optimal Maintenance and Renovation Planning in Multifamily Buildings with Annual Budget Constraints

Abolfazl Sousanabadi Farahani, Holger Wallbaum, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE. Vol. 146 (3)
Journal article

Scoping review of health in office design approaches

Melina Forooraghi, Elke Miedema, Nina Ryd et al
Journal of Corporate Real Estate. Vol. 22 (2), p. 155-180
Review article

Framework document on a Transformational Plan for the Built Environment

Holger Wallbaum, Colin Edward Fudge

Building Ownership, Renovation Investments, and Energy Performance—A Study of Multi-Family Dwellings in Gothenburg

Mikael Mangold, Magnus Österbring, Conny Overland et al
Sustainable Built Environment and Urban Growth Management, p. 149-164
Book chapter

Optimized maintenance and renovation scheduling in multifamily buildings – a systematic approach based on condition state and life cycle cost of building components

Abolfazl Sousanabadi Farahani, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Holger Wallbaum
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 37 (3), p. 139-155
Journal article

Spatial analysis of urban material stock with clustering algorithms: A Northern European case study

Paul Gontia, Liane Thuvander, Babak Ebrahimi et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 23 (6), p. 1328-1343
Journal article

Life Cycle Management of Infrastructures

Holger Wallbaum, Babak Ebrahimi
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Book chapter

Exploring Office Design Approaches in Relation to Health and Wellbeing: A Scoping Review

Melina Forooraghi, Holger Wallbaum, Nina Ryd
S.ARCH 2019, p. 181-195
Paper in proceeding

CREATE: A toolbox to develop, implement and monitor advanced energy and climate goals and strategies

Martin Jakob, Giacomo Catenazzi, Benjamin Sunarjo et al
Eceee Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2019-June, p. 785-792
Paper in proceeding

Health & wellbeing in offices - A study of literature on the Nordic perspective

Melina Forooraghi, Holger Wallbaum, Nina Ryd
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 297
Paper in proceeding

A service-life cycle approach to maintenance and energy retrofit planning for building portfolios

Claudio Nägeli, Abolfazl Sousanabadi Farahani, Magnus Österbring et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 160
Journal article

Estimation of Norwegian Asphalt Surfacing Lifetimes Using Survival Analysis Coupled with Road Spatial Data

Babak Ebrahimi, Holger Wallbaum, Kristin Svensson et al
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements. Vol. 145 (3)
Journal article

SSO User Insight Toolbox for employees’ health, well-being and productivity

Quan Jin, Holger Wallbaum, Ulrike Rahe et al
REHVA Journal . Vol. 56 (6), p. 58-63
Magazine article

A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’

Gregory Peters, Robin Harder, Rickard Arvidsson et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 24 (10), p. 1758-1759
Other text in scientific journal

Prioritizing deep renovation for housing portfolios

Magnus Österbring, Clara Camarasa, Claudio Nägeli et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 202
Journal article

Road Planning and Route Alignment Selection Criteria in the Norwegian Context

G. K. Booto, Reyn O. Born, Babak Ebrahimi et al
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 471 (6)
Paper in proceeding

Identify Optimal Renovation Packages for Residential Buildings: A State-of-the-Art Computational Model

Mohamad Kharseh, Claudio Nägeli, Holger Wallbaum
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 297 (1)
Paper in proceeding

The importance of life-cycle based planning in maintenance and energy renovation of multifamily buildings

Abolfazl Sousanabadi Farahani, Holger Wallbaum, Jan-Olof Dalenbäck
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 44, p. 715-725
Journal article

Nonwoven geotextile scour protection at offshore wind parks, application and life cycle assessment

Helge Hoyme, Jong Hao Su, Jun Kono et al
Scour and Erosion IX - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, ICSE 2018, p. 315-321
Paper in proceeding

A review of environmental impacts of winter road maintenance

H. Vignisdottir, Babak Ebrahimi, G. K. Booto et al
Cold Regions Science and Technology. Vol. 158, p. 143-153
Review article

Skatteväxla från arbete till mark effektivare än en plastpåseskatt

Lars Marcus, Holger Wallbaum
Dagens Nyheter (DN)
Newspaper article

Explorative life-cycle assessment of renovating existing urban housing-stocks

Magnus Österbring, Erika Mata, Liane Thuvander et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 165
Journal article

Determining material suitability for Low-Rise housing in the Philippines: Physical and mechanical properties of the bamboo species Bambusa blumeana

Corinna Salzer, Holger Wallbaum, Marina Alipon et al
BioResources. Vol. 13 (1), p. 346-369
Journal article

Building Inventory and Refurbishment Scenario Database Development for Switzerland

York Ostermeyer, Claudio Nägeli, Niko Heeren et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 22 (4), p. 629-642
Journal article

Building ownership, renovation investments, and energy performance - A study of multi-family dwellings in Gothenburg

Mikael Mangold, Magnus Österbring, Conny Overland et al
Sustainability. Vol. 10 (5)
Journal article

Superisoleringsmaterial i byggnader: Rekommendationer från IEA EBC Annex 65

Pär Johansson, Bijan Adl-Zarrabi, Holger Wallbaum et al
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 2018 (2), p. 18-21
Magazine article

Tank-to-wheel emissions from articulated steered wheel loaders

Babak Ebrahimi, Reyn O'Born, Gaylord Kabongo Booto et al
Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018
Paper in proceeding

Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II

Veronika Földváry Ličina, Toby Cheung, Hui Zhang et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 142, p. 502-512
Journal article

Research Roadmap for Intelligent and Responsive Buildings

Derek Clements-Croome, Amirhosein Ghaffarianhoseini, Ali Ghaffarianhoseini et al

Metod för omställning av urbana byggnadsbestånd

Magnus Österbring, Liane Thuvander, Erika Mata et al
Report - The Swedish Energy Agency

Trade-Off between the Social and Environmental Performance of Green Concrete: The Case of 6 Countries

Jun Kono, York Ostermeyer, Holger Wallbaum
Sustainability. Vol. 10 (7)
Journal article

Investigation of regional conditions and sustainability indicators for sustainable product development of building materials

Jun Kono, York Ostermeyer, Holger Wallbaum
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 196, p. 1356-1364
Journal article

Stakeholder Specific Multi-Scale Spatial Representation of Urban Building-Stocks

Magnus Österbring, Liane Thuvander, Erika Mata Las Heras et al
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Vol. 7 (5), p. 173-
Journal article

Sustainability review of Norwegian road construction and infrastructure

Reyn O'Born, Gaylord Kabongo Booto, Babak Ebrahimi et al
1st International Conference on Sustainable Mega Infrastructures - SMI 2018
Paper in proceeding

Services supporting users: The case of energy services to end-users

Arni Halldorsson, Ida Gremyr, Sofia Börjesson et al
Other conference contribution

Hur mycket energi kan vi spara i våra flerbostadshus? Byggnadsbeståndsmodellering för anpassade renoveringar av flerbostadshus.

Magnus Österbring, Liane Thuvander, Erika Mata Las Heras et al
Bygg och Teknik. Vol. 2017 (2), p. 10-14
Magazine article

Renovation Needs and Potential for Improved Energy Performance Depending on Ownership – A Location Based Study of Multi-Family Building Stocks in an Urban Context

Magnus Österbring, Liane Thuvander, Erika Mata Las Heras et al
Proceedings of the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Hong kong 5-7th June, p. 696-701
Paper in proceeding

Environmental performance of social housing in emerging economies: life cycle assessment of conventional and alternative construction methods in the Philippines

Corinna Salzer, Holger Wallbaum, York Ostermeyer et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 22 (11), p. 1785-1801
Journal article

The effect of different working parameters on the optimal size of a battery for grid-connected PV systems

Mohamad Kharseh, Holger Wallbaum
Energy Procedia. Vol. 122, p. 595-600
Paper in proceeding

Smart and Sustainable Offices (SSO). Showcasing a holistic approach to realise the next generation offices

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Ulrike Rahe, Holger Wallbaum et al
Informes de la Construccion. Vol. 69 (548), p. 1-10
Journal article

The effect of highway geometry on fuel consumption of heavy-duty vehicles operating in eco-driving mode

Booto Gaylord Kabongo, Rolf André Bohne, Hrefna Vignisdottir et al
CRC-Taylor & Francis Group, p. 2179-2185
Paper in proceeding

The trends of hourly carbon emission factors in Germany and investigation on relevant consumption patterns for its application

Jun Kono, York Ostermeyer, Holger Wallbaum
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 22 (10), p. 1493-1501
Journal article

A Multidimensional Optimization Approach to Refurbishment Design on a Multi-Building Scale

Claudio Nägeli, York Ostermeyer, Mohamad Kharseh et al
Proceedings of World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017
Paper in proceeding

Humid Wall: Review on Causes and Solutions

Mohamad Kharseh, York Ostermeyer, Claudio Nägeli et al
Proceedings of the The World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 (WSBE17),, p. 675-681
Paper in proceeding

Hygrothermal performance of a vapor-open envelope for subtropical climate, field test and model validation

Yutaka Goto, Karim Ghazi Wakili, York Ostermeyer et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 110, p. 55-64
Journal article

Socio-economic impact of renovation and energy retrofitting of the Gothenburg building stock

Mikael Mangold, Magnus Österbring, Holger Wallbaum et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 123, p. 41-49
Journal article

Life Cycle assessment of Anti- and De-icing Operations in Norway

Hrefna Run Vignisdottir, Gaylord Kabongo Booto, Rolf André Bohne et al
CIB World Building Congress 2016. Vol. 4 (Tampere), p. 13-
Paper in proceeding

Factors for Eco-Efficiency Improvement of Thermal Insulation Materials

Jun Kono, Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer et al
Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 678, p. 1-13
Journal article

Fire resistance for low-rise housing in the tropics: Test results for bamboo-based construction systems

Corinna Salzer, Holger Wallbaum, L. Tambunan
Proceedings WCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering, Vienna
Paper in proceeding

Assessments of indoor environmental quality on occupant satisfaction and physical parameters in office buildings

Quan Jin, Holger Wallbaum, Thomas Leiblein et al
The 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Paper in proceeding

Feasibility of solar energy in south sweden: artificial neural network modeling

Mohamad Kharseh, Holger Wallbaum, Claudio Nägeli et al
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. Vol. 3 (BOOK 4), p. 273-280
Paper in proceeding

A differentiated description of building-stocks for a georeferenced urban bottom-up building-stock model

Magnus Österbring, Erika Mata Las Heras, Liane Thuvander et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 120, p. 78-84
Journal article

Sustainability Assessment of Infrastructure Elements with Integrated Energy Harvesting Technologies

Bijan Adl-Zarrabi, Mohammad Hoseini, York Ostermeyer et al
Energy and Environment, p. 221-234
Book chapter

Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Road Pavements: Comparing the Quality and Point of Application of Existing Software Tools on the basis of a Norwegian Case Study

Babak Ebrahimi, Holger Wallbaum, Helge Brattebø et al
CIB World Building Congress 2016. Vol. 5 (Tampere), p. 749-760
Paper in proceeding

Sustainability of Social Housing in Asia: A Holistic Multi-Perspective Development Process for Bamboo-Based Construction in the Philippines

Corinna Salzer, Holger Wallbaum, Luis Felipe Lopez et al
Sustainability. Vol. 8 (2)
Journal article

Hygrothermal Design of a Prefabricated Wooden Facade Module for School Building Renovation in Sweden

Yutaka Goto, Shea Hagy, Holger Wallbaum
World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), August 22-25, Vienna (Austria)
Paper in proceeding

On the usefulness of a cost-performance indicator curve at the strategic level for consideration of energy efficiency measures for building portfolios

Markus Christen, Bryan T. Adey, Holger Wallbaum
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 119, p. 267-282
Journal article

A new systemic approach to improve the sustainability performance of office buildings in the early design stage

Helmuth Kreiner, Alexander Passer, Holger Wallbaum
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 109, p. 385-396
Journal article

Indoor Comfort Evaluation of a Sustainable Wooden House with a Novel Vapor-open Envelope System in Subtropical Climate

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Holger Wallbaum
CISBAT 2015 International Conference "Future Buildings and Districts - Sustainability from Nano to Urban Scale", Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9-11, 2015
Paper in proceeding

Indoor air conditions in offices with different ventilation regimes - results from the QSB project (quality of sustainable buildings)

C. Monn, T. Leiblein, M. Janser et al
Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft. Vol. 75 (5), p. 191-196
Journal article

Assessing Transport Infrastructure Sustainability - Literature Review of Practices in Sustainability Assessment of Transport Infrastructures with the Identification of Issues and Knowledge Gaps

Anna Furberg, Sverker Molander, Holger Wallbaum
Conference proceedings. International Association for Impact Assessment, IAIA15 Conference: Impact Assessment in the Digital ERA. Session: Exploring the role of SEA as a facilitator for sustainable planning. 20-23 april 2015. Florence, Italy.
Paper in proceeding

Environmental impact of buildings - what matters?

Niko Heeren, Christopher L Mutel, Bernhard Steubing et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 49 (16), p. 9832-9841
Journal article

Environmental product declarations entering the building sector: critical reflections based on 5 to 10 years experience in different European countries

Alexander Passer, Sébastien Lasvaux, Karen Allacker et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 20 (9), p. 1199-1212
Review article

Utilization of Multi-Criteria Assessment on Building Thermal Insulation Materials

Jun Kono, Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer et al
The 5th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Innovation (ICGSI 2015) Towards Green Growth and Green Competitiveness", p. O-65
Other conference contribution

A review of Swedish residential building stock research

Mikael Mangold, Magnus Österbring, Holger Wallbaum
International Journal of Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 11 (2), p. 1-17
Journal article

Towards Sustainable highways, from its foundation

Jun Kono, Holger Wallbaum, Sybille Büsser et al

Handling data uncertainties when using Swedish energy performance certificate data to describe energy usage in the building stock

Mikael Mangold, Magnus Österbring, Holger Wallbaum
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 102, p. 328-336
Journal article

Spatial exploration of the refurbishment dynamics of urban housing stocks

Liane Thuvander, Magnus Österbring, Mikael Mangold et al
Proceedings of the Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management conference, CUPUM
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable Potential of Textile-Reinforced Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Karin Lundgren, Holger Wallbaum et al
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 27 (7)
Journal article

Umgebungsbedingungen in Büros in Abhängigkeit von der Lüftung - Auswertungen aus dem Projekt „Qualität von Nachhaltigen Bürogebäuden“

Christian Monn, Thomas Leiblein, Marcel Janser et al
Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft. Vol. 75 (5), p. 191-196
Journal article

Sustainable wooden envelope for subtropical regions - The realization and validation in Japan

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Karim Ghazi Wakili et al
World Conference on Timber Engineering 2014, 10-14 August 2014, Quebec City
Paper in proceeding

Pathways towards an Energetic Refurbishment Replication Strategy for Eastern European Countries - Findings from the EU project BEEM-UP

Denitsa Dineva, Justin Boucher, Niko Heeren et al
Proceedings of the World Sustainable Building Conference 2014
Conference poster

Relative importance of electricity sources and construction practices in residential buildings: A Swiss-US comparison of energy related life-cycle impacts

Martín Mosteiro-Romero, Uta Krogmann, Holger Wallbaum et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 68 (PARTA), p. 620-631
Journal article

Sustainability of Reinforcement Alternatives for Concrete

Natalie Williams Portal, Rosina Lohmeyer, Holger Wallbaum
Proceedings of the Concrete Innovation Conference 2014 – CIC 2014
Paper in proceeding

E39 - A costal highway in Norway

Holger Wallbaum, Mohammed Hoseini
BrennerCongress 2014 (February 2014), p. 81-84
Other conference contribution

A methodology for spatial modelling of energy and resource use of buildings in urbanized areas

Magnus Österbring, Erika Mata Las Heras, Filip Johnsson et al
World Sustainable Building Conference WSB14 Barcelona
Conference poster

Evaluation of strategic building maintenance and refurbishment budgeting method Schroeder

Markus Christen, Jules Schroeder, Holger Wallbaum
International Journal of Strategic Property Management. Vol. 18 (4), p. 393-406
Journal article

Applicability of a vapor-open wooden building envelope for subtropical regions in global context

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Holger Wallbaum
World SB14, 28-30 Oct 2014, Barcelona
Paper in proceeding

Field study of natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems of 27 office buildings in the temperate zone country switzerland

T. Leiblein, A. Feige, M. Janser et al
13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2014; Hong Kong; Hong Kong; 7 July 2014 through 12 July 2014
Paper in proceeding

Putting a Price on Sustainability

Holger Wallbaum, Annika Feige
The Economy of Sustainable Construction, p. 301-303
Book chapter

Sustainable building optimization – A systemic approach

Helmuth Kreiner, Alexander Passer, Peter Maydl et al
Proceedings of the World Sustainable Building Conference 2014
Conference poster

Environmental benefits by using construction methods with geosynthetics

Holger Wallbaum, Sybille Büsser-Knöpfel, Rene Itten et al
10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, ICG 2014
Paper in proceeding

Ökologische und ökonomische Bewertung von Schweizer Nationalstrassen

Florian Gschösser, Holger Wallbaum
bauaktuell. Vol. 5 (3), p. 86-94
Magazine article

Transfer of energy efficient building concepts to subtropical climate– The first MINERGIE P® based building in Japan

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Holger Wallbaum
10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, 15-19 June 2014, Lund
Paper in proceeding

Comparative life cycle assessment of geosynthetics versus conventional filter layer

Rolf Frischknecht, Sybille Büsser-Knöpfel, Rene Itten et al
18th international Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering; Challenges and Innovations in Geotechnics, ICSMGE 2013. Vol. 4, p. 3203-3206
Paper in proceeding

Rental price and sustainability ratings: which sustainability criteria are really paying back?

Annika Feige, Patrick Mcallister, Holger Wallbaum
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 31 (4), p. 322-334
Journal article

A component based bottom-up building stock model for comprehensive environmental impact assessment and target control

Niko Heeren, Martin Jakob, Gregor Martius et al
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 20 (April 2013), p. 45-56
Review article

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Geosynthetics versus Concrete Retaining Wall

Rolf Frischknecht, Sybille Büsser-Knöpfel, Rene Itten et al
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Vol. 3, p. 1979-1982
Paper in proceeding

Life Cycle Assessment of Representative Swiss Road Pavements for National Roads with an Accompanying Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Florian Gschösser, Holger Wallbaum
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 47 (15), p. 8453-61
Journal article

Assessment of the relevance of “embodied energy” in the building stock of the city of Zurich

Holger Wallbaum, Martin Jakob, Gregor Martius et al
Sustainable Building Conference 2013, 23.-28.09.2013, TU Graz, Austria, p. 751-759
Paper in proceeding

Multidimensional Pareto optimization as an approach for site-specific building refurbishment solutions applicable for life cycle sustainability assessment

York Ostermeyer, Holger Wallbaum, F. Reuter
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 18 (9), p. 1762-1779
Journal article

Impact of sustainable office buildings on occupant's comfort and productivity

Annika Feige, Holger Wallbaum, Marcel Janser et al
Journal of Corporate Real Estate. Vol. 15 (1), p. 7-34
Journal article

Cost-effective and high performance renovation of existing residential multi-family buildings in three European countries

Holger Wallbaum, Andrea Chegut, York Ostermeyer et al
Sustainable Building Conference 2013, 23.-28.09.2013, TU Graz, Austria, p. 360-361
Conference poster

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Geosyhnthetics versus Conventional filter layer

Rolf Frischknecht, Sybille Büsser-Knöpfel, Rene Itten et al
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, p. 3203-3206
Paper in proceeding

Environmental analysis of new construction and maintenance processesof road pavements in Switzerland

Florian Gschösser, Holger Wallbaum, Bryan T. Adey
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Vol. 10 (1), p. 1-24
Journal article

Economic, ecological and building physical optimization of a wooden building envelope for subtropical regionas

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Edwin Escamilla Zea et al
World Conference on Timber Engineering 2012, 15-19 July 2012, Auckland
Paper in proceeding

Hidden Ecological Potentials in the Production of Materials for Swiss Road Pavements

Florian Gschösser, Holger Wallbaum, Michael Bösch
Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE. Vol. 27 (1), p. 13-21
Journal article

Statistical cluster analysis as a means to complement LCA of buildings

Viola John, Holger Wallbaum
3th International Symposium on Life-Cycle-Engineering, October 16-19, 2012, Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria
Paper in proceeding

Heat and moisture balance simulation of a building with vapor-open envelope system for subtropical regions

Yutaka Goto, Karim Ghazi Wakili, Thomas Frank et al
Building Simulation. Vol. 5 (4), p. 301-314
Journal article

Heat and moisture balance simulation of a building with vapor-open envelope system for subtropical regions

Yutaka Goto, Karim Ghazi Whakili, Thomas Frank et al
Building Simulation. Vol. 5 (4), p. 301-314
Journal article

Towards a 2000 Watt society – assessing building-specific saving potentials of the Swiss residential building stock

Niko Heeren, Holger Wallbaum, Martin Jakob
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. Vol. 3 (1), p. 43-49
Journal article

Energiekonzept 2050 für die Stadt Zürich - Auf dem Weg zur 2000 Watt tauglichen Wärme-Versorgung mit einem räumlich differenzierten Gebäudeparkmodell

Martin Jakob, Katrin Flury, Nadja Gross et al
Brenet Statusseminar, 13-14. September 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

The role of office users in the sustainability of office buildings – an empirical investigation and implications for FM

Lukas Windlinger, Marcel Janser, Annika Feige et al
7th international conference on improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings, April 2012, Frankfurt a. M.
Paper in proceeding

Economic, ecological and building physical optimization of a wooden building envelope for subtropical regionas

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Edwin Zea Escamilla et al
World Conference on Timber Engineering, 15 - 19 July 2012, Auckland, New Zealand (Architectural Technical Issue 2), p. 287-296
Paper in proceeding

Economic, ecological and thermo-hygric optimization of a vapor-open envelope for subtropical climates

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Karim Ghazi Whakili et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 55 (December 2012), p. 799-809
Journal article

EU-project OPEN HOUSE: Benchmarking and mainstreaming building sustainability in the EU based on transparency and openness

Regina Hardziewski, Holger Wallbaum, Nathalie Essig et al
3th International Symposium on Life-Cycle-Engineering, October 16-19, 2012, Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria
Paper in proceeding

Comparative life cycle assessment of geosynthetic versus conventional construction materials

Rolf Frischknecht, Matthias Stucki, Sybille Büsser et al
Ground Engineering. Vol. 45 (10), p. 24-28
Journal article

Life-Cycle Assessment of the Production of Swiss Road Materials

Florian Gschösser, Holger Wallbaum, Michael Bösch
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 23 (2), p. 168-176
Journal article

A Preliminary Investigation into the Sustainable Design of Structures

Dilum Fernando, Bryan Adey, York Ostermeyer et al
1st International Speciality Conference on Sustainable Public Infrastructure, June 6-9, 2012, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Indicator based sustainability assessment tool for affordable housing construction technologies

Holger Wallbaum, York Ostermeyer, Corinna Salzer et al
Ecological Indicators. Vol. 18 (July), p. 353-364
Journal article

Study on heat and moisture balance of a sustainable building envelope for subtropical regions

Yutaka Goto, Thomas Frank, Karim Ghazi Wakili et al
CISBAT 2011 "CleanTech for Sustainable Buildings – From Nano to Urban Scale", 14-16 September 2011, Lausanne
Paper in proceeding

Nachhaltig bauen - Lebenszyklus, Systeme, Szenarien, Verantwortung

Holger Wallbaum, Susanne Kytzia, Samuel Kellenberger

Towards a 2000 Watt society assessing building-specific saving potentials of the Swiss residential building stock

Niko Heeren, Martin Jakob, Holger Wallbaum
World Sustainable Building Conference 2011, October 18-21, 2011, Helsinki, Finland
Paper in proceeding

Lessons from seven sustainability indicator programs in developing countries of Asia

Sabrina Krank, Holger Wallbaum
Ecological Indicators. Vol. 11 (5), p. 1385-1395
Journal article

Impact of new European Facility Management Standards on Building Cost Structures

Marc Christen, Holger Wallbaum
6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, June 21-26, 2011, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Ökologische Lebenszyklusanalysen von Wohn- und Bürogebäuden

Holger Wallbaum, Viola John
Ein bleibender Eindruck - Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen, 1 Dec. 2011, Ingenieurkammer West e.V., Haus der Technik, Essen, Deutschland
Other conference contribution

Harnessing stakeholder motivation: towards a Swiss sustainable building sector

Annika Feige, Holger Wallbaum, Sabrina Krank
Building Research and Information. Vol. 39 (5), p. 504-517
Journal article

Study on heat and moisture balance of a sustainable building envelope for subtropical regions

Yutaka Goto, Thomas Frank, Karim Ghazi Wakili et al
CISBAT 2011 "CleanTech for Sustainable Buildings – From Nano to Urban Scale", Sept. 14-16, 2011, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Comperative ecological Life Cycle Assessment for residential buildings

Viola John, Holger Wallbaum
World Sustainable Building Conference 2011, October 18-21, 2011, Helsinki, Finland
Paper in proceeding

Preliminary investigation of a vapor-open envelope tailored for subtropical climate

Yutaka Goto, Karim Ghazi Wakili, York Ostermeyer et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 46 (3), p. 719-728
Journal article

Environmental Savings from the use of Vegetable Fibers as Concrete Reinforcement

Edwin Zea-Escamilla, Holger Wallbaum
6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, June 21-26, 2011, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Nutzer- und klimaangepasstes Bauen — Leitbild und Chance für die globale Verbreitung von nachhaltigen Gebäudelösungen

Holger Wallbaum, York Ostermeyer, Yutaka Goto
Bautechnik. Vol. 88 (1), p. 3-16
Journal article

Application of Industrial Maintenance Methods on Building Maintenance

Marc Christen, Holger Wallbaum
6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, June 21-26, 2011, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Prioritizing Sustainability Criteria in Urban Planning Processes: Methodology Application

Holger Wallbaum, Sabrina Krank, Rolf Teloh
Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE. Vol. 137 (1), p. 20-28
Journal article

Perceived Contribution of Indicator Systems to Sustainable Development in Developing Countries

Sabrina Krank, Holger Wallbaum, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
Sustainable Development. Vol. 21, p. 18-29
Journal article

Sustainable Buildings based on international know-how exchange and adaptation – technological approaches on building physical problems of building envelopes in terms of climate difference

Yutaka Goto, York Ostermeyer, Karim Ghazi Wakili et al
Annual meeting of Alliance of Global Sustainability, 17-19 March 2010, Tokyo
Conference poster

Constraints to implementation of sustainability indicator systems in five Asian cities

Sabrina Krank, Holger Wallbaum, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey
Local Environment. Vol. 15 (8), p. 731-742
Journal article

Building stock modeling – a systematic approach to govern cities in a sustainable way

Niko Heeren, Holger Wallbaum, Martin Jakob
International Conference on Sustainability Science, 23.-25. June 2010, Rome, Italy
Paper in proceeding

Lebensdauerkosten von Schwellenmaterialien unter Einbezug ökologischer Aspekte

Silko Höppner, Ulrich Weidmann, Niko Heeren et al
Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau. Vol. 59 (9), p. 654-655
Magazine article

Überprüfung der Ziele der 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft mittels des Gebäudeparkmodells (GPM) Schweiz und der Stadt Zürich

Holger Wallbaum, Niko Heeren, Martin Jakob
Tagungsband 16. Statusseminar 2010 "Forschen und Bauen im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt", 2.-3. Sept. 2010, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Hoch oder quer? Ökologische Lebenszyklusanalyse eines Hochhauses im Vergleich zu einem Riegelgebäude

Viola John, Silvan Gut, Holger Wallbaum
Bauingenieur (8), p. 341-352
Journal article

Sustainability and property valuation: a risk-based approach

Erika Meins, Holger Wallbaum, Regina Hardziewski et al
Building Research and Information. Vol. 38 (3), p. 280-300
Journal article

Bauwirtschaftliche Megatrends – Wunsch und Wirklichkeit für den Holzbau

Holger Wallbaum
Tagungsband des 15. Internationalen Holzbau-Forum 2009, 2-4 December 2009, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Vol. IHF Prolog III
Paper in proceeding

The neglected dimension: Socio-cultural indicators in the assessment of sustainable development in megacities

Sabrina Krank, Holger Wallbaum
Proceedings of the 2008 World Sustainable Building Conference, 21-25 September 2008, Melbourne, Australia, p. 1315-1322
Paper in proceeding

Herausforderungen für die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft und das nachhaltige Bauen und Sanieren

Gerd Wegener, Holger Wallbaum, Kora Kristof
Zukunftsmärkte für das Bauen mit Holz, Kristof, K., Geibler, J. von, DRW-Verlag Weinbrenner, Leinefelden-Echterdingen, Deutschland, p. 11-13
Book chapter

Sustainability indicators for the built environment - the challenges ahead

Holger Wallbaum
Proceedings of the 2008 World Sustainable Building Conference, 21-25 September 2008, Melbourne, Australia. Vol. 2, p. 1292-1298
Paper in proceeding

The role of concrete in a sustainble built environment

Holger Wallbaum
33rd Conference on Our world in concrete & structures, 25-27 August 2008, Singapore. Vol. XXVII, p. 97-108
Paper in proceeding

Anforderungen und Strategien für ein nachhaltiges Immobilienmanagement

Holger Wallbaum
Tagungsband/Proceedings Facility Management Messe und Kongress, 6.-8. Mai 2008, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, p. 411-419
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable lans use: Approaches for an internal development of natural, semi-natural and urban landscapes

Holger Wallbaum, Samuel Kellenberger
Proceedings of the 2008 World Sustainable Building Conference, 21-25 September 2008, Melbourne, Australia. Vol. 2, p. 804-811
Paper in proceeding

Lokale Netzwerke zur energetischen Gebäudesanierung

Ralf Schüle, Holger Wallbaum, Lale Kücük et al
Ressourceneffizienz - Der neue Reichtum der Städte, Impulse für eine zukunftsfähige Kommune, Reutter, Oscar, oekom Verlag, München, Deutschland, p. 146-163
Book chapter

Ecoprofit: local learning for integrated environmental technologies

Holger Wallbaum
Corporate Governance of sustainability: a co-evolutionary view on resource management, Bleischwitz, Raimund, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK, p. 117-131
Book chapter

PIUS: production integrated environmental protection

Holger Wallbaum
Corporate Governance of sustainability: a co-evolutionary view on resource management, Bleischwitz, Raimund, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK, p. 132-143
Book chapter

Resource efficieny - The cinderella of the efficiency debate

Holger Wallbaum
Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB 07), 24-26 Sept. 2007, Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, p. 664-671
Paper in proceeding

Accounting for the social dimension of sustainability: experiences from the biotechnology industry

Justus von Geibler, Christa Liedtke, Holger Wallbaum et al
Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 15 (5), p. 334-346
Journal article

Sabento Model: Social Assessment of Biotechnological Production

Justus von Geibler, Holger Wallbaum, Christa Liedtke et al
Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility, Jan Jonker, Marco de Witte, p. 207-213
Book chapter

Wirtschaftlichkeit, Qualität und Ressourcenschutz in der Bauwirtschaft durch ganzheitliches Planen

Holger Wallbaum, Claudia Kaiser
Materialeffizienz. Potenziale bewerten, Innovationen fördern, Beschäftigung sichern, Liedtke, Christa, Busch, Timo, oekom Verlag, München, Deutschland, p. 161-173
Book chapter

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Showing 41 research projects


Cozie & Oura thermal comfort study

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
HSB Levande Lab Ekonomisk förening


EqualHouse - From Housing Inequality to Sustainable, Inclusive and Affordable Housing Solutions

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Emiline Elangovan Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
European Commission (EC)


FIWARE Driven Energy Communities for the Future

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


H+Forest: co-designing knowledge for a sustainable future

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


Impact hub for healthy & sustainable eating

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology


DigitalTwin4PEDs - Dialogue and Quality Assurance Support for PEDs by Digital Twin District Energy Models

Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Jessica Lundin Architectural theory and methods
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Elena Malakhatka Building Technology
Alex Arnoldo Gonzalez Caceres Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Research visit Professor Heba Allah Khalil

Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Heba Allah Essameldin Khalil Architectural theory and methods
Bri Gauger Architectural theory and methods
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence

2 publications exist

I-Greta HSB

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
HSB Göteborg

2 publications exist

Embedding advanced urban material stock methods within governance processes to enable circular economy and cities resilience

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

A Roadmap for a Sustainable Transformation of the Built Environment

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)


Förbättrad resurseffektivitet i plastens cirkulära värdekedja inom byggandet

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Arni Halldorsson Service Management and Logistics


Resource Efficiency and the Circular Economy: OPtimising Resource Use for Roadside Infrastructures (PROCEEDR)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Danish Road Directorate


Energy performance and occupant satisfaction in green-certified office buildings

Quan Jin Building Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology


Digital Twin for modelling future energy needs in the building stock of the city of Gothenburg: a tool for increased stakeholder collaboration, energy efficiency, and coordination of energy issues

Daniela Maiullari Architectural theory and methods
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Vasilis Naserentin Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Åsa Isacson Urban Design and Planning
Giliam Dokter Architectural theory and methods
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Göteborg Energi AB

7 publications exist

Stakeholder-specific environmental and economic optimization of buildings in early design stages

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Robin Teigland Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology

2 publications exist

I-GReta:Intelligenta FIWARE-baserade generiska energilagringstjänster för miljömedvetna kommuner och städer

David Steen Power grids and Components
Sofie Hagejärd Architectural theory and methods
Taz Lodder
Ulrike Rahe Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Giliam Dokter Architectural theory and methods
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Integrering av Livscykelsanalys i produktionsfasen av ett byggprojekt

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF)


Users’ impact on domestic energy consumption

Despoina Teli Building Services Engineering
Sarka Langer Building Services Engineering
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Quan Jin Building Technology


Occupant well-being and productivity in sustainable office buildings: A multidisciplinary study on the key factors of indoor environmental quality

Quan Jin Building Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology

8 publications exist

Regional Energy Demand Analysis Portal (REDAP)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Claudio Nägeli Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Integration of LCa in the planning, design and construction of residential buildings

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis


Integrering av LCA i planering, utformning och konstruktion av bostäder

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology


Furbish Sustainable Hospitals (FSH)

Ulrike Rahe Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Quan Jin Building Technology
Elke Miedema Architectural theory and methods
Swedish Energy Agency
Furbish AB
Swedish Industrial Design Foundation (SVID)



Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Building Technology
HSB Living Lab


UNICA-pilot – Autonomous non-intrusive condition assessment of infrastructure – towards automation, system thinking, and complete solution

Kamyab Zandi Structural Engineering
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Swedish Transport Administration


Next Generation Living Lab (NGLL)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Christian Marx Building Technology
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology

1 publication exists

Förenklad livscykelanalys för flerbostadshus och kontorsbyggnader i Sverige

Sjouke Beemsterboer Building Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry (SBUF)

2 publications exist

Inneklimat och energiprestanda i kontorsbyggnader - systemorienterad kunskapssyntes

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


Demonstration of an integrated Renovation approach for Energy Efficiency At the Multi building scale (DREEAM)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Jacqueline Plette Chalmers, Research support
Izabela Kurkowska Building Technology
Mohamad Kharseh Building Technology
Claudio Nägeli Building Technology
York Ostermeyer Building Technology
Silvia Caggiati Building Technology
European Commission (EC)

3 publications exist

dMFA - Analytical tool for supporting factor 10 at urban district level

Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology
Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Greg Morrison Water Environment Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology


Long Term Performance of Super-Insulating Materials in Buildings

Bijan Adl-Zarrabi Building Technology
Jun Kono Building Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Pär Johansson Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

9 publications exist

Transforming building energy and resource use on campus

Marina Papatriantafilou Networks and Systems (Chalmers)
Zack Norwood Building Technology
Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology


Climate-KIC Building Technologies Accelerator – Smart Sustainable Offices (SSO)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Antonio Cobaleda Cordero Product Development
Ulrike Rahe Design and Human Factors
Quan Jin Building Technology
Melina Forooraghi Building Technology
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

2 publications exist

Infrastructure Performance Viewer

Babak Ebrahimi Building Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA)

4 publications exist

Developing sustainable trajectories for urban building-stocks

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Erika Mata Las Heras Energy Technology
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Filip Johnsson Energy Technology
Magnus Österbring Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

8 publications exist

National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Integrated Sustainable Renovation (SIRen)

Paula Femenias Building Design
Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Pär Johansson Building Technology
Jan Bröchner Service Management and Logistics
Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods

28 publications exist

Renew school

Shea Hagy Building Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
European Commission (EC)


Life Cycle Management of wood in Switzerland: methods, tools and environmental decision support

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH)


Building Energy Efficiency for Massive Market UPtake (BEEM UP)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
York Ostermeyer Building Technology
European Commission (EC)


Climate KIC - Smart Urban Adapt - Helping Cities transition to a lower-carbon future

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
TEP Energy

There might be more projects where Holger Wallbaum participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.