Spatial exploration of the refurbishment dynamics of urban housing stocks
Paper in proceeding, 2015
Portfolio Management
Building stock modelling
Building stock dynamics
Liane Thuvander
Chalmers, Architecture
Magnus Österbring
Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Building Technology
Mikael Mangold
Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Water Environment Technology
Erika Mata Las Heras
Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Energy Technology
Holger Wallbaum
Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Building Technology
Filip Johnsson
Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Energy Technology
Proceedings of the Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management conference, CUPUM
Developing sustainable trajectories for urban building-stocks
Swedish Energy Agency (38896-1), 2014-07-01 -- 2017-12-31.
Areas of Advance
Building Futures (2010-2018)
Subject Categories
Civil Engineering