Blå energi – en strategisk innovationsagenda för marin energi
Report, 2013

Marine energy can meet global environmental and societal challenges by supplying renewable energy to the world’s coastal areas. Sweden has the opportunity to create a future export industry, creating jobs and driving sustainable development. The world’s oceans contain vast amounts of renewable energy that can be harnessed from its waves, tides and ocean currents – so called marine energy. If the great potential is fully ex- ploited, marine energy can help mitigate large amounts of carbon emissions, while improving the security of energy supply in many coastal regions. Many different technology concepts for harnessing marine energy are being developed around the world. Most are still undergoing basic concept development and small-scale testing, while others have reached full-scale demonstration deployments. Marine energy has large potential to become a competitive alternative to other energy sources. In its vision for 2050, the European Ocean Energy Association highlights the opportunity to meet 15 percent of the projected European electricity demand and create 300 000 jobs. They will exist in the countries that have the courage to invest in this emerging industry today, enabling domestic companies to become suppliers of products and services to the world market. Sweden has what it takes to become an exporter of turnkey power plants, sub-systems, components, services and knowledge. To succeed, investments that meet the industry’s challenges are required. In this innovation agenda, a broad group of stakeholders launch the Swedish industry vision “Swedish companies supply products and services that enable harnessing the full potential of marine energy”, highlight the need for public support and give recommendations to public actors responsible for promoting innovation and sustainable development.  RECOMMENDATIONS • Adopt a politically endorsed national strategy, describing national objectives and a road map. The strategy should be managed by a public agency and be developed during 2014, building on this innovation agenda. • Support a national collaboration platform, promoting the development of the Swed- ish marine energy industry. It should be established immediately and build on the ongoing Swedish collaboration initiative Ocean Energy Centre. • Support concept specific development and demonstration that benefit technologies in different development stages. It should be granted continuously and aligned with a na- tional strategy. • Support generic research and development, based on the industry’s short and long term needs. It should be granted continuously, aligned with








Johnn Andersson

Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Areas of Advance


Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Economics and Business

Energy Systems

Marine Engineering

Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering

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