Johnn Andersson

Showing 17 publications


How aligned are industry strategy and government policy for the decarbonization of energy-intensive process industries?

Teis Hansen, Johnn Andersson, Jørgen Finstad et al
Climate Policy. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Directionality in transformative policy missions: The case of reaching net zero emissions in the Swedish process industry

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 437
Journal article

On the functional and structural scope of technological innovation systems – A literature review with conceptual suggestions

Johnn Andersson, Kristina Hojcková, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 49
Review article

The outcomes of directionality: Towards a morphology of sociotechnical systems

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 40, p. 108-131
Journal article

Photovoltaics in Sweden – Success or failure?

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 143
Journal article

Shaping factors in the emergence of technological innovations: The case of tidal kite technology

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 132, p. 191-298
Journal article

The critical role of informed political direction for advancing technology: The case of Swedish marine energy

Johnn Andersson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Linus Hammar et al
Energy Policy. Vol. 101, p. 52-64
Journal article

The importance of political direction: An analysis of the Swedish marine energy innovation system

Johnn Andersson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Linus Hammar
International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2015
Paper in proceeding

Marin energi kan bli en stor svensk exportvara

Johnn Andersson, Anders Jansson, Björn Bolund et al
Magazine article

Det räcker inte att forska om energi

Staffan Jacobsson, Ola Carlson, Johnn Andersson et al
Ny Teknik (10 December)
Magazine article

Trångsynt och nationalistiskt om solkraften

Johnn Andersson
Magazine article

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Showing 1 research projects


National challenges for industrialising energy technology in global innovation systems

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Johnn Andersson Environmental Systems Analysis
Mats Lundqvist Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist
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