Effective rate analysis of MISO η-μ Fading channels
Paper in proceeding, 2013

In this paper, we analytically investigate the achievable rate of multiple-input single-output (MISO) channels in the presence of delay constraints. In particular, we focus on the so-called effective rate which was recently established as a suitable metric for assessing the impact of delay constraints on the overall performance of communication systems. Yet, most prior relevant works have considered only the typical cases of Rayleigh, Rician and Nakagami-m fading which allow for tractable manipulations. In this paper, we relax this assumption by considering MISO systems over η-μ fading channels. The η-μ distribution has been shown to provide very good fit to experimental data in various propagation environments. New, analytical expressions for the exact effective rate are derived. Moreover, we consider the asymptotically high and low signal-to-noise (SNR) regimes, for which tractable, closed-form effective rate expressions are presented. These results enable us to explicitly investigate the impact of system parameters on the effective rate of MISO η-μ fading channels.


J. Zhang

Beijing Jiaotong University

Michail Matthaiou

Chalmers, Signals and Systems, Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering

Z. H. Tan

Beijing Jiaotong University

H. Wang

Beijing Jiaotong University

IEEE International Conference on Communications

15503607 (ISSN)

9781467331227 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Signal Processing





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