Michail Matthaiou
Showing 103 publications
IQ Imbalance in Multiuser Systems: Channel Estimation and Compensation
Massive MIMO with IQ Imbalance: Performance analysis and compensation
Performance of downlink massive MIMO in ricean fading channels with ZF precoder
Effect of channel aging on the sum rate of uplink massive MIMO systems
The K - μ / inverse gamma fading model
Beam division multiple access for massive MIMO downlink transmission
RF energy harvesting two-way cognitive DF relaying with transceiver impairments
Space-Constrained Massive MIMO: Hitting the Wall of Favorable Propagation
Hybrid Millimeter-Wave Systems: A Novel Paradigm for HetNets
Impact of Residual Transmit RF Impairments on Training-Based MIMO Systems
Correction to "massive MIMO with Optimal Power and Training Duration Allocation"
Beam Division Multiple Access Transmission for Massive MIMO Communications
Cell coverage optimization for the multicell massive MIMO uplink
The η - μ / inverse gamma composite fading model
Achievable sum-rate of multiuser massive MIMO downlink in ricean fading channels
Beamforming and interference cancellation schemes for D2D communications
Massive MIMO with Non-Ideal Arbitrary Arrays: Hardware Scaling Laws and Circuit-Aware Design
Circuit-aware design of energy-efficient massive MIMO systems
I/Q Imbalance in AF Dual-Hop Relaying: Performance Analysis in Nakagami-m Fading
Power Scaling of Uplink Massive MIMO Systems With Arbitrary-Rank Channel Means
I/Q Imbalance in Two-Way AF Relaying
Multiuser dual-hop relaying over mixed RF/FSO links
On the MIMO Capacity with Residual Transceiver Hardware Impairments
Impact of Residual Transmit RF Impairments on Training-Based MIMO Systems
Energy efficiency optimization in hardware-constrained large-scale MIMO systems
Multipair Full-Duplex Relaying With Massive Arrays and Linear Processing
Massive MIMO with optimal power and training duration allocation
Massive MIMO in Sparse Channels
Multipair massive MIMO full-duplex relaying with MRC/MRT processing
Improving Bandwidth Efficiency in E-band Communication Systems
Multiuser Relaying over Mixed RF/FSO Links
I/Q Imbalance in Two-Way AF Relaying: Power Allocation and Performance Analysis
I/Q Imbalance in Two-Way AF Relaying: Performance Analysis and Detection Mode Switch
Massive MIMO systems with hardware-constrained base stations
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Rank-1 Ricean Fading MIMO Channel
Uplink Performance Analysis of Multicell MU-SIMO Systems With ZF Receivers
Two-way interference-limited AF relaying over Nakagami-m fading channels
Two-Way AF Relaying in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference
Two-Way Interference-Limited AF Relaying With Selection-Combining
Two-Way Relaying Under the Presence of Relay Transceiver Hardware Impairments
Multi-relay MIMO Systems With OSTBC Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels
Power scaling of massive MIMO systems with arbitrary-rank channel means and imperfect CSI
On the performance of multi-antenna AF relaying systems over Nakagami-m fading channels
Cognitive cooperative networks in dual-hop asymmetric fading channels
A New Look at Dual-Hop Relaying: Performance Limits with Hardware Impairments
Gallager's Exponent Analysis of STBC MIMO Systems over eta-mu and kappa-mu Fading Channels
Large-Scale Multiple Antenna Wireless Systems
Gallager's error exponent analysis of STBC systems over η-μ Fading channels
On the impact of transceiver impairments on af relaying
Sum Rate Analysis of ZF Receivers in Distributed MIMO Systems
Precoder Design for Multiuser MISO Systems Exploiting Statistical and Outdated CSIT
Effective rate analysis of MISO η-μ Fading channels
Performance analysis of large scale MU-MIMO with optimal linear receivers
Analytic Framework for the Effective Rate of MISO Fading Channels
Impact of base station antenna tilt on the performance of network MIMO systems
Bayesian Approach to Channel Estimation for AF MIMO Relaying Systems
Capacity Bounds for AF Dual-hop Relaying in G Fading Channels
Low-SNR Analysis of MIMO Weibull Fading Channels
Performance Analysis of Digital Communication Systems Over Composite eta-mu/Gamma Fading Channels
Performance analysis of distributed MIMO systems in Rayleigh/Inverse- Gaussian fading channels
Sum rate analysis of ZF receivers in distributed MIMO systems with Rayleigh/Lognormal fading
On the Sum Rate of MIMO Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Linear Receivers
Exploiting statistical and outdated CSI in multiuser downlink transmission
Effective rate analysis of MISO Rician fading channels
On the sum rate of MIMO Nakagami-m fading channels with MMSE receivers
Inverse Gaussian Modeling of Turbulence-Induced Fading in Free-Space Optical Systems
Bayesian Channel Estimation Techniques for AF MIMO Relaying Systems
A new lower bound on the ergodic capacity of distributed MIMO systems
Coordinated user scheduling in the multi-cell MIMO downlink
Two Novel Upper Bounds on the Sum Rate of MIMO ZF Receivers
Performance analysis of space-time block codes over generalized-K fading MIMO channels
Capacity analysis of multibeam joint decoding over composite satellite channels
On the sum rate of ZF detectors in correlated K fading MIMO channels
Diversity combining in hybrid RF/FSO systems with PSK modulation
ZF detectors over correlated K MIMO channels
Novel Generic Bounds on the Sum Rate of MIMO ZF Receivers
Eigenbeam transmission over line-of-sight MIMO channels for fixed microwave links
Generic Ergodic Capacity Bounds for Fixed-Gain AF Dual-Hop Relaying Systems
Optimized “better than” raised-cosine pulse for reduced ICI in OFDM systems
On the capacity of generalized-K fading MIMO channels
A simple statistical model for turbulence-induced fading in free-space optical systems
New results on turbulence modelling for free-space optical systems
Exact expressions for the condition number distribution of complex Wishart matrices
Mutual information statistics and beamforming performance analysis of optimized LoS MIMO systems
Analytic framework for the mutual information cumulants of different MIMO channels
Mutual information statistics of optimized LoS MIMO systems
On the condition number distribution of complex Wishart matrices
Maximizing LoS MIMO capacity using reconfigurable antenna arrays
Sparse multipath MIMO channels: Performance implications based on measurement data
On analytical derivations of the condition number distributions of dual non-central Wishart matrices
Parametric construction of improved Nyquist filters based on inner and outer functions
Detailed characterisation of an indoor MIMO channel in the double directional spatial domain
Modeling for vehicle to vehicle applications
Capacity study of vehicle-to-roadside MIMO channels with a line-of-sight component
Two-parameter Nyquist pulses with better performance
A MIMO channel model based on the Nakagami-faded spatial eigenmodes
Dual frequency MIMO measurements in the 2.26-2.5 GHz band
Reduced complexity detection for Ricean MIMO channels based on condition number thresholding
Rejection method for generating Nakagami-m independent deviates
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