Navigating the maze of teaching and learning for sustainable development in engineering education – “Perspective shift” in relation to other key competences
Other conference contribution, 2012

Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD) is challenging for both educators and students, partly due to the inherent complexity of the subject and the competences required to work for a sustainable development. Many EESD competences are today ill-defined and their mutual relationships and hierarchies are often unclear. As educators try to develop adequate learning sequences, and teaching and learning strategies, they wonder where to start, where to aim, and which route to take. The aim of this paper is to shed light on a specific part of the maze which EESD competences compose. We report on research which aims at creating a conceptual model of one key competence in EESD, the ability to shift perspectives. Based on the findings from two different studies, we discuss how this ability interacts, overlaps, or competes with other EESD competences. It is our hope that this work will serve as a basis for future research into the character of, and interrelatedness of, EESD competences. Our long-term ambition is to create a comprehensive “map” which can guide educators and students in the field of engineering through the maze of teaching and learning for a sustainable future.

Interrelatedness of ESD Competences

Perspective shift

Engineering Education for Sustainable Development


Johanna Lönngren

Chalmers, Applied Information Technology (Chalmers), Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)

Magdalena Svanström

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemical Environmental Science

Proceedings to IOSTE XV International Symposium - Science & Technology Education for Development, Citizenship and Social Justice, Tunisia, La Medine, Oct 28-Nov3, 2012

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)


Learning and teaching

Pedagogical work

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