Experimental-Analytical Dynamic Substructuring of Ampair Testbed: A State-Space Approach
Paper in proceeding, 2014

The Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Substructuring Focus Group has initiated a research project in experimental dynamic substructuring using the Ampair 600W wind turbine as a testbed. In this paper, experimental as well as analytical models of the blades of said wind turbine are coupled to analytical models of its brackets. The focus is on a state-space based substructuring method designed specifically for experimental-analytical dynamic substructuring. It is shown a) theoretically that the state-space method gives equivalent results to the second order methods under certain conditions, b) that the state-space method numerically produces results equivalent to those of a well-known frequency-based substructuring technique when the same experimental models are used for the two methods and c) that the state-space synthesis procedure can be translated to the general framework given by De Klerk et al.

wind turbines

automatic system identification

vibration testing


modal analysis

frequency based substructuring

experimental-analytical dynamic


component mode synthesis


Mladen Gibanica


Anders Johansson


Anders Liljerehn


Per Sjövall

FS Dynamics Sweden AB

Thomas Abrahamsson


Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

21915644 (ISSN) 21915652 (eISSN)

Vol. 1 1-14
978-3-319-04501-6 (ISBN)

, USA,

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Mechanical Engineering



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