Anders Johansson
Showing 30 publications
Sequential gauss-newton MCMC algorithm for high-dimensional bayesian model updating
Stochastic finite element model calibration based on frequency responses and bootstrap sampling
Stochastic Finite Element Model Updating by Bootstrapping
State-Space Substructuring with Transmission Simulator
A comparison of the dynamic behavior of three sets of the ampair 600 wind turbine
A method for improving test rig performance using passive components
Towards an Automatic Modal Parameter Estimation Framework: Mode Clustering
Experimental analysis of stresses in curved sandwich structures
Effects of Interface Loading in Dynamic Substructuring
Experimental analysis of stresses in sandwich structures due to the brazier effect
Experimental-Analytical Dynamic Substructuring of Ampair Testbed: A State-Space Approach
Model calibration and uncertainty of A600 wind turbine blades
Modeling and Calibration of Small-scale Wind Turbine Blade
Spread in Modal Data Obtained From Wind Turbine Blade Testing
Manifold Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm for high-dimensional Bayesian FE
Experimental-Analytical Dynamic Substructuring
Improving test rig performance using passive components
An experimental approach to improve controllability in test rigs using passive components
Improving the TWR algorithm using passive control components
Selecting Appropriate Analytical Mode Basis for SEREP-expansion of Experimental Modes
Dynamic substructuring in metal cutting machine chatter
Ökad Styrbarhet i Komponentprovning genom Strukturmodifikationer
Increased Controllability in Component Testing using Structural Modifications
Jämförande studie av felmått för modelluppdatering
Comparison of Several Error Metrics for FE Model Updating
Out-of-Round Railway Wheels - a Literature Survey
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Showing 1 research projects