CFD prediction of the effect of appendages and leeway on the force trend of an Olympic class Laser dinghy hull
Paper in proceeding, 2014
Verification & Validation
tow tank testing
Rickard Lindstrand Levin
Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design
Jeremy Peter
Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design
Christian Finnsgård
SSPA Sweden AB
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Logistics & Transportation
2nd Interational Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, icSports 2014, Rome, Italy 24-26 October, editedt by Cabri, J., Correia, P., P., Barreiros, J.
Vol. 2014 190-202
978-989-758-057-4 (ISBN)
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Sport and Fitness Sciences
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
Areas of Advance
Materials Science