CFD prediction of the effect of appendages and leeway on the force trend of an Olympic class Laser dinghy hull
Paper in proceeding, 2014

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the minima in hydrodynamic resistance can be predicted to occur at the same angles of heel and trim in the case of bare hull towing tank tests, bare hull simulations and appendage and leeway simulations. If so, the appendages and the leeway can be rejected from future investigations, which would prove a beneficial advancement, as they impose further complexity to simulations. The results of verification and validation (V&V) included in this paper demonstrate that the numerical method predicted too low resistance. Though the study identifies and systematically investigates possible sources of error, the major source of error was not found. These various possible sources of errors were identified for further research, and as future references for similar cases. Moreover, the simulation results for the variations of heel and trim also require further study. Before a full set of results is available, one cannot make conclusions regarding the angles of heel and trim that lead to minimal resistance. This paper discusses the results and potential avenues of future research, and is a result of an initiative at Chalmers University of Technology focusing on sports and technology.


Verification & Validation


tow tank testing


Rickard Lindstrand Levin

Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design

Jeremy Peter

Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design

Christian Finnsgård

SSPA Sweden AB

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Logistics & Transportation

2nd Interational Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, icSports 2014, Rome, Italy 24-26 October, editedt by Cabri, J., Correia, P., P., Barreiros, J.

Vol. 2014 190-202
978-989-758-057-4 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Sport and Fitness Sciences

Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics

Areas of Advance

Materials Science



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