Anisotropy of Room Temperature Ductility in Haynes 282 Forgings
Paper in proceeding, 2014

Haynes 282 is relatively new nickel base superalloy, offering excellent mechanical properties and attracting interest from the gas turbine and aerospace industry. One of the criteria for meeting specification requirement is the room temperature ductility.Forgings of Haynes 282 show large anisotropy in ductility, varying from approximately 25% in longitudinal transverse (LT) to 12% in the short transverse(ST) direction. In this paper LT and ST specimens from forgings were tested for its room temperature ductility.Fractographic and metallographic analysis show the presence of MC and Mc6C carbide banding. Failure in both ST and LT direction was ductile with intergranular fracture, but in the ST direction the failure was preferentially due to cracking of carbides. The orientation of carbides in preferred direction and their excessive segregation affecting ductility in ST is discussed in this work.

Tensile ductility




Ceena Joseph

Chalmers, Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Materials Technology

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Materials Microstructure

Christer Persson

Chalmers, Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Materials Technology

Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 and Derivatives

978-1-119-01680-9 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Materials Engineering

Other Materials Engineering

Metallurgy and Metallic Materials

Areas of Advance

Materials Science





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